File CONV17A.PAS: write('Telegard Conversion for '+ver1+' ^P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^P '+ver); writeln('This program is provided to add/modify/create files used by Telegard to'); write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!'); File CONV17A9.PAS: write(' Telegard Conversion for '+ver1+' ^P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^P '+ver); writeln('This program is provided to add/modify/create files used by Telegard to'); write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!'); File CONV18A.PAS: write(' Telegard Conversion for '+ver1+' ^P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^P '+ver); writeln('This program is provided to add/modify/create files used by Telegard to'); write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!'); File FILE5.PAS: print('Telegard(R) Mini-DOS(R) Version '+ver); print(' (C)Copyright 1988,89,90 The Telegard Team'); print('Licensed for internal usage in Telegard v'+ver); print(s+' - Telegard archive conversion command.'); print('Telegard will convert from the one archive format to the other.'); print(s+' - Telegard archive de-compression command.'); print('configured into Telegard via System Configuration.'); print(s+' - Telegard archive compression command.'); print('configured into Telegard via System Configuration.'); print('Type "EXIT" to return to Telegard.'); File INIT.PAS: (*> Telegard Bulletin Board System - Copyright 1988,89,90 by <*) bbsname:='Telegard BBS'; {* A-32767.1 is the "Greetings from Telegard" message *} note[1]:='Enter your Telegard NAME or USER NUMBER'; waiting:=1; {* A-32767.1 -- "Greetings from Telegard" message *} title:='Greetings, new Telegard SysOp!!'; as:='The Telegard Team'; real:='The Telegard Team'; alias:='The Telegard Team'; name:='The Telegard Team'; citystate:='Telegard Development HQ, MI'; msg:='Telegard system initialized on '+date+' at '+time+'.'; ttl('Creating Telegard directory paths'); ttl('Creating Telegard data files'); write('Telegard v'+ver+' Initialization Utility - Copyright 1988,89,90 by'); writeln('Telegard has already been initialized!'); writeln('that will be used by Telegard. Each directory will be created'); writeln('GFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard data'); writeln('files and miscellaneous Telegard text files will be located.'); writeln('files (*.BRD, *.MIX, *.TRE) used by Telegard for both private'); writeln('MENUS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard menu'); writeln('TFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); writeln('AFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); writeln('TRAP pathname. This is the directory where Telegard will'); writeln('TEMP pathname. Telegard uses this directory to convert between'); writeln('SWAP pathname. This is the directory where Telegard''s swap'); star('Telegard BBS installed and initialized successfully!'); star('Thanks for trying Telegard!'); File INIT16D3.PAS: bbsname:='Telegard BBS'; {* A-32767.1 is the "Greetings from Telegard" message *} note[1]:='Enter your Telegard NAME or USER NUMBER'; waiting:=1; {* A-32767.1 -- "Greetings from Telegard" message *} title:='Greetings from Telegard'; msg:='Telegard files initialized on '+date+' '+time+'.'; ttl('Creating Telegard directory paths'); ttl('Creating Telegard data files'); clreol; write(' Initialization Utility for Telegard version '+ver); writeln('Telegard has already been initialized!'); writeln('that will be used by Telegard. Each directory will be created'); writeln('GFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard data'); writeln('files and miscellaneous Telegard text files will be located.'); writeln('MSGS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard message'); writeln('MENUS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard menu'); writeln('TFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); star('Telegard BBS installed and initialized successfully!'); star('Thanks for trying Telegard!'); File INIT16E1.PAS: bbsname:='Telegard BBS'; {* A-32767.1 is the "Greetings from Telegard" message *} note[1]:='Enter your Telegard NAME or USER NUMBER'; waiting:=1; {* A-32767.1 -- "Greetings from Telegard" message *} title:='Greetings from Telegard'; description:='A NEW Telegard Event'; msg:='Telegard files initialized on '+date+' '+time+'.'; ttl('Creating Telegard directory paths'); ttl('Creating Telegard data files'); clreol; write(' Initialization Utility for Telegard version '+ver); writeln('Telegard has already been initialized!'); writeln('that will be used by Telegard. Each directory will be created'); writeln('GFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard data'); writeln('files and miscellaneous Telegard text files will be located.'); writeln('directory paths used by Telegard, including private mail (EMAIL).'); writeln('Located in these paths are the text of the Telegard messages.'); writeln('MENUS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard menu'); writeln('TFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); writeln('AFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); writeln('TRAP pathname. This is the directory where Telegard will'); writeln('TEMP pathname. Telegard uses this directory to convert between'); star('Telegard BBS installed and initialized successfully!'); star('Thanks for trying Telegard!'); File INITP.PAS: description:='Telegard Nightly Events'; description:='A NEW Telegard Event'; File MAIL1.PAS: s:=#3+cstr(tear_color)+'--- Telegard v'+ver; File MINITERM.PAS: (*> MINITERM.PAS - Telegard Communications Program <*) wcenter('Telegard MiniTerm - Version '+ver,15,2); File MISC1.PAS: sprint('^5Telegard Time Bank v'+ver); File MISCX.PAS: sl1('\ Telegard SysOp Log for '+date+': /'); writeln(sysopf1,'>> Telegard SysOp Log for '+nam+': <<'); File MMODEM.PAS: cwriteat(2,25,'Telegard:'+#3#14); File SEPMSGS.PAS: star('Each message base in Telegard can now occupy its own, seperate directory'); star('Message directories will be created off of your current Telegard MSGS\'); File SYSOP2A.PAS: (*> Telegard Bulletin Board System - Copyright 1988,89,90 by <*) print('This is the baud rate that Telegard will use when waiting for calls'); print('This is the baud rate Telegard will USE between Telegard and your'); print('These are communications flags used by Telegard.'); File T2T.PAS: backtotag:boolean; { CONVERTING TO TELEGARD .. } ttl('Converting "NAMES.LST" to Telegard format'); ttl('Converting "USER.LST" to Telegard format'); ttl('Converting "BOARDS.DAT" to Telegard format'); ttl('Converting "FBOARDS.DAT" to Telegard format ("UPLOADS.DAT")'); ttl('Converting "VOTING.DAT" to Telegard format.'); write(' Conversion for TAG '+tag_ver+' ^Q®®®®®-¯¯¯¯¯^P Telegard '+s_ver); writeln('TAG '+tag_ver+' to the proper formats used by Telegard '+s_ver+'.'); writeln('It may ALSO be used to convert from Telegard format to TAG.'); writeln(' TAG '+tag_ver+' Telegard '+s_ver); writeln(' already in the correct Telegard '+s_ver+' format.'); writeln('1. From TAG to Telegard format'); writeln('2. From Telegard to TAG format'); writeln('such files are here, and will be used to create the Telegard'); writeln('equivalents in your Telegard paths.'); textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your Telegard MAIN BBS pathname.'); writeln('This step is involved to ensure you have a version of Telegard'); textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); infield(tgpath,40); textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your Telegard MAIN BBS pathname.'); writeln('The Telegard file STATUS.DAT should exist in this directory.'); textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); infield(tgpath,40); else writeln('TO TELEGARD FORMAT'); textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); textcolor(15); writeln(tgpath); writeln('Now you need to enter your Telegard MSGS directory, where you'); textcolor(9); write('Telegard MSGS Path: '); infield(tmsgpath,40); writeln('Convert Telegard '+s_ver+' ^P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^P TAG '+tag_ver) writeln('Convert TAG '+tag_ver+' ^P¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯^P Telegard '+s_ver); writeln('If Telegard data files are not in version '+s_ver+' format,') if (not backtotag) then write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!') else write('Well, thanks for TRYING Telegard!'); File TA2Z.PAS: textcolor(15); write('CONVERSION UTILITY for Telegard '+ver+': '); writeln('your Telegard v'+ver+' BBS to the newer .ZIP format. PKZIP.EXE'); elog('Telegard v'+ver+' ARC ---> ZIP file conversion utility'); write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!'); File TMU.PAS: program TelegardMasterUtility; #3#14+'for Telegard '+ File SYSOP6.PAS: description:='A NEW Telegard Event'; File SYSOP7.PAS: writeln(f,'New TeleGard-X Menu'); ldesc:='(XXX)New TeleGard-X Command'; sprint(#3#3+'TeleGard-X Menu Editor'); File COMMON.PAS: s:='TeleGard-X Bulletin Board System, Version '+ver; File COMMON1.PAS: writeln(trapfile,'***** TeleGard-X User Audit - '+nam+' on at '+date+' '+time+' *****'); tc(11); writeln('[> Type "EXIT" to return to TeleGard-X.');