(*****************************************************************************) (*> <*) (*> SYSOP2F .PAS - Written by Eric Oman <*) (*> <*) (*> SysOp functions: System Configuration Editor -- "F" command. <*) (*> <*) (*****************************************************************************) {$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit sysop2f; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} sysop2fa, common; procedure pofilesconfig; implementation procedure pofilesconfig; var s:string[80]; i:integer; c:char; b:byte; abort,next,done,changed:boolean; begin done:=FALSE; repeat with systat do begin cls; sprint(#3#5+'File section configuration'); nl; abort:=FALSE; printacr(#3#3+'A. '+#3#1+'Archive configuration',abort,next); printacr('B. Upload/download ratio :'+aonoff(uldlratio,'Active','In-active'),abort,next); printacr('C. Auto file point compensation :'+aonoff(fileptratio,'Active','In-active'),abort,next); printacr('D. File point compensation ratio :'+cstr(fileptcomp)+' to 1',abort,next); printacr('E. Base file size per 1 file point:'+cstr(fileptcompbasesize)+'k',abort,next); printacr('F. Upload time refund percent :'+cstr(ulrefund)+'%',abort,next); s:='G. "To-SysOp" file base :'; if (tosysopdir=255) then s:=s+'*None*' else s:=s+cstr(tosysopdir); printacr(s,abort,next); printacr('H. Auto-validate ALL files ULed? :'+syn(validateallfiles),abort,next); printacr('I. Remote DOS re-direction device :'+systat.remdevice,abort,next); printacr('J. Max k-bytes allowed in TEMP\3\ :'+cstr(systat.maxintemp),abort,next); printacr('K. Min k-bytes to save for resume :'+cstr(systat.minresume),abort,next); nl; prt('Enter selection (A-K) [Q]uit : '); onek(c,'QABCDEFGHIJK'^M); nl; case c of 'Q':done:=TRUE; 'A':poarcconfig; 'B':uldlratio:=not uldlratio; 'C':fileptratio:=not fileptratio; 'D'..'G':begin if (c<>'G') then prt('Range (0-255)') else prt('Range (0-'+cstr(maxulb)+') (255 to disable)'); nl; prt('New value: '); mpl(3); ini(b); if (not badini) then case c of 'D':fileptcomp:=b; 'E':fileptcompbasesize:=b; 'F':ulrefund:=b; 'G':if ((b>=0) and (b<=maxulb)) or (b=255) then tosysopdir:=b; end; end; 'H':validateallfiles:=not validateallfiles; 'I':begin sprint(#3#5+'This should be "GATE1" (or "GATE2", etc) if you have it.'); sprint(#3#5+'OTHERWISE, it should be "COM1" (or "COM2", etc).'); nl; prt('New device: '); mpl(10); inputwn(remdevice,10,changed); end; 'J':begin prt('New max k-bytes: '); inu(i); if (not badini) then systat.maxintemp:=i; end; 'K':begin prt('New min resume k-bytes: '); inu(i); if (not badini) then systat.minresume:=i; end; end; end; until (done) or (hangup); end; end.