(*****************************************************************************) (*> <*) (*> WFCMENU .PAS - Written by Eric Oman <*) (*> <*) (*> Waiting For Caller menu. Allows SysOp to use SysOp functions, see <*) (*> various status reports, and log on locally. <*) (*> <*) (*****************************************************************************) {$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit wfcmenu; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} initp, sysop1, sysop2, sysop3, sysop4, sysop5, sysop6, sysop7, sysop8, sysop9, sysop10, sysop11, mail0, mail1, mail2, mail3, mail4, mail5, mail6, mail9, file0, file1, file2, file4, file5, file6, file7, file8, file9, file10, file11, file12, archive1, archive2, {logon1, logon2,} misc1, misc2, misc3, miscX, cuser, doors, {miniterm,} tmpcom, mmodem, menus2, msgpack, {window2,} myio, common, logon1, logon2, newusers; procedure wfcmdefine; procedure hangupphone; procedure wfcmenus(wanthangup:boolean); implementation var lactive:real; blankmenunow:boolean; lastkeypress:datetimerec; procedure wfcmdefine; var macrf:file of macrorec; i:integer; begin etoday:=0; ptoday:=0; ftoday:=0; chatt:=0; shutupchatcall:=FALSE; flistverb:=TRUE; contlist:=FALSE; badfpath:=FALSE; cwindowon:=FALSE; telluserevent:=0; fastlogon:=FALSE; fileboard:=1; board:=1; readuboard:=-1; readboard:=-1; inwfcmenu:=TRUE; lmsg:=FALSE; wantfilename:=FALSE; nopfile:=FALSE; doitt:=FALSE; enddayf:=FALSE; { close(sysopf); append(sysopf);} reading_a_msg:=FALSE; mailread:=FALSE; smread:=FALSE; checkit:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; useron:=FALSE; ll:=''; chatr:=''; buf:=''; hangup:=FALSE; usernum:=1; chatcall:=FALSE; hungup:=FALSE; textbackground(0); clrscr; pap:=0; lactive:=timer; reset(uf); if (filesize(uf)>1) then begin seek(uf,1); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); newcomptables; usernum:=1; readinmacros; readinzscan; end else begin close(uf); with thisuser do begin linelen:=80; pagelen:=25; ac:=[onekey,pause,novice,ansi,color]; ac:=ac-[avatar]; end; end; end; procedure getcallera(var c:char; var chkcom:boolean); var rl,rl1:real; s:astr; procedure getresultcode(rs:astr); var i,j:integer; begin with systat do for i:=1 to 2 do begin spdarq:=(i=2); for j:=0 to 4 do if (modemr.resultcode[i][j]<>0) and (value(rs)=modemr.resultcode[i][j]) then begin case j of 0:spd:='300'; 1:spd:='1200'; 2:spd:='2400'; 3:spd:='4800'; 4:begin if (not spdarq) then spd:='9600' else spd:=cstrl(modemr.arq9600rate); end; end; chkcom:=TRUE; exit; end; end; end; procedure wmb(s:astr); begin textcolor(14); write(s[1]); textcolor(12); write(copy(s,2,length(s)-1)); end; begin if (chkcom) then begin if (recom1(c)) then ; cwr(1); cwr(2); wr(2,c); if (c='2') then begin chkcom:=TRUE; rl:=timer; while (c<>#13) and (abs(rl-timer)<0.2) do begin c:=ccinkey1; wr(2,c); end; end; if (chkcom) then begin if (not returna) then begin com_flush_rx; if (answerbaud=0) then outmodemstring(modemr.answer); end; if (sysopon) then cursoron(TRUE); gotoxy(1,24); tc(12); clreol; write(' Answering phone...'); if (sysopon) then begin write(' Force- '); wmb('300 '); wmb('1200 '); wmb('2400 '); wmb('4800 '); wmb('9600 '); wmb('A19200 '); wmb('B38400 '); wmb('Hang up'); end; gotoxy(1,24); tc(3); delay(50); com_flush_rx; rl1:=timer; s:=''; rl:=0.0; repeat chkcom:=FALSE; if (answerbaud>2) then begin spd:=cstr(answerbaud); chkcom:=TRUE; answerbaud:=0; end; if (keypressed) then begin c:=upcase(readkey); if (c='H') then begin cwr(1); wr(1,'A'); chkcom:=TRUE; pr('A'); delay(200); com_flush_rx; end; case c of '3':spd:='300'; '1':spd:='1200'; '2':spd:='2400'; '4':spd:='4800'; '9':spd:='9600'; 'A':spd:='19200'; 'B':spd:='38400'; end; chkcom:=TRUE; end; c:=ccinkey1; if (rl<>0.0) and (abs(rl-timer)>2.0) and (c=#0) then c:=#13; if (c<#32) and (c<>#13) then c:=#0; if c<>#0 then if c<>#13 then begin cwr(2); s:=s+c; wrs(2,s); rl:=timer; end else begin if (s=cstr(modemr.nocarrier)) then chkcom:=TRUE; getresultcode(s); rl:=0.0; end; if (c=#13) then s:=''; if (abs(timer-rl1)>45.0) then chkcom:=TRUE; until chkcom; if (abs(timer-rl1)>45.0) then begin c:='X'; lmsg:=TRUE; end; clrscr; end; if (spd<>'KB') then incom:=TRUE; end; end; procedure wfcmenu1; var wfcimagef:file of windowrec; wfcwindow,wfcwindow0:windowrec; dfr,fdt1,fdt2:longint; h,i,j:integer; ww,regenerated:boolean; procedure tcenter(i:astr); var p,x,y:integer; begin p:=40-(length(i) div 2); x:=wherex; y:=wherey; x:=p; gotoxy(x,y); writeln(i); end; procedure logo(i:integer); begin tc(11); gotoxy(20,1+i); write('ÛßßÛ Ûßßß ßÛß Ûßßß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ÛßßÛ ÛßßÜ'); tc(9); gotoxy(20,2+i); write('Û Ûßß Û Ûßß Û ßÛ ÛßßÛ ÛßÛß Û Û'); tc(1); gotoxy(20,3+i); write('ÛÜ ÛÜÜÜ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜ ÛÜÜÛ Û Û Û Û ÛÜÜß'); gotoxy(1,4+i); clreol; end; procedure logoco(c:integer); begin if c<>2 then tc(9) else tc(11); if c<>1 then textbackground(0) else textbackground(1); end; procedure showlogo(anim:boolean); var i:integer; begin gotoxy(1,1); logoco(0); write(' ÄÄÄÄÄ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(2); write('Ûß'); gotoxy(1,2); logoco(0); write('ÄÄÄÄ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(2); write('Ý '); gotoxy(1,3); logoco(0); write(' ÄÄÄÄÄ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(2); write('ÛÜ'); gotoxy(62,1); logoco(2); write('ßÛ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(0); write('ÄÄÄÄÄ'); gotoxy(62,2); logoco(2); write(' Þ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(0); write('ÄÄÄÄ'); gotoxy(62,3); logoco(2); write('ÜÛ'); logoco(1); write('ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ'); logoco(0); write('ÄÄÄÄÄ '); if (anim) then for i:=22 downto 0 do logo(i) else logo(0); gotoxy(1,4); tc(14); tcenter(verline(1)); tc(11); tcenter(verline(2)); end; procedure dot(x,y:integer); begin gotoxy(x,y); write('þ'); end; function datene(fn,dn:astr):boolean; var f:file; begin datene:=TRUE; if (exist(systat.afilepath+fn)) then fn:=systat.afilepath+fn else if (exist(systat.gfilepath+fn)) then fn:=systat.gfilepath+fn else exit; assign(f,fn); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then exit; getftime(f,fdt1); close(f); assign(f,dn); {$I-} reset(f); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then exit; getftime(f,fdt2); close(f); datene:=(fdt1<>fdt2); end; begin window(1,1,80,25); cursoron(FALSE); clrscr; if (not blankmenunow) then begin ww:=wantout; wantout:=TRUE; if (datene('sysfunc.ans',systat.gfilepath+'sysfunc.dat')) then begin clrscr; printf('sysfunc.ans'); if (nofile) then writeln('NONE AVAILABLE --- SYSFUNC.ANS NOT FOUND'); savescreen(wfcwindow,1,1,80,25); assign(wfcimagef,systat.gfilepath+'sysfunc.dat'); rewrite(wfcimagef); write(wfcimagef,wfcwindow); setftime(wfcimagef,fdt1); close(wfcimagef); clrscr; end; if ((sysopon) and (systat.usewfclogo)) then showlogo(systat.specialfx); regenerated:=FALSE; if (not sysopon) then if (not datene('wfcmenu0.ans',systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu0.dat')) then begin assign(wfcimagef,systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu0.dat'); reset(wfcimagef); {$I-} read(wfcimagef,wfcwindow); {$I+} close(wfcimagef); end else begin printf('wfcmenu0.ans'); if (nofile) then begin gotoxy(1,15); writeln('NONE AVAILABLE --- WFCMENU0.ANS NOT FOUND'); end; savescreen(wfcwindow,1,1,80,25); assign(wfcimagef,systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu0.dat'); rewrite(wfcimagef); write(wfcimagef,wfcwindow); setftime(wfcimagef,fdt1); close(wfcimagef); regenerated:=TRUE; end else if (not datene('wfcmenu.ans',systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu.dat')) then begin assign(wfcimagef,systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu.dat'); reset(wfcimagef); {$I-} read(wfcimagef,wfcwindow); {$I+} close(wfcimagef); end else begin printf('wfcmenu.ans'); if (nofile) then begin gotoxy(1,15); writeln('NONE AVAILABLE --- WFCMENU.ANS NOT FOUND'); end; if (systat.usewfclogo) then savescreen(wfcwindow,1,6,80,25) else savescreen(wfcwindow,1,1,80,25); assign(wfcimagef,systat.gfilepath+'wfcmenu.dat'); rewrite(wfcimagef); write(wfcimagef,wfcwindow); setftime(wfcimagef,fdt1); close(wfcimagef); regenerated:=TRUE; end; removewindow(wfcwindow); if ((regenerated) and (systat.usewfclogo) and (sysopon)) then showlogo(FALSE); gotoxy(1,20); wantout:=ww; if (sysopon) then begin with systat.todayzlog do begin tc(3); gotoxy(35,20); write(cstr(downloads)+'-'+cstr(dk)+'k'); gotoxy(35,21); write(cstr(uploads)+'-'+cstr(uk)+'k'); gotoxy(59,20); write(active/14.4:1:1,'% ('+cstr(calls)+' calls)'); gotoxy(59,21); dfr:=freek(0); if (dfr1) then begin s:=0; d:=0; while (s-1) then if (s=d) then inc(d) else begin seek(smf,d); write(smf,x); inc(d); end; inc(s); end; seek(smf,d); truncate(smf); end; close(smf); end; end; end; procedure wfcmenus(wanthangup:boolean); var u:userrec; x:smr; lcallf:file of lcallers; lcall:lcallers; dt,ddt:datetimerec; ltime,s,wfcmessage,lcaller:astr; rr,rl,rl1,rl2,lastinit:real; duh,duh2,txt,txt1,txt2,i,j,k,sk,rcode:integer; c,c1:char; nogoodcmd,wfcm,phoneoffhook,chkcom,tdoneafternext,oldphoneoffhook:boolean; sysopfo:boolean; procedure i1; var s:astr; rl,rl1:real; try:integer; c,isc:char; done:boolean; begin if ((modemr.init<>'') and (answerbaud=0) and (not localioonly)) then begin gotoxy(1,24); tc(12); clreol; write('Initializing modem...'); if (not keypressed) then begin c:=#0; s:=''; done:=FALSE; try:=0; rl:=timer; while (keypressed) do c:=readkey; repeat cwr(1); cwr(2); com_set_speed(modemr.waitbaud); outmodemstring1(modemr.init); com_flush_rx; rl1:=timer; repeat if (recom1(c)) then begin if (c in ['0',^M]) then done:=TRUE; if (c in [#32..#255]) then wr(2,c); end; until ((abs(timer-rl1)>2.5) or (done)) or (keypressed); if (done) then delay(100); inc(try); if (try>10) then done:=TRUE; until ((done) or (keypressed)); end; while (keypressed) do begin isc:=readkey; writeln(ord(isc)); end; delay(100); com_flush_rx; rl1:=timer; repeat c:=ccinkey1 until (abs(timer-rl1)>0.1); tc(11); gotoxy(1,24); clreol; gotoxy(1,25); clreol; end; phoneoffhook:=FALSE; wfcmessage:=''; lastinit:=timer; while (keypressed) do c:=readkey; com_flush_rx; end; procedure update_logo(txt:integer); var lin:integer; gr:string[12]; c1,c2,c3:integer; begin if (txt and 1<>1) then begin txt2:=txt2 mod 7+1; c1:=txt2; c2:=txt2 mod 7+1; c3:=c2 mod 7+1; gotoxy(19,1); tc(8+c1); write(' ÛßÛßÛ Ûßßß ßÛß Ûßßß Ûßßß ÛßßÛ ÛßßÛ ÛßßÜ '); gotoxy(19,2); tc(8+c2); write(' Û Ûßß Û Ûßß Û ßÛ ÛßßÛ ÛßÛß Û Û '); gotoxy(19,3); tc(8+c3); write(' ÜÛÜ ÛÜÜÜ ÛÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜ ÛÜÜÛ Û Û Û Û ÛÜÜß '); end; end; function cpw:boolean; var i:astr; begin if (not sysopon) then begin tc(8); write('Sysop PW? '); tc(1); echo:=FALSE; input(i,20); echo:=TRUE; clrscr; cpw:=(i=systat.sysoppw); end else cpw:=TRUE; end; procedure takeoffhook; begin if (not localioonly) then begin dophoneoffhook(TRUE); phoneoffhook:=TRUE; wfcmessage:='Phone off hook'; end; end; procedure beephim; var rl,rl1:real; ch:char; begin takeoffhook; beepend:=FALSE; rl:=timer; repeat sound(1500); delay(20); sound(1000); delay(20); sound(800); delay(20); nosound; rl1:=timer; while (abs(rl1-timer)<0.9) and (not keypressed) do; until (abs(rl-timer)>30.0) or (keypressed); if keypressed then ch:=readkey; i1; end; procedure packallbases; var b:boolean; begin clrscr; b:=(pause in thisuser.ac); thisuser.ac:=thisuser.ac-[pause]; doshowpackbases; if (b) then thisuser.ac:=thisuser.ac+[pause]; clrscr; wfcm:=FALSE; sysoplog('Packed the message bases'); end; procedure chkevents; var i,rcode:integer; begin if (checkevents(0)<>0) then for i:=0 to numevents do begin if (checkpreeventtime(i,0)) then if (not phoneoffhook) then begin takeoffhook; wfcmessage:='Phone off hook in preparation for event at '+ copy(ctim(events[i]^.exectime),4,5)+':00'; end; if (checkeventtime(i,0)) then with events[i]^ do begin i1; if (busyduring) then takeoffhook; clrscr; write('<<< '+copy(ctim(exectime),4,5)+':00 >>> - Event: '); writeln('"'+description+'"'); sl1(''); sl1('[> Ran Event "'+description+'" on '+date+' '+time); case etype of 'D':begin sysopfo:=(textrec(sysopf).mode<>fmclosed); if (sysopfo) then close(sysopf); cursoron(TRUE); shelldos(FALSE,execdata,rcode); cursoron(FALSE); if (sysopfo) then append(sysopf); sl1('[> Returned from "'+description+'" on '+date+' '+time); clrscr; delay(1000); outmodemstring1(modemr.hangup); delay(300); i1; wfcm:=FALSE; end; 'E':begin cursoron(TRUE); doneday:=TRUE; elevel:=value(execdata); end; 'P':begin packallbases; i1; end; end; end; end; end; procedure closemenu; begin if (systat.localscreensec) then wantout:=FALSE; sysopon:=FALSE; sk:=0; wfcm:=FALSE; end; procedure showstats; var dfree:array[1..26] of longint; s:astr; i,ll,x,y:longint; abort,next:boolean; procedure wl(s1,s2:astr); begin printacr(#3#3+mln(s1,20)+':'+#3#5+s2,abort,next); end; begin for i:=1 to 26 do dfree[i]:=-1; reset(ulf); seek(ulf,0); for i:=0 to filesize(ulf)-1 do begin read(ulf,memuboard); x:=exdrv(memuboard.dlpath); dfree[x]:=1; end; close(ulf); x:=0; for i:=3 to 26 do if (dfree[i]<>-1) then inc(x); if (x<>0) then for i:=1 to 2 do dfree[i]:=-1; for i:=1 to 26 do if (dfree[i]=1) then dfree[i]:=freek(i); abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; with systat do begin wl('System is',aonoff(closedsystem, 'Rejecting new users','Accepting new users')); wl('Shuttle Logon is',aonoff(shuttlelog,'Active','Inactive')); s:=''; if (localsec) then s:='Local security'; if (localscreensec) then if (s='') then s:='Local screen security' else s:=s+' + Screen security'; if (s='') then s:='None'; wl('Security features',s); wl('Global trapping',aonoff(globaltrap,#3#0+'*ON*','Off')); wl('Number of callers',cstr(callernum)); wl('Number of users',cstr(numusers-1)); wl('Active today',sqoutsp(ctp(todayzlog.active,1440))+' ('+cstr(todayzlog.calls)+' calls)'); s:=''; if (todayzlog.pubpost<>0) then begin s:=cstr(todayzlog.pubpost)+' public post'; if (todayzlog.pubpost<>1) then s:=s+'s'; end; if (todayzlog.privpost<>0) then begin if (s<>'') then s:=s+', '; s:=s+cstr(todayzlog.privpost)+' private mail'; end; if (todayzlog.fback<>0) then begin if (s<>'') then s:=s+', '; s:=s+cstr(todayzlog.fback)+' feedback'; end; wl('Mail activity',s); wl('New users today',cstr(todayzlog.newusers)); wl('SysOp is',aonoff(sysop,'Available','Not here')); wl('Space req. for ULs',cstr(minspaceforupload)+'k'); wl('Space req. for posts',cstr(minspaceforpost)+'k'); for i:=1 to 26 do if (dfree[i]<>-1) then begin x:=dfree[i]; y:=disksize(i); y:=y div 1024; s:=cstrl(x)+'k of '+cstrl(y)+'k'; if (xldate) then if (daynum(date)-ldate)=1 then inc(ldate) else begin clrscr; star('Date corrupted.'); halt(1); end; randomize; incom:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; trm:=FALSE; fastlogon:=FALSE; hangup:=FALSE; hungup:=FALSE; irt:=''; lastname:=''; macok:=TRUE; cfo:=FALSE; spd:='KB'; c:=#0; chkcom:=FALSE; freetime:=0.0; extratime:=0.0; choptime:=0.0; sdc; bread:=0; lil:=0; cursoron(FALSE); textbackground(0); if ((systat.specialfx) and (not blankmenunow) and (sysopon) and (systat.usewfclogo)) then begin inc(duh); if (duh=30) then begin duh:=0; inc(txt); if (txt>5) then txt:=0; update_logo(txt); end; end; tc(3); if ((not blankmenunow) and (systat.wfcblanktime>0)) then begin getdatetime(dt); timediff(ddt,lastkeypress,dt); if (ddt.min>=systat.wfcblanktime) then begin blankmenunow:=TRUE; clrscr; end; end; if (ltime<>time) then begin ltime:=time; inc(sk); if (timer-lastinit>modemr.nocallinittime*60) then begin lastinit:=timer; if (not phoneoffhook) then i1; end; end; rr:=timer; if (rr-lactive<0.0) then rr:=rr+(24.0*60*60); rr:=rr-lactive; if (sysopon) then begin if (not blankmenunow) then begin gotoxy(10,20); write(date+' '+time); end; if (doneafternext) then begin tc(30); write('*D*'); tc(3); end else write(' '); if (not blankmenunow) then begin gotoxy(10,21); if (nomail in thisuser.ac) then begin tc(28); write('Box closed!!'); tc(3); end else if (thisuser.waiting=0) then write('None') else begin tc(10); write(cstr(thisuser.waiting)+' letter'); if (thisuser.waiting>1) then write('s'); tc(3); end; gotoxy(16,22); write(ctim(rr)+' ago.'); gotoxy(43,22); write(lcaller); end; if (sk=30) and (systat.localsec) then closemenu; end; if (nightly) or (numevents>=1) then chkevents; gotoxy(2,25); clreol; if (wfcmessage<>'') then begin textcolor(12); write('þþ '); textcolor(14); write(wfcmessage); textcolor(12); write(' þþ'); end; if (beepend) then beephim; if (tdoneafternext) then begin takeoffhook; elevel:=exitnormal; hangup:=TRUE; doneday:=TRUE; clrscr; end; if (lmsg) then begin lmsg:=FALSE; wfcm:=FALSE; end; if (answerbaud>2) then begin c:='A'; chkcom:=TRUE; end; if (returna) then begin returna:=FALSE; c:='A'; chkcom:=TRUE; end else if (answerbaud=0) then c:=inkey; if (c<>#0) then begin if (blankmenunow) then begin blankmenunow:=FALSE; window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; wfcmenu1; getdatetime(lastkeypress); end; wfcm:=FALSE; cursoron(TRUE); gotoxy(2,24); tc(3); c:=upcase(c); if (not sysopon) then case c of 'Q':begin elevel:=exitnormal; hangup:=TRUE; doneday:=TRUE; end; ' ':begin sysopon:=cpw; if (sysopon) then wantout:=TRUE; c:=#1; end; else nogoodcmd:=TRUE; end else begin sk:=0; textattr:=thisuser.cols[color in thisuser.ac][1]; curco:=thisuser.cols[color in thisuser.ac][1]; case c of ^C:closemenu; 'H','+': begin i1; nogoodcmd:=TRUE; end; '!':begin clrscr; minidos; end; '0'..'9':wfcbat(ord(c)-48); 'A':chkcom:=TRUE; 'B':if cpw then boardedit; 'C','/':begin clrscr; printfile(systat.gfilepath+'user.log'); pausescr; end; 'D':SysopShell(FALSE); 'E':if cpw then eventedit; 'F':if cpw then dlboardedit; 'G':if cpw then tfileedit; 'I':if cpw then initvotes; 'K':begin clrscr; if (pynq('Do you REALLY want to pack the message bases? ')) then doshowpackbases; end; 'L':begin clrscr; showlogs; nl; pausescr; end; 'M':if cpw then begin clrscr; mailr; end; 'N':if cpw then tedit1; 'O':begin if (not phoneoffhook) then takeoffhook else i1; nogoodcmd:=TRUE; end; 'P':if cpw then changestuff; 'Q':begin elevel:=exitnormal; hangup:=TRUE; doneday:=TRUE; end; 'R':if cpw then begin clrscr; reset(uf); seek(uf,1); write(uf,thisuser); close(uf); write('Read which user''s mail? '); finduser(s,i); writeln; if (i<1) then pausescr else begin usernum:=i; reset(uf); seek(uf,i); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); readinmacros; readinzscan; if (thisuser.waiting<>0) then begin clrscr; macok:=TRUE; readmail; macok:=FALSE; reset(uf); seek(uf,i); write(uf,thisuser); close(uf); end else begin writeln('You have no mail waiting.'); writeln; pausescr; end; usernum:=1; reset(uf); seek(uf,1); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); readinmacros; readinzscan; end; end; 'S':begin clrscr; showstats; pausescr; end; 'T':if (exist('term.bat')) then begin clrscr; textcolor(14); write('Running TERM.BAT ....'); writeln; sl1(''); sl1('[> Ran terminal package at '+date+' '+time); shelldos(FALSE,'term.bat',rcode); sl1('[> Returned from "TERM.BAT" at '+date+' '+time); chdir(start_dir); clrscr; i1; (* end else begin term; { iport;} if (not returna) then i1; *) end; 'U':if cpw then begin clrscr; uedit1; end; 'V':if cpw then begin clrscr; voteprint; printfile(systat.afilepath+'votes.txt'); pausescr; end; 'W':if cpw then begin clrscr; reset(uf); seek(uf,1); write(uf,thisuser); close(uf); write('Which user is sending mail? '); finduser(s,i); writeln; if (i<1) then pausescr else begin usernum:=i; reset(uf); seek(uf,i); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); readinmacros; readinzscan; macok:=TRUE; smail(pynq('Send mass mail? ')); macok:=FALSE; nl; pausescr; usernum:=1; reset(uf); seek(uf,1); read(uf,thisuser); close(uf); readinmacros; readinzscan; end; end; 'X':if cpw then exproedit; 'Z':begin clrscr; zlog; pausescr; end; '#':if cpw then menu_edit; ' ':begin oldphoneoffhook:=phoneoffhook; if (systat.offhooklocallogon) then takeoffhook; gotoxy(2,24); cwrite(#3#3+'Log on? ('+#3#11+'Y'+#3#3+'/'+#3#11+'N'+ #3#3+'-'+#3#11+'F'+#3#3+'ast) : '); rl2:=timer; while (not keypressed) and (abs(timer-rl2)<30.0) do; if (keypressed) then c:=readkey else c:='N'; c:=upcase(c); writeln(c); case c of 'F':begin fastlogon:=TRUE; c:=' '; end; 'Y':c:=' '; else c:='@'; end; if (c='@') then begin gotoxy(2,24); clreol; if ((systat.offhooklocallogon) and (not oldphoneoffhook)) then i1; nogoodcmd:=TRUE; end; end; else nogoodcmd:=TRUE; end; if (not nogoodcmd) then getdatetime(lastkeypress); end; if (not nogoodcmd) then begin if (c<>'A') then begin curco:=7; sdc; window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; com_flush_rx; end; if ((sysopon) and (c<>#1)) then lactive:=timer; end else begin nogoodcmd:=FALSE; wfcm:=TRUE; end; end; if (c<>' ') then c:=#0; if (not com_rx_empty) then chkcom:=TRUE; if ((c<>#0) or (not com_rx_empty) or (chkcom)) then begin spdarq:=FALSE; if ((not phoneoffhook) and (not localioonly)) then begin getcallera(c1,chkcom); if (not incom) and ((spd='KB') and (c<>' ')) then begin wfcm:=FALSE; i1; if (quitafterdone) then begin elevel:=exitnormal; hangup:=TRUE; doneday:=TRUE; end; end; end; end; until ((incom) or (c=' ') or (doneday)); etoday:=0; ptoday:=0; ftoday:=0; chatt:=0; shutupchatcall:=FALSE; flistverb:=TRUE; contlist:=FALSE; badfpath:=FALSE; if (not doneday) then begin window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; write('Baud = '+spd); if (spdarq) then writeln(' ARQ') else writeln; end; curco:=7; sdc; if (incom) then begin com_flush_rx; term_ready(TRUE); outcom:=TRUE; if (not modemr.noforcerate) then com_set_speed(value(spd)); end else begin term_ready(FALSE); incom:=FALSE; outcom:=FALSE; wfcm:=FALSE; end; getdatetime(timeon); ftoday:=0; com_flush_rx; lil:=0; thisuser.ac:=thisuser.ac-[ansi]; reset(uf); if (filesize(uf)>=2) then begin seek(uf,0); read(uf,u); thisuser.cols:=u.cols; end; close(uf); curco:=$07; checkit:=TRUE; beepend:=FALSE; inwfcmenu:=FALSE; mtcolors:=FALSE; if (systat.localscreensec) then wantout:=FALSE; if (spd='KB') and (not wantout) then wantout:=TRUE; if (wantout) then cursoron(TRUE); if (spd<>'KB') then case (value(spd) div 100) of 3:inc(systat.todayzlog.userbaud[0]); 12:inc(systat.todayzlog.userbaud[1]); 24:inc(systat.todayzlog.userbaud[2]); 48:inc(systat.todayzlog.userbaud[3]); 96:inc(systat.todayzlog.userbaud[4]); end; savesystat; for i:=1 to 4 do macros.macro[i]:=''; end; end.