{$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} UNIT tmpcom; {Version 3.0} {This unit is the communications port interrupt driver for the IBM-PC. It handles handles all low-level i/o through the serial port. It is installed by calling com_install. It deinstalls itself automatically when the program exits, or you can deinstall it by calling com_deinstall. Donated to the public domain by Wayne E. Conrad, January, 1989. If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact me at my BBS: Pascalaholics Anonymous (602) 484-9356 2400 bps The home of WBBS Lots of source code } INTERFACE USES Dos; TYPE com_parity = (com_none, com_even, com_odd, com_zero, com_one); {This variable is TRUE if the interrupt driver has been installed, or FALSE if it hasn't. It's used to prevent installing twice or deinstalling when not installed.} CONST com_installed: Boolean = FALSE; usefossil:boolean = FALSE; var mpcoder:boolean; mpcode:array[1..6] of byte; fosport:byte; regs:registers; procedure com_flush_rx; procedure com_flush_tx; procedure com_purge_tx; function com_carrier:boolean; function com_rx:char; function com_tx_ready:boolean; function com_tx_empty:boolean; function com_rx_empty:boolean; procedure com_tx (ch: Char); procedure com_tx_string (st: String); procedure com_lower_dtr; procedure com_raise_dtr; procedure com_set_speed(speed:word); procedure com_set_parity(parity:com_parity; stop_bits:byte); procedure com_install(portnum:word; var error:word; dofossil:boolean); procedure com_deinstall; implementation {Summary of IBM-PC Asynchronous Adapter Registers. From: Compute!'s Mapping the IBM PC and PCjr, by Russ Davis (Greensboro, North Carolina, 1985: COMPUTE! Publications, Inc.), pp. 290-292. Addresses given are for COM1 and COM2, respectively. The names given in parentheses are the names used in this module. 3F8/2F8 (uart_data) Read: transmit buffer. Write: receive buffer, or baud rate divisor LSB if port 3FB, bit 7 = 1. 3F9/2F9 (uart_ier) Write: Interrupt enable register or baud rate divisor MSB if port 3FB, bit 7 = 1. PCjr baud rate divisor is different from other models; clock input is 1.7895 megahertz rather than 1.8432 megahertz. Interrupt enable register: bits 7-4 forced to 0 bit 3 1=enable change-in-modem-status interrupt bit 2 1=enable line-status interrupt bit 1 1=enable transmit-register-empty interrupt bit 0 1=data-available interrupt 3FA/2FA (uart_iir) Interrupt identification register (prioritized) bits 7-3 forced to 0 bits 2-1 00=change-in-modem-status (lowest) bits 2-1 01=transmit-register-empty (low) bits 2-1 10=data-available (high) bits 2-1 11=line status (highest) bit 0 1=no interrupt pending bit 0 0=interrupt pending 3FB/2FB (uart_lcr) Line control register bit 7 0=normal, 1=address baud rate divisor registers bit 6 0=break disabled, 1=enabled bit 5 0=don't force parity 1=if bit 4-3=01 parity always 1 if bit 4-3=11 parity always 0 if bit 3=0 no parity bit 4 0=odd parity,1=even bit 3 0=no parity,1=parity bit 2 0=1 stop bit 1=1.5 stop bits if 5 bits/character or 2 stop bits if 6-8 bits/character bits 1-0 00=5 bits/character 01=6 bits/character 10=7 bits/character 11=8 bits/character bits 5..3: 000 No parity 001 Odd parity 010 No parity 011 Even parity 100 No parity 101 Parity always 1 110 No parity 111 Parity always 0 3FC/2FC (uart_mcr) Modem control register bits 7-5 forced to zero bit 4 0=normal, 1=loop back test bits 3-2 all PCs except PCjr bit 3 1=interrupts to system bus, user-designated output: OUT2 bit 2 user-designated output, OUT1 bit 1 1=activate rts bit 0 1=activate dtr 3FD/2FD (uart_lsr) Line status register bit 7 forced to 0 bit 6 1=transmit shift register is empty bit 5 1=transmit hold register is empty bit 4 1=break received bit 3 1=framing error received bit 2 1=parity error received bit 1 1=overrun error received bit 0 1=data received 3FE/2FE (uart_msr) Modem status register bit 7 1=receive line signal detect bit 6 1=ring indicator (all PCs except PCjr) bit 5 1=dsr bit 4 1=cts bit 3 1=receive line signal detect has changed state bit 2 1=ring indicator has changed state (all PCs except PCjr) bit 1 1=dsr has changed state bit 0 1=cts has changed state 3FF/2FF (uart_spr) Scratch pad register.} {Maximum port number (minimum is 1) } const max_port = 4; {Base i/o address for each COM port} const uart_base: ARRAY [1..max_port] OF Integer = ($3F8, $2F8, $3E8, $2E8); {Interrupt numbers for each COM port} const intnums: ARRAY [1..max_port] OF Byte = ($0C, $0B, $0C, $0B); {i8259 interrupt levels for each port} const i8259levels: ARRAY [1..max_port] OF Byte = (4, 3, 4, 3); {UART i/o addresses. Values depend upon which COMM port is selected.} var uart_data:word; {Data register} uart_ier:word; {Interrupt enable register} uart_iir:word; {Interrupt identification register} uart_lcr:word; {Line control register} uart_mcr:word; {Modem control register} uart_lsr:word; {Line status register} uart_msr:word; {Modem status register} uart_spr:word; {Scratch pad register} {Original contents of IER and MCR registers. Used to restore UART to whatever state it was in before this driver was loaded.} var old_ier:byte; old_mcr:byte; {Original contents of interrupt vector. Used to restore the vector when the interrupt driver is deinstalled.} var old_vector:pointer; {Original contents of interrupt controller mask. Used to restore the bit pertaining to the comm controller we're using.} var old_i8259_mask:byte; {Bit mask for i8259 interrupt controller} var i8259bit:byte; {Interrupt vector number} var intnum:byte; { Receive queue. Received characters are held here until retrieved by com_rx. } const rx_queue_size=5120; {Change to suit} var rx_queue:array[1..rx_queue_size] of byte; rx_in:word; {Index of where to store next character} rx_out:word; {Index of where to retrieve next character} rx_chars:word; {Number of chars in queue} { Transmit queue. Characters to be transmitted are held here until the UART is ready to transmit them. } const tx_queue_size=16; {Change to suit} var tx_queue:array[1..tx_queue_size] of byte; tx_in:integer; {Index of where to store next character} tx_out:integer; {Index of where to retrieve next character} tx_chars:integer; {Number of chars in queue} {This variable is used to save the next link in the "exit procedure" chain.} var exit_save:pointer; {Macro to disable interrupts.} Procedure disable_interrupts; Begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} (* Inline($FA); {CLI} *) End; {Macro to enable interrupts.} Procedure enable_interrupts; Begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} (* Inline($FB); {STI} *) End; {Interrupt driver. The UART is programmed to cause an interrupt whenever a character has been received or when the UART is ready to transmit another character.} {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} {$S-} (* procedure com_interrupt_driver; interrupt; var ch:char; dummy,iir:byte; begin if (usefossil) then exit; { while bit 0 of the interrupt identification register is 0, there is an interrupt to process } iir:=port[uart_iir]; while (not odd(iir)) do begin case (iir shr 1) of { IIR = 100b: Received data available. Get the character, and if the buffer isn't full, then save it. If the buffer is full, then ignore it. } 2:begin ch:=char(port[uart_data]); if (rx_chars<=rx_queue_size) then begin rx_queue[rx_in]:=ord(ch); inc(rx_in); if (rx_in>rx_queue_size) then rx_in:=1; rx_chars:=succ(rx_chars); end; end; { IIR = 010b: Transmit register empty. If the transmit buffer is empty, then disable the transmitter to prevent any more transmit interrupts. Otherwise, send the character. The test of the line-status-register is to see if the transmit holding register is truly empty. Some UARTS seem to cause transmit interrupts when the holding register isn't empty, causing transmitted characters to be lost. } 1:if (tx_chars<=0) then port[uart_ier]:=port[uart_ier] and not 2 else if (odd(port[uart_lsr] shr 5)) then begin port[uart_data]:=tx_queue[tx_out]; inc(tx_out); if (tx_out>tx_queue_size) then tx_out:=1; dec(tx_chars); end; { IIR = 001b: Change in modem status. We don't expect this interrupt, but if one ever occurs we need to read the line status to reset it and prevent an endless loop. } 0:dummy:=Port [uart_msr]; { IIR = 111b: Change in line status. We don't expect this interrupt, but if one ever occurs we need to read the line status to reset it and prevent an endless loop. } 3:dummy:=port[uart_lsr]; end; iir:=port[uart_iir]; end; { tell the interrupt controller that we're done with this interrupt } port[$20]:=$20; end; *) {$S+} { flush (empty) the receive buffer. } procedure com_flush_rx; var ch:char; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$0A; intr($14,regs); exit; end; disable_interrupts; } rx_chars:=0; rx_in:=1; rx_out:=1; { enable_interrupts; } end; { flush (empty) transmit buffer. } procedure com_flush_tx; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$08; intr($14,regs); exit; end; disable_interrupts; } tx_chars:=0; tx_in:=1; tx_out:=1; { enable_interrupts; } end; { purge (empty) transmit buffer. } procedure com_purge_tx; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (not usefossil) then com_flush_tx else begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$09; intr($14,regs); end; } end; { this function returns TRUE if a carrier is present. } function com_carrier:boolean; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$03; intr($14,regs); if (regs.ax and $0080) = 0 then com_carrier:=FALSE else com_carrier:=TRUE; exit; end; com_carrier:=((com_installed) and (odd (port[uart_msr] shr 7))); } {rcg11172000 temp return:} com_carrier := false; end; { get a character from the receive buffer. If the buffer is empty, return NULL (#0). } function com_rx:char; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin if (com_rx_empty) then com_rx:=#0 else begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$02; intr($14,regs); com_rx:=chr(regs.al); end; exit; end; if ((not com_installed) or (rx_chars=0)) then com_rx:=#0 else begin disable_interrupts; com_rx:=chr(rx_queue[rx_out]); inc(rx_out); if (rx_out>rx_queue_size) then rx_out:=1; dec(rx_chars); enable_interrupts; end; } {rcg11172000 temp return:} com_rx := #0; end; { this function returns TRUE if com_tx can accept a character. } function com_tx_ready: Boolean; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin com_tx_ready:=TRUE; exit; end; com_tx_ready:=((tx_chars 0); exit; end; com_tx_empty:=((tx_chars=0) or (not com_installed)); } {rcg11172000 temp return:} com_tx_empty := TRUE; end; { this function returns TRUE if the receive buffer is empty. } function com_rx_empty:boolean; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$0C; intr($14,regs); com_rx_empty:=(regs.ax = $FFFF); exit; end; com_rx_empty:=((rx_chars=0) or (not com_installed)); } {rcg11172000 temp return:} com_rx_empty := TRUE; end; { send a character. Waits until the transmit buffer isn't full, then puts the character into it. The interrupt driver will send the character once the character is at the head of the transmit queue and a transmit interrupt occurs. } procedure com_tx(ch:char); var result:word; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { if (usefossil) then begin regs.dx:=fosport; regs.al:=ord(ch); regs.ah:=$01; intr($14,regs); exit; end; if (com_installed) then begin repeat until (com_tx_ready); disable_interrupts; tx_queue[tx_in]:=ord(ch); if (tx_inmax_port)) then error:=1 else begin { set i/o addresses and other hardware specifics for selected port} uart_data:=uart_base [portnum]; uart_ier:=uart_data+1; uart_iir:=uart_data+2; uart_lcr:=uart_data+3; uart_mcr:=uart_data+4; uart_lsr:=uart_data+5; uart_msr:=uart_data+6; uart_spr:=uart_data+7; intnum:=intnums[portnum]; i8259bit:=1 shl i8259levels[portnum]; { return error if hardware not installed } old_ier:=port[uart_ier]; port[uart_ier]:=0; if (port[uart_ier]<>0) then error:=2 else begin error:=0; { save original interrupt controller mask, then disable the interrupt controller for this interrupt. } disable_interrupts; old_i8259_mask:=port[$21]; port[$21]:=old_i8259_mask or i8259bit; enable_interrupts; { clear the transmit and receive queues} com_flush_tx; com_flush_rx; { Save current interrupt vector, then set the interrupt vector to the address of our interrupt driver. } getintvec(intnum,old_vector); setintvec(intnum,@com_interrupt_driver); com_installed:=TRUE; { set parity to none, turn off BREAK signal, and make sure we're not addressing the baud rate registers. } port[uart_lcr]:=3; { save original contents of modem control register, then enable interrupts to system bus and activate RTS. Leave DTR the way it was. } disable_interrupts; old_mcr:=port[uart_mcr]; port[uart_mcr]:=$A or (old_mcr and 1); enable_interrupts; { enable interrupt on data-available. The interrupt for transmit-ready is enabled when a character is put into the transmit queue, and disabled when the transmit queue is empty. } port[uart_ier]:=1; { enable the interrupt controller for this interrupt. } disable_interrupts; port[$21]:=port[$21] and not i8259bit; enable_interrupts; end; end; *) end; { Deinstall the interrupt driver completely. It doesn't change the baud rate or mess with DTR; it tries to leave the interrupt vectors and enables and everything else as it was when the driver was installed. This procedure MUST be called by the exit procedure of this module before the program exits to DOS, or the interrupt driver will still be attached to its vector -- the next communications interrupt that came along would jump to the interrupt driver which is no longer protected and may have been written over. } procedure com_deinstall; begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} (* if (usefossil) then begin usefossil:=FALSE; regs.dx:=fosport; regs.ah:=$05; intr($14,regs); exit; end; if (com_installed) then begin com_installed:=FALSE; { restore Modem-Control-Register and Interrupt-Enable-Register. } port[uart_mcr]:=old_mcr; port[uart_ier]:=old_ier; { restore appropriate bit of interrupt controller's mask } disable_interrupts; port[$21]:=port[$21] and not i8259bit or old_i8259_mask and i8259bit; enable_interrupts; { reset the interrupt vector } setintvec(intnum,old_vector); end; *) end; { This procedure is called when the program exits for any reason. It deinstalls the interrupt driver.} {$F+} procedure exit_procedure; {$F-} begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { com_deinstall; exitproc:=exit_save; } end; { This installs the exit procedure. } begin {rcg11172000 not needed under Linux.} { exit_save:=exitproc; exitproc:=@exit_procedure; } end.