uses dos; var f:text; function tch(i:string):string; begin if length(i)>2 then i:=copy(i,length(i)-1,2) else if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i; tch:=i; end; function cstr(i:integer):string; var c:string; begin str(i,c); cstr:=c; end; function value(s:string):integer; var n,n1:integer; begin val(s,n,n1); if n1<>0 then begin s:=copy(s,1,n1-1); val(s,n,n1) end; value:=n; if s='' then value:=0; end; function time:string; var r:registers; h,m,s:string[4]; begin$2c00; intr($21,dos.registers(r)); str( shr 8,h); str( mod 256,m); str(r.dx shr 8,s); time:=tch(h)+':'+tch(m)+':'+tch(s); end; function date:string; var r:registers; m,d,y:string[4]; begin$2a00; msdos(dos.registers(r)); str(,y); str(r.dx mod 256,d); str(r.dx shr 8,m); date:=tch(m)+'/'+tch(d)+'/'+tch(y); end; function leapyear(yr:integer):boolean; begin leapyear:=(yr mod 4=0) and ((yr mod 100<>0) or (yr mod 400=0)); end; function days(mo,yr:integer):integer; var d:integer; begin d:=value(copy('312831303130313130313031',1+(mo-1)*2,2)); if (mo=2) and leapyear(yr) then d:=d+1; days:=d; end; function daycount(mo,yr:integer):integer; var m,t:integer; begin t:=0; for m:=1 to (mo-1) do t:=t+days(m,yr); daycount:=t; end; function daynum(dt:string):integer; var d,m,y,t,c:integer; begin t:=0; m:=value(copy(dt,1,2)); d:=value(copy(dt,4,2)); {rcg11182000 hahahaha...a Y2K bug. :) } y:=value(copy(dt,7,2))+1900; {rcg11182000 added this conditional. } if (y < 1977) then { Ugh...this is so bad. } y := y + 100; for c:=1985 to y-1 do if leapyear(c) then t:=t+366 else t:=t+365; t:=t+daycount(m,y)+(d-1); daynum:=t; if y<1985 then daynum:=0; end; function dat:string; const mon:array [1..12] of string[3] = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); var ap,x,y:string; i:integer; begin case daynum(date) mod 7 of 6:x:='Mon'; 3:x:='Fri'; 0:x:='Tue'; 4:x:='Sat'; 1:x:='Wed'; 5:x:='Sun'; 2:x:='Thu'; end; y:=mon[value(copy(date,1,2))]; x:=x+' '+y+' '+copy(date,4,2)+', '+cstr(1900+value(copy(date,7,2))); y:=time; i:=value(copy(y,1,2)); if i>11 then ap:='pm' else ap:='am'; if i>12 then i:=i-12; if i=0 then i:=12; dat:=cstr(i)+copy(y,3,3)+' '+ap+' '+x; end; begin assign(f,paramstr(1)); rewrite(f); writeln(f,'lastcompiled=''Last official compilation date: < '+dat+' >'';'); close(f); end.