{* IFL - Interior File Listing Utility * Copyright 1989 by Martin Pollard. Turbo Pascal version by Eric Oman. * * IFL produces a listing of files contained in an archive file. * Archive formats supported by IFL include: * * ARC - Developed by System Enhancement Associates * and enhanced by PKware (PKARC & PKPAK) * and NoGate Consulting (PAK) * ZIP - Developed by PKware * ZOO - Developed by Rahul Dhesi * * Version history: * * 1.00 02/11/89 Initial release. * 1.10 02/24/89 1. Added support for archives created with SEA's * ARC 6.x, which uses new header codes to support * subdirectory archiving. * 2. Restructured much of the code, which made no * operational difference but resulted in a much * "cleaner" source file. * 3. Added automatic extension support. IFL will now * cycle through all supported extensions until it * finds the desired file. * 1.11 03/01/89 Fixed a minor bug in which a non-archive file may * be mistaken for a ZIP archive when the first byte * is "P" (50h) but the second is not "K" (4Bh). * (This version was never released.) * 1.20 03/15/89 1. Added ZOO archive support. * 2. The message line above the headings was changed * to "Archive contains the following * files:". The drive and pathname is no longer * displayed before the filename. * * 1.21 03/17/89 Converted all C code into Turbo Pascal 5.0 code. * *} uses dos; {* turbo3 and crt units intentionally unused to allow redirection of I/O *} {$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} {$I ifl.inc} const VERSION = '1.21'; __DATE__ = 'Mar 17 1989'; var arc:arcfilerec; zip:zipfilerec; zoo:zoofilerec; out:outrec; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} {* Miscellaneous string/numeric manipulation routines. *} function cstr(l:longint):string; var s:string; begin str(l,s); cstr:=s; end; function mrn(s:string; w:integer; c:char):string; begin while length(s)12 then dec(month,12); {* adjust for month > 12 *} if year>99 then dec(year,100); {* adjust for year > 1999 *} if hour>23 then dec(hour,24); {* adjust for hour > 23 *} if minute>59 then dec(minute,60); {* adjust for minute > 59 *} if hour<12 then ampm:='a' else ampm:='p'; {* determine AM/PM *} if hour=0 then hour:=12; {* convert 24-hour to 12-hour *} if hour>12 then dec(hour,12); if out.usize=0 then ratio:=0 else {* ratio is 0% for null-length file *} ratio:=100-((out.csize*100) div out.usize); if ratio>99 then ratio:=99; outp:=mn(out.usize,8)+' '+mn(out.csize,8)+' '+mn(ratio,2)+'% '+ mrn(method[typ],9,' ')+' '+mn(month,2)+'-'+mnz(day,2)+'-'+ mnz(year,2)+' '+mn(hour,2)+':'+mnz(minute,2)+ampm+' '; if level>0 then outp:=outp+mrn('',level,' '); {* spaces for dirs (ARC only)*} outp:=outp+out.filename; writeln(outp); if typ=0 then inc(level) {* bump dir level (ARC only) *} else begin inc(accum_csize,out.csize); {* adjust accumulators and counter *} inc(accum_usize,out.usize); inc(files); end; end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} procedure final; var ratio:longint; outp:string; begin {* final - Display final totals and information. *} if accum_usize=0 then ratio:=0 {* ratio is 0% if null total length *} else ratio:=100-((accum_csize*100) div accum_usize); if ratio>99 then ratio:=99; outp:=mn(accum_usize,8)+' '+mn(accum_csize,8)+' '+mn(ratio,2)+ '% '+cstr(files)+' file'; if files<>1 then outp:=outp+'s'; writeln(FOOTER_1); writeln(outp); end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} function getbyte(var fp:file):char; var c:char; buf:array[0..0] of char; numread:word; begin {* getbyte - Obtains character from file pointed to by fp. * Aborts to DOS on error. *} blockread(fp,c,1,numread); if numread=0 then begin close(fp); abend(errmsg[1]); end; getbyte:=c; end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} procedure arc_proc(var fp:file); var i,typ,stat:integer; c:char; numread:word; begin {* arc_proc - Process entry in ARC archive. *} repeat c:=getbyte(fp); typ:=ord(getbyte(fp)); {* get storage method *} case typ of 0:exit; {* end of archive file *} 1,2:out.typ:=2; {* Stored *} 3,4:out.typ:=typ; {* Packed & Squeezed *} 5,6,7:out.typ:=typ; {* crunched *} 8,9,10:out.typ:=typ-2; {* Crunched, Squashed & Crushed *} 30:out.typ:=0; {* Directory *} 31:dec(level); {* end of dir (not displayed) *} else out.typ:=1; {* Unknown! *} end; if typ<>31 then begin {* get data from header *} blockread(fp,arc,23,numread); if numread<>23 then abend(errmsg[2]); if typ=1 then {* type 1 didn't have c_size field *} arc.u_size:=arc.c_size else begin blockread(fp,arc.u_size,4,numread); if numread<>4 then abend(errmsg[2]); end; i:=0; repeat inc(i); out.filename[i]:=arc.filename[i-1]; until (arc.filename[i]=#0) or (i=13); out.filename[0]:=chr(i); out.date:=arc.mod_date; out.time:=arc.mod_time; if typ=30 then begin arc.c_size:=0; {* set file size entries *} arc.u_size:=0; {* to 0 for directories *} end; out.csize:=arc.c_size; {* set file size entries *} out.usize:=arc.u_size; {* for normal files *} details; if typ<>30 then begin {$I-} seek(fp,filepos(fp)+arc.c_size); {$I+} {* seek to next entry *} if ioresult<>0 then abend(errmsg[4]); end; end; until c<>#$1a; abend(errmsg[3]); end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} procedure zip_proc(var fp:file); var i,stat:integer; signature:longint; c:char; buf:array[0..25] of byte; numread:word; begin {* zip_proc - Process entry in ZIP archive. *} while TRUE do begin {* set up infinite loop (exit is within loop) *} blockread(fp,signature,4,numread); if numread<>4 then abend(errmsg[2]); if (signature=C_SIG) or (signature=E_SIG) then exit; if signature<>L_SIG then abend(errmsg[3]); blockread(fp,zip,26,numread); if numread<>26 then abend(errmsg[2]); out.filename:=''; for i:=1 to zip.f_length do {* get filename *} out.filename[i]:=getbyte(fp); out.filename[0]:=chr(zip.f_length); if zip.e_length>0 then {* skip comment if present *} for i:=1 to zip.e_length do c:=getbyte(fp); out.date:=zip.mod_date; out.time:=zip.mod_time; out.csize:=zip.c_size; out.usize:=zip.u_size; case zip.method of 0:out.typ:=2; {* Stored *} 1:out.typ:=9; {* Shrunk *} 2,3,4,5: out.typ:=zip.method+8; {* Reduced *} else out.typ:=1; {* Unknown! *} end; details; {$I-} seek(fp,filepos(fp)+zip.c_size); {$I+} {* seek to next entry *} if ioresult<>0 then abend(errmsg[4]); end; end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} procedure zoo_proc(var fp:file); var i,method:integer; zoo_longname,zoo_dirname:string[255]; numread:word; namlen,dirlen:byte; begin {* zoo_proc - Process entry in ZOO archive. *} while TRUE do begin {* set up infinite loop (exit is within loop) *} blockread(fp,zoo,56,numread); if numread<>56 then abend(errmsg[2]); if zoo.tag<>Z_TAG then abend(errmsg[3]); {* abort if invalid tag *} if zoo.next=0 then exit; namlen:=ord(getbyte(fp)); dirlen:=ord(getbyte(fp)); zoo_longname:=''; zoo_dirname:=''; if namlen>0 then for i:=1 to namlen do {* get long filename *} zoo_longname:=zoo_longname+getbyte(fp); if dirlen>0 then begin for i:=1 to dirlen do {* get directory name *} zoo_dirname:=zoo_dirname+getbyte(fp); if copy(zoo_dirname,length(zoo_dirname),1)<>'/' then zoo_dirname:=zoo_dirname+'/'; end; if zoo_longname<>'' then out.filename:=zoo_longname else begin i:=0; repeat inc(i); out.filename[i]:=zoo.fname[i-1]; until (zoo.fname[i]=#0) or (i=13); out.filename[0]:=chr(i); out.filename:=zoo_dirname+out.filename; end; out.date:=zoo.mod_date; {* set up fields *} out.time:=zoo.mod_time; out.csize:=zoo.c_size; out.usize:=zoo.u_size; method:=zoo.method; case method of 0:out.typ:=2; {* Stored *} 1:out.typ:=6; {* Crunched *} else out.typ:=1; {* Unknown! *} end; if not (zoo.deleted=1) then details; {$I-} seek(fp,zoo.next); {$I+} {* seek to next entry *} if ioresult<>0 then abend(errmsg[4]); end; end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} procedure usage; begin {* usage - Displays help screen for people who can't comprehend how to * use a simple program like this! Returns ERRORLEVEL of 2. *} writeln; writeln('IFL v'+VERSION+' - '+__DATE__+' - Interior File Listing Utility'); writeln('Copyright 1989 by Martin Pollard. Turbo Pascal version by Eric Oman'); writeln; writeln('Syntax is: "IFL filename"'); writeln; writeln('IFL produces a listing of files contained in an archive file.'); writeln('Archive formats currently supported include:'); writeln; writeln(' ARC - Developed by System Enhancement Associates'); writeln(' and enhanced by PKware (PKARC & PKPAK)'); writeln(' and NoGate Consulting (PAK)'); writeln(' ZIP - Developed by PKware'); writeln(' ZOO - Developed by Rahul Dhesi'); writeln; writeln('Support for other formats may be included in the future.'); halt(2); end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} function exist(fn:string):boolean; var fp:file; begin assign(fp,fn); {$I-} reset(fp); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin close(fp); exist:=TRUE; end else exist:=FALSE; end; {*------------------------------------------------------------------------*} var temp,infile,filename:string; fp:file; i,p:integer; c:char; zoo_temp,zoo_tag:longint; numread:word; begin {* The start of the program. Everything in the program * executes from here. Returns to DOS with ERRORLEVEL of 0 on * successful completion. *} if paramcount=0 then usage; {* check if no arguments entered *} temp:=paramstr(1); for i:=1 to length(temp) do case temp[i] of '/':temp[i]:='\'; else temp[i]:=upcase(temp[i]); end; infile:=''; if pos(':',temp)=0 then begin {* add drive to filename if not there *} getdir(0,infile); infile[0]:=#2; end; infile:=infile+temp; if not exist(infile) then begin temp:=infile; i:=0; repeat infile:=temp+filext[i]; inc(i); until (exist(infile)) or (i=EXTS); if i=EXTS then abend(errmsg[0]); end; assign(fp,infile); reset(fp,1); c:=getbyte(fp); {* determine type of archive *} case c of #$1a:filetype:=1; 'P':begin if getbyte(fp)<>'K' then abend(errmsg[5]); filetype:=2; end; 'Z':begin for i:=0 to 1 do if getbyte(fp)<>'O' then abend(errmsg[5]); filetype:=3; end; else abend(errmsg[5]); end; reset(fp,1); {* back to start of file *} p:=0; {* drop drive and pathname *} for i:=1 to length(infile) do if infile[i] in [':','\'] then p:=i; filename:=copy(infile,p+1,length(infile)-p); writeln; writeln('Archive '+infile+': (IFL TP 5.0 version by Eric Oman)'); writeln; accum_csize:=0; accum_usize:=0; {* set accumulators to 0 *} level:=0; files:=0; {* ditto with counters *} if filetype=3 then begin {* process initial ZOO file header *} for i:=0 to 19 do {* skip header text *} c:=getbyte(fp); {* get tag value *} blockread(fp,zoo_tag,4,numread); if numread<>4 then abend(errmsg[2]); if zoo_tag<>Z_TAG then abend(errmsg[5]); {* get data start *} blockread(fp,zoo_temp,4,numread); if numread<>4 then abend(errmsg[2]); {$I-} seek(fp,zoo_temp); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then abend(errmsg[4]); end; writeln(HEADER_1); {* print headings *} writeln(HEADER_2); case filetype of 1:arc_proc(fp); {* process ARC entry *} 2:zip_proc(fp); {* process ZIP entry *} 3:zoo_proc(fp); {* process ZOO entry *} end; final; {* clean things up *} close(fp); {* close file *} halt(0); end.