{$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit mail9; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} common, timejunk, mail0, mail4; procedure mbaselist; procedure mbasechange(var done:boolean; mstr:astr); procedure readamsg; procedure wamsg; procedure replyamsg; procedure mbasestats; implementation procedure mbaselist; var s,os:astr; b,b2,i,onlin,nd:integer; abort,next,acc,showtitles:boolean; procedure titles; var sep:astr; begin sep:=#3#4+':'+#3#3; if (showtitles) then begin sprint(#3#3+'NNN'+sep+'Flags '+sep+'Type '+sep+'Description'); sprint(#3#4+'ÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ='); showtitles:=FALSE; end; end; procedure longlist; var s1:string[5]; begin nl; showtitles:=TRUE; s1:=' '; while ((b<=numboards) and (not abort)) do begin acc:=mbaseac(b); if ((mbunhidden in memboard.mbstat) or (acc)) then begin titles; if (acc) then begin s:=#3#5+cstr(ccboards[1][b]); while (length(s)<6) do s:=s+' '; if (b in zscanr.mzscan) then s:=s+#3#9+'Scan ' else s:=s+#3#9+s1; end else s:=#3#9+' '; if (not (mbfilter in memboard.mbstat)) then s:=s+'ANSI ' else s:=s+s1; if (mbrealname in memboard.mbstat) then s:=s+'Real ' else s:=s+s1; case memboard.mbtype of 0:s:=s+#3#3+'Local '+#3#5; 1:s:=s+#3#3+'Echo '+#3#0; 2:s:=s+#3#3+'Group '+#3#0; end; s:=s+memboard.name; sprint(s); inc(nd); if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); end; inc(b); end; end; procedure shortlist; begin nl; while ((b<=numboards) and (not abort)) do begin acc:=mbaseac(b); if ((mbunhidden in memboard.mbstat) or (acc)) then begin if (acc) then begin b2:=ccboards[1][b]; if (memboard.mbtype=0) then s:=#3#5 else s:=#3#0; if (b2<10) then s:=s+' '; s:=s+cstr(b2); if (b in zscanr.mzscan) then s:=s+'* ' else s:=s+' '; end else s:=' '; s:=s+#3#5+memboard.name; inc(onlin); inc(nd); if (onlin=1) then begin if (lennmci(s)<=40) then s:=mlnmci(s,40); sprompt(s); os:=s; if (lennmci(s)>40) then begin nl; onlin:=0; end; end else begin os:=''; if (thisuser.linelen>=80) then begin if (lennmci(s)>40) then begin nl; os:=''; end; end else nl; sprint(os+s); onlin:=0; end; if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); end; inc(b); end; if ((onlin=1) and (thisuser.linelen>=80)) then nl; end; begin nl; abort:=FALSE; onlin:=0; s:=''; b:=1; nd:=0; if pynq('Display detailed area listing? ') then longlist else shortlist; if (nd=0) then sprompt(#3#7+'No message bases.'); end; procedure mbasechange(var done:boolean; mstr:astr); var s:astr; i:integer; begin if mstr<>'' then case mstr[1] of '+':begin i:=board; if (board>=numboards) then i:=0 else repeat inc(i); changeboard(i); until (board=i) or (i>numboards); if (board<>i) then sprint('@MHighest accessible message base.') else lastcommandovr:=TRUE; end; '-':begin i:=board; if board<=0 then i:=numboards else repeat dec(i); changeboard(i); until (board=i) or (i<=0); if (board<>i) then sprint('@MLowest accessible message base.') else lastcommandovr:=TRUE; end; 'L':mbaselist; else begin changeboard(value(mstr)); if pos(';',mstr)>0 then begin s:=copy(mstr,pos(';',mstr)+1,length(mstr)); curmenu:=systat.menupath+s+'.mnu'; newmenutoload:=TRUE; done:=TRUE; end; lastcommandovr:=TRUE; end; end else begin if (novice in thisuser.ac) then mbaselist; nl; s:='?'; repeat sprompt('^7Change message base (^3?^7=^3List^7) : ^3'); input(s,3); i:=ccboards[0][value(s)]; if s='?' then begin mbaselist; nl; end else if (i>=1) and (i<=numboards) and (i<>board) then changeboard(i); until (s<>'?') or (hangup); lastcommandovr:=TRUE; end; end; procedure readamsg; var filv:text; s:astr; i,j:integer; begin nl; assign(filv,systat.afilepath+'auto.msg'); {$I-} reset(filv); {$I+} nofile:=(ioresult<>0); j:=0; if (nofile) then sprint(#3#0+'No AutoMessage available.') else begin readln(filv,s); case s[1] of '@':if (aacs(systat.anonpubread)) then s:=copy(s,2,length(s))+' (Posted Anonymously)' else s:='Anonymous'; '!':if (cso) then s:=copy(s,2,length(s))+' (Posted Anonymously)' else s:='Anonymous'; end; sprint(fstring.automsgt+s); repeat readln(filv,s); if lenn(s)>j then j:=lenn(s); until (eof(filv)); if (j>=thisuser.linelen) then j:=thisuser.linelen-1; reset(filv); readln(filv,s); cl(0); if ((not okansi) or (fstring.autom=#32)) then nl else for i:=1 to j do outkey(fstring.autom); nl; repeat readln(filv,s); sprint(#3#3+s); until eof(filv); cl(0); if ((not okansi) or (fstring.autom=#32)) then nl else for i:=1 to j do outkey(fstring.autom); nl; close(filv); end; end; procedure wamsg; var filvar:text; i,j:integer; am:array[1..30] of astr; n:astr; c:char; abort,next:boolean; begin if (ramsg in thisuser.ac) then print('You are restricted from writing automessages.') else begin abort:=FALSE; nl; if mso then begin print('Enter up to 30 lines, "." alone to end.'); nl; i:=0; repeat inc(i); cl(3); inputwc(am[i],79); until ((am[i]='.') or (i=30) or (hangup)); if (am[i]='.') then dec(i); j:=i; end else begin print('Enter three lines:'); nl; for i:=1 to 3 do begin cl(3); inputwc(am[i],79); end; j:=3; end; nl; if (j<>0) then begin repeat abort:=FALSE; nl; for i:=1 to j do sprint(#3#3+am[i]); nl; sprompt(#3#7+'Is this alright? [R]elist (Y/N) [Y] : '); onekcr:=FALSE; onekda:=FALSE; onek(c,'NYR '^M); cl(3); case c of 'R':print('Relist'); 'N':print('No'); else print('Yes'); end; until (c<>'R') or (hangup); if (c<>'N') then begin n:=nam; if (aacs(systat.anonpubpost)) then if pynq('Post Anonymously? ') then if (realsl=255) then n:='!'+n else n:='@'+n; assign(filvar,systat.afilepath+'auto.msg'); {$I-} reset(filvar); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then assign(filvar,systat.afilepath+'auto.msg'); rewrite(filvar); writeln(filvar,n); for i:=1 to j do writeln(filvar,am[i]); close(filvar); nl; print('Auto-message saved.'); sysoplog('Changed Auto-message to:'); for i:=1 to j do sysoplog(#3#3+am[i]); end else print('Nothing saved.'); end else print('Nothing saved.'); end; end; procedure replyamsg; var autof:text; begin nl; nofile:=FALSE; assign(autof,systat.afilepath+'auto.msg'); {$I-} reset(autof); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('Nothing to reply to.') else begin irt:='Your auto-message'; readln(autof,lastname); close(autof); if (lastname[1]='@') then if (not aacs(systat.anonprivread)) then lastname:=''; if (lastname[1]='!') and (so) then lastname:=''; if (lastname='') then print('Can''t reply now.') else autoreply; end; end; procedure mbasestats; var s:astr; abort,next:boolean; procedure dd(var abort,next:boolean; s1,s2:astr; b:boolean); begin s1:=#3#3+s1+#3#5+' '; if (b) then printacr(s1+s2,abort,next) else printacr(s1+'None.',abort,next); end; begin abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; nl; loadboard(board); with memboard do begin s:=#3#3+'Statistics on "'+#3#5+name+' #'+cstr(ccboards[1][board])+#3#3+'"'; printacr(s,abort,next); nl; dd(abort,next,'Base password ........ :','"'+password+'"',(password<>'')); dd(abort,next,'Max messages ......... :',cstr(maxmsgs),(maxmsgs<>0)); case anonymous of atno :s:='None allowed'; atyes :s:='Anonymous posts allowed'; atforced :s:='All posts forced anonymous'; atdearabby:s:='Dear Abby base'; atanyname :s:='Any Name Goes'; end; dd(abort,next,'Anonymous type ....... :',s,TRUE); if (fso) then begin nl; dd(abort,next,'ACS .................. :',acs,TRUE); dd(abort,next,'Post ACS ............. :',postacs,TRUE); dd(abort,next,'MCI ACS .............. :',mciacs,TRUE); nl; dd(abort,next,'Filename ...... :','"'+filename+'.BRD"',TRUE); dd(abort,next,'Message path .. :','"'+msgpath+'"',(mbtype<>0)); end; end; end; end.