{$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit file9; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} myio, file0, file1, file2, common; function info:astr; procedure dir(cd,x:astr; expanded:boolean); procedure dirf(expanded:boolean); procedure deleteff(rn:integer; var pl:integer; killverbose:boolean); procedure remove; procedure setdirs; procedure pointdate; procedure yourfileinfo; procedure listopts; implementation function align2(s:astr):astr; begin if pos('.',s)=0 then s:=mln(s,12) else s:=mln(copy(s,1,pos('.',s)-1),8)+' '+mln(copy(s,pos('.',s)+1,3),3); align2:=s; end; function info:astr; var pm:char; i:integer; s:astr; dt:datetime; function ti(i:integer):astr; var s:astr; begin ti:=tch(cstr(i)); end; begin s:=dirinfo.name; if (dirinfo.attr and directory)=directory then s:=mln(s,13)+' ' else s:=align2(s)+' '+mrn(cstrl(dirinfo.size),7); unpacktime(dirinfo.time,dt); with dt do begin if hour<13 then pm:='a' else begin pm:='p'; hour:=hour-12; end; s:=s+' '+mrn(cstr(month),2)+'-'+ti(day)+'-'+ti(year-1900)+ ' '+mrn(cstr(hour),2)+':'+ti(min)+pm; end; info:=s; end; procedure dir(cd,x:astr; expanded:boolean); var abort,next,nofiles:boolean; s:astr; onlin:integer; dfs:longint; numfiles:integer; begin if (copy(cd,length(cd),1)<>'\') then cd:=cd+'\'; abort:=FALSE; cd:=cd+x; if (fso) then begin printacr(#3#5+' Directory of '+#3#3+copy(cd,1,length(cd)),abort,next); nl; end; s:=''; onlin:=0; numfiles:=0; nofiles:=TRUE; ffile(cd); while (found) and (not abort) do begin if (not (dirinfo.attr and directory=directory)) or (fso) then if (not (dirinfo.attr and volumeid=volumeid)) then if ((not (dirinfo.attr and dos.hidden=dos.hidden)) or (usernum=1)) then if ((dirinfo.attr and dos.hidden=dos.hidden) and (not (dirinfo.attr and directory=directory))) or (not (dirinfo.attr and dos.hidden=dos.hidden)) then begin nofiles:=FALSE; if (expanded) then printacr(info,abort,next) else begin inc(onlin); s:=s+align2(dirinfo.name); if onlin<>5 then s:=s+' ' else begin printacr(s,abort,next); s:=''; onlin:=0; end; end; inc(numfiles); end; nfile; end; if (not found) and (onlin in [1..5]) then printacr(s,abort,next); dfs:=freek(exdrv(cd)); if (nofiles) then s:=#3#3+'Files not found' else s:=#3#3+mrn(cstr(numfiles)+#3#5+' File(s)',17); printacr(s+#3#3+mrn(cstrl(dfs*1024),10)+#3#5+' bytes free',abort,next); end; procedure dirf(expanded:boolean); var fspec:astr; abort,next,all:boolean; begin nl; print('Raw directory.'); gfn(fspec); abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; nl; loaduboard(fileboard); dir(memuboard.dlpath,fspec,expanded); end; procedure deleteff(rn:integer; var pl:integer; killverbose:boolean); var i:integer; f:ulfrec; v:verbrec; begin if (rn<=pl) and (rn>0) then begin dec(pl); seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f); if (f.vpointer<>-1) and (killverbose) then begin assign(verbf,systat.gfilepath+'verbose.dat'); reset(verbf); seek(verbf,f.vpointer); read(verbf,v); if (ioresult=0) then begin v.descr[1]:=''; seek(verbf,f.vpointer); write(verbf,v); end; close(verbf); end; for i:=rn to pl do begin seek(ulff,i+1); read(ulff,f); seek(ulff,i); write(ulff,f); end; seek(ulff,0); f.blocks:=pl; write(ulff,f); end; end; procedure remove; var done,abort,next,subit:boolean; c:char; pl,rn:integer; s,fn:astr; ff:file; f:ulfrec; u:userrec; begin nl; print('Remove files.'); gfn(fn); abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; nl; recno(fn,pl,rn); if (baddlpath) then exit; if (fn='') or (pos('.',fn)=0) or (rn=0) then print('No matching files.') else begin lastcommandovr:=TRUE; c:=#0; while (fn<>'') and (rn<>0) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin seek(ulff,rn); read(ulff,f); reset(uf); seek(uf,f.owner); read(uf,u); if (rn<>0) then begin done:=FALSE; repeat if (c<>'?') then begin nl; fileinfo(f,FALSE,abort,next); nl; end; if (next) then c:='N' else begin prt('Remove files (?=help) : '); if (f.owner<>usernum) and (not fso) then onek(c,'QN?'^M) else onek(c,'QDN?'^M); end; case c of ^M:c:=#0; {* do nothing *} '?':begin nl; print('Redisplay entry'); if (f.owner<>usernum) and (not fso) then lcmds(12,3,'Next file','Quit') else begin lcmds(12,3,'Delete file','Next file'); lcmds(12,3,'Quit',''); end; nl; end; 'D':if (f.owner<>usernum) and (not fso) then sprint(#3#7+'You can''t delete this!!') else begin deleteff(rn,pl,TRUE); dec(lrn); s:='Removed "'+sqoutsp(f.filename)+'" from Dir#'+cstr(fileboard); nl; if (not exist(memuboard.dlpath+f.filename)) then sprint(#3#5+'File does not exist!') else if (fso) then if pynq('Erase file too? ') then begin assign(ff,memuboard.dlpath+f.filename); {$I-} erase(ff); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then s:=s+' [FILE DELETED]' else s:='Tried deleting "'+sqoutsp(f.filename)+'" from Dir#'+cstr(fileboard); end; subit:=(allcaps(f.stowner)=allcaps(u.name)); if (fso) then if (not subit) then begin print('Uploader name does not match user name!'); print('Cannot remove credit from user.'); end else subit:=pynq('Remove from '+#3#5+caps(u.name)+' #'+ cstr(f.owner)+#3#7+'''s ratio? '); if (subit) then begin if (f.owner=usernum) then u:=thisuser; with u do begin uk:=uk-(f.blocks div 8); dec(uploads); if (uk<0) then uk:=0; if (uploads<0) then uploads:=0; end; seek(uf,f.owner); write(uf,u); if (f.owner=usernum) then thisuser:=u; end; sysoplog(s); done:=TRUE; end; else done:=TRUE; end; until ((done) or (hangup)); abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; if (c='Q') then abort:=TRUE; if (c<>'?') then nrecno(fn,pl,rn); end; end; reset(uf); close(uf); close(ulff); end; end; procedure setdirs; var s:astr; i:integer; done:boolean; begin nl; if (novice in thisuser.ac) then begin fbaselist; nl; end; done:=FALSE; repeat prt('Set NewScan file bases (Q=Quit,?=List,#=Toggle base) : '); input(s,3); if (s='Q') then done:=TRUE; if (s='?') then begin fbaselist; nl; end; i:=ccuboards[0][value(s)]; if (fbaseac(i)) then { loads memuboard } if (i>=0) and (i<=maxulb) and (length(s)>0) and (s[1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin nl; sprompt(#3#5+memuboard.name+#3#3); if (i in zscanr.fzscan) then begin sprint(' will NOT be scanned.'); zscanr.fzscan:=zscanr.fzscan-[i]; end else begin sprint(' WILL be scanned.'); zscanr.fzscan:=zscanr.fzscan+[i]; end; nl; end; until (done) or (hangup); lastcommandovr:=TRUE; savezscanr; end; procedure pointdate; var s:astr; begin nl; print('Enter limiting date for new files -'); print('Date is currently set to '+newdate); nl; prt('(mm/dd/yy): '); input(s,8); if (daynum(s)=0) then print('Illegal date.') else newdate:=s; nl; print('Current limiting date is '+newdate); end; procedure yourfileinfo; begin nl; with thisuser do begin sprint(#3#4+'Name.........: '+#3#5+nam); sprint(#3#4+'SL...........: '+#3#5+cstr(thisuser.sl)); sprint(#3#4+'DSL..........: '+#3#5+cstr(thisuser.dsl)); sprint(#3#4+'File points..: '+#3#5+cstr(thisuser.filepoints)); sprompt(#3#4+'You DLed.....: '+#3#5+cstrl(thisuser.dk)+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.downloads)+' file'); if (thisuser.downloads<>1) then sprint('s') else nl; sprompt(#3#4+'You ULed.....: '+#3#5+cstrl(thisuser.uk)+'k in '+cstr(thisuser.uploads)+' file'); if (thisuser.uploads<>1) then sprint('s') else nl; sprint(#3#4+'File point status:'); if (fnofilepts in thisuser.ac) then sprint(#3#3+' Special flag - No file point check!') else if (aacs(systat.nofilepts)) then sprint(#3#3+' High security level - No file point check!') else sprint(#3#5+' Active according to setting on each file.'); if (not systat.fileptratio) then sprint(#3#3+' Auto file point compensation inactive.') else begin sprint(#3#5+' File point compensation of '+cstr(systat.fileptcomp)+' to 1.'); sprint(#3#5+' Base compensation size of '+cstr(systat.fileptcompbasesize)+'k.'); end; sprint(#3#4+'UL/DL ratio settings:'); if (not systat.uldlratio) then sprint(#3#3+' Inactive.') else if (fnodlratio in thisuser.ac) then sprint(#3#3+' Special flag - No ratio check!') else if (aacs(systat.nodlratio)) then sprint(#3#3+' High security level - No ratio check!') else begin sprint(#3#5+' 1 upload for every '+cstr(systat.dlratio[thisuser.sl])+' downloads'); sprint(#3#5+' 1k upload for every '+cstr(systat.dlkratio[thisuser.sl])+' downloaded'); end; end; end; procedure listopts; var c:char; begin nl; prt('List version: (1-3) ['+cstr(thisuser.flistopt)+'] : '); onek(c,'Q123 '^M); if (c in ['1'..'3']) then thisuser.flistopt:=ord(c)-48; if (thisuser.flistopt in [1,3]) then begin dyny:=flistverb; flistverb:=pynq('List verbose descriptions? ['+syn(flistverb)+'] : '); end; lastcommandovr:=TRUE; end; end.