{$A+,B+,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} unit file5; interface uses crt, dos, {rcg11172000 no overlay under Linux.} {overlay,} common, sysop4, file0, file1, file2, file4, file8, file9, file11, execbat; procedure minidos; procedure browse; procedure uploadall; implementation uses archive1; var xword:array[1..9] of astr; procedure parse(s:astr); var i,j,k:integer; begin for i:=1 to 9 do xword[i]:=''; i:=1; j:=1; k:=1; if (length(s)=1) then xword[1]:=s; while (i0) or (pos('..',xword[2])<>0)) and} if ((pos('/',xword[2])<>0) or (pos('..',xword[2])<>0)) and (restr) then exit; if (s='DIR/W') then s:='DIR *.* /W'; if (s='?') or (s='HELP') then printf('minidos') else if (s='EDIT') or (s='EDLIN') then begin if ((exist(xword[2])) and (xword[2]<>'')) then tedit(xword[2]) else if (xword[2]='') then tedit1 else tedit(xword[2]); end else if (s='EXIT') or (s='QUIT') then done:=TRUE else if ((s='DEL') or (s='DELETE')) and (not restr1) then begin if ((not exist(xword[2])) and (not iswildcard(xword[2]))) or (xword[2]='') then print('File not found.') else begin xword[2]:=fexpand(xword[2]); ffile(xword[2]); repeat if not ((dirinfo.attr and VolumeID=VolumeID) or (dirinfo.attr and Directory=Directory)) then begin assign(f,dirinfo.name); {$I-} erase(f); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('"'+dirinfo.name+'": Could not delete!'); end; nfile; until (not found) or (hangup); end; end else if (s='TYPE') then begin printf(fexpand(xword[2])); if (nofile) then print('File not found.'); end else if ((s='REN') or (s='RENAME')) then begin if ((not exist(xword[2])) and (xword[2]<>'')) then print('File not found.') else begin xword[2]:=fexpand(xword[2]); assign(f,xword[2]); {$I-} rename(f,xword[3]); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('File not found.'); end end else if (s='DIR') then begin b:=TRUE; for i:=2 to 9 do if (xword[i]='/W') then begin b:=FALSE; xword[i]:=''; end; if (xword[2]='') then xword[2]:='*.*'; s1:=curdir; xword[2]:=fexpand(xword[2]); fsplit(xword[2],ps,ns,es); s1:=ps; s2:=ns+es; if (s2='') then s2:='*.*'; if (not iswildcard(xword[2])) then begin ffile(xword[2]); {rcg11242000 DOSism.} (*if ((found) and (dirinfo.attr=directory)) or ((length(s1)=3) and (s1[3]='\')) then begin {* root directory *}*) if (((found) and (dirinfo.attr=directory)) or (s1[1]='/')) then begin {* root directory *} s1:=bslash(TRUE,xword[2]); s2:='*.*'; end; end; nl; dir(s1,s2,b); nl; end else if ((s='CD') or (s='CHDIR')) and (xword[2]<>'') and (not restr1) then begin xword[2]:=fexpand(xword[2]); {$I-} chdir(xword[2]); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('Invalid pathname.'); end else if ((s='MD') or (s='MKDIR')) and (xword[2]<>'') and (not restr1) then begin {$I-} mkdir(xword[2]); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('Unable to create directory.'); end else if ((s='RD') or (s='RMDIR')) and (xword[2]<>'') and (not restr1) then begin {$I-} rmdir(xword[2]); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('Unable to remove directory.'); end else if (s='COPY') and (not restr1) then begin if (xword[2]<>'') then begin if (iswildcard(xword[3])) then print('Wildcards not allowed in destination parameter!') else begin if (xword[3]='') then xword[3]:=curdir; xword[2]:=bslash(FALSE,fexpand(xword[2])); xword[3]:=fexpand(xword[3]); ffile(xword[3]); b:=((found) and (dirinfo.attr and directory=directory)); {rcg11242000 !!! Look at this. } if ((not b) and (copy(xword[3],2,2)=':\') and (length(xword[3])=3)) then b:=TRUE; fsplit(xword[2],op,ns,es); op:=bslash(TRUE,op); if (b) then np:=bslash(TRUE,xword[3]) else begin fsplit(xword[3],np,ns,es); np:=bslash(TRUE,np); end; j:=0; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; ffile(xword[2]); while (found) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin if (not ((dirinfo.attr=directory) or (dirinfo.attr=volumeid))) then begin s1:=op+dirinfo.name; if (b) then s2:=np+dirinfo.name else s2:=np+ns+es; prompt(s1+' -> '+s2+' :'); copyfile(ok,nospace,TRUE,s1,s2); if (ok) then begin inc(j); nl; end else if (nospace) then sprompt(#3#7+' - *Insufficient space*') else sprompt(#3#7+' - *Copy failed*'); nl; end; if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); nfile; end; if (j<>0) then begin prompt(' '+cstr(j)+' file'); if (j<>1) then prompt('s'); print(' copied.'); end; end; end; end else if (s='MOVE') and (not restr1) then begin if (xword[2]<>'') then begin if (iswildcard(xword[3])) then print('Wildcards not allowed in destination parameter!') else begin if (xword[3]='') then xword[3]:=curdir; xword[2]:=bslash(FALSE,fexpand(xword[2])); xword[3]:=fexpand(xword[3]); ffile(xword[3]); b:=((found) and (dirinfo.attr and directory=directory)); {rcg11242000 !!! Look at this. } if ((not b) and (copy(xword[3],2,2)=':\') and (length(xword[3])=3)) then b:=TRUE; fsplit(xword[2],op,ns,es); op:=bslash(TRUE,op); if (b) then np:=bslash(TRUE,xword[3]) else begin fsplit(xword[3],np,ns,es); np:=bslash(TRUE,np); end; j:=0; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; ffile(xword[2]); while (found) and (not abort) and (not hangup) do begin if (not ((dirinfo.attr=directory) or (dirinfo.attr=volumeid))) then begin s1:=op+dirinfo.name; if (b) then s2:=np+dirinfo.name else s2:=np+ns+es; prompt(s1+' -> '+s2+' :'); movefile(ok,nospace,TRUE,s1,s2); if (ok) then begin inc(j); nl; end else if (nospace) then sprompt(#3#7+' - *Insufficient space*') else sprompt(#3#7+' - *Move failed*'); nl; end; if (not empty) then wkey(abort,next); nfile; end; if (j<>0) then begin prompt(' '+cstr(j)+' file'); if (j<>1) then prompt('s'); print(' moved.'); end; end; end; end else if (s='CLS') then cls else if (length(s)=2) and (s[1]>='A') and (s[1]<='Z') and (s[2]=':') and (not restr1) then begin {$I-} getdir(ord(s[1])-64,s1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then print('Invalid drive.') else begin {$I-} chdir(s1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin print('Invalid drive.'); chdir(curdir); end; end; end else if (s='IFL') then begin if (xword[2]='') then begin (* nl; print('IFL v1.30 - May 09 1989 - Interior File Listing Utility'); print('Copyright 1989 by Martin Pollard. All rights reserved!'); print('Licensed for internal usage in Telegard v'+ver); *) nl; print('Syntax is: "IFL filename"'); nl; (* print('IFL produces a listing of files contained in an archive file.'); print('Archive formats currently supported include:'); nl; print(' ARC - Developed by System Enhancement Associates'); print(' and enhanced by PKware (PKARC & PKPAK)'); print(' and NoGate Consulting (PAK)'); print(' LZH - Developed by Haruyasu Yoshizaki'); print(' ZIP - Developed by PKware'); print(' ZOO - Developed by Rahul Dhesi'); nl; print('Support for other formats may be included in the future.'); nl; *) end else begin s1:=xword[2]; if (pos('.',s1)=0) then s1:=s1+'*.*'; lfi(s1,abort,next); end; end else if (s='SEND') and (xword[2]<>'') then begin if exist(xword[2]) then unlisted_download(fexpand(xword[2])) else print('File not found.'); end else if (s='VER') then versioninfo else if (s='FORMAT') then begin nl; print('HA HA HA - Very funny - You must be dumber than you look.'); nl; end else if (s='DIRSIZE') then begin nl; if (xword[2]='') then print('Needs a parameter.') else begin numfiles:=0; tsiz:=0; ffile(xword[2]); while (found) do begin inc(tsiz,dirinfo.size); inc(numfiles); nfile; end; if (numfiles=0) then print('No files found!') else print('"'+allcaps(xword[2])+'": '+cstrl(numfiles)+' files, '+ cstrl(tsiz)+' bytes.'); end; nl; end else if (s='DISKFREE') then begin if (xword[2]='') then j:=exdrv(curdir) else j:=exdrv(xword[2]); nl; print(cstrl(freek(j)*1024)+' bytes free on '+chr(j+64)+':'); nl; end else if (s='EXT') and (not restr1) then begin s1:=cmd; j:=pos('EXT',allcaps(s1))+3; s1:=copy(s1,j,length(s1)-(j-1)); while (copy(s1,1,1)=' ') do s1:=copy(s1,2,length(s1)-1); if ((incom) or (outcom)) then s1:=s1+' >'+systat.remdevice+' <'+systat.remdevice; if (length(s1)>127) then begin nl; print('Command too long!'); nl; end else shelldos(TRUE,s1,retlevel); end else if ((s='CONVERT') or (s='CVT')) and (not restr1) then begin if (xword[2]='') then begin nl; print(s+' - Telegard archive conversion command.'); nl; print('Syntax is: "'+s+' "'); nl; print('Telegard will convert from the one archive format to the other.'); print('You only need to specify the 3-letter extension of the new format.'); nl; end else begin if (not exist(xword[2])) or (xword[2]='') then print('File not found.') else begin i:=arctype(xword[2]); if (i=0) then invarc else begin s3:=xword[3]; s3:=copy(s3,length(s3)-2,3); j:=arctype('FILENAME.'+s3); fsplit(xword[2],ps,ns,es); if (length(xword[3])<=3) and (j<>0) then s3:=ps+ns+'.'+systat.filearcinfo[j].ext else s3:=xword[3]; if (j=0) then invarc else begin ok:=TRUE; {rcg11242000 DOSism.} { conva(ok,i,j,systat.temppath+'1\',sqoutsp(fexpand(xword[2])), sqoutsp(fexpand(s3))); } conva(ok,i,j,systat.temppath+'1/',sqoutsp(fexpand(xword[2])), sqoutsp(fexpand(s3))); if (ok) then begin assign(fi,sqoutsp(fexpand(xword[2]))); {$I-} erase(fi); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then star('Unable to delete original: "'+ sqoutsp(fexpand(xword[2]))+'"'); end else star('Conversion unsuccessful.'); end; end; end; end; end else if ((s='UNARC') or (s='UNZIP') or (s='PKXARC') or (s='PKUNPAK') or (s='PKUNZIP')) and (not restr1) then begin if (xword[2]='') then begin nl; print(s+' - Telegard archive de-compression command.'); nl; print('Syntax is: "'+s+' Archive filespecs..."'); nl; print('The archive type can be ANY archive format which has been'); print('configured into Telegard via System Configuration.'); nl; end else begin i:=arctype(xword[2]); if (not exist(xword[2])) then print('File not found.') else if (i=0) then invarc else begin s3:=''; if (xword[3]='') then s3:=' *.*' else for j:=3 to 9 do if (xword[j]<>'') then s3:=s3+' '+fexpand(xword[j]); s3:=copy(s3,2,length(s3)-1); shel1; pexecbatch(TRUE,'tgtemp1.bat','',bslash(TRUE,curdir), arcmci(systat.filearcinfo[i].unarcline,fexpand(xword[2]),s3), retlevel); shel2; end; end; end else if ((s='ARC') or (s='ZIP') or (s='PKARC') or (s='PKPAK') or (s='PKZIP')) and (not restr1) then begin if (xword[2]='') then begin nl; print(s+' - Telegard archive compression command.'); nl; print('Syntax is: "'+s+' Archive filespecs..."'); nl; print('The archive type can be ANY archive format which has been'); print('configured into Telegard via System Configuration.'); nl; end else begin i:=arctype(xword[2]); if (i=0) then invarc else begin s3:=''; if (xword[3]='') then s3:=' *.*' else for j:=3 to 9 do if (xword[j]<>'') then s3:=s3+' '+fexpand(xword[j]); s3:=copy(s3,2,length(s3)-1); shel1; pexecbatch(TRUE,'tgtemp1.bat','',bslash(TRUE,curdir), arcmci(systat.filearcinfo[i].arcline,fexpand(xword[2]),s3), retlevel); shel2; end; end; end else begin nocmd:=TRUE; if (s<>'') then if (not wasrestr) then print('Bad command or file name') else print('Restricted command.'); end; end; begin chdir(bslash(FALSE,systat.afilepath)); restr:=(not cso); done:=FALSE; nl; print('Type "EXIT" to return to Telegard.'); nl; versioninfo; if (restr) then begin print('Only *.MSG, *.ANS, *.40C and *.TXT files may be modified.'); print('Activity restricted to "'+systat.afilepath+'" path only.'); nl; end; repeat getdir(0,curdir); prompt('<'+curdir+'> '); inputl(s1,128); parse(s1); docmd(s1); if (not nocmd) then sysoplog('> '+s1); until (done) or (hangup); chdir(start_dir); end; procedure browse; const perpage=15; var f:ulfrec; filenum:array[1..20] of integer; s:astr; i,a1,a2,numadd,pl,topp,otopp,savflistopt:integer; c:char; abort,next,done,done1,showlist:boolean; procedure listpage; begin abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; if (topp>pl) then topp:=otopp; otopp:=topp; bnp:=FALSE; while (topp-otopppl)) then exit; done:=FALSE; showlist:=TRUE; otopp:=topp; savflistopt:=thisuser.flistopt; thisuser.flistopt:=30; repeat if (showlist) then listpage; showlist:=FALSE; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; nl; prt(#3#5+'['+cstr(topp)+']'+#3#4+' Browse files (1-'+cstr(pl)+',?=help) : '); input(s,4); if ((value(s)>=1) and (value(s)<=pl)) then begin nl; seek(ulff,value(s)); read(ulff,f); fileinfo(f,FALSE,abort,next); s:='xxxx'; end; if (length(s)>=1) then c:=s[1] else c:=^M; i:=value(copy(s,2,length(s)-1)); case c of '?':begin nl; print('###:File description'); lcmds(9,3,'Download','-Back up a page'); lcmds(9,3,'Jump','List or for next page'); lcmds(9,3,'Upload','Numbered download'); lcmds(9,3,'Quit','View interior'); end; 'L',^M:showlist:=TRUE; {* do nothing *} 'B','-':begin dec(topp,perpage*2); if (topp<1) then topp:=1; showlist:=TRUE; end; 'D':if ((i>=1) and (i<=pl)) then begin seek(ulff,i); read(ulff,f); abort:=FALSE; dlx(f,i,abort); end else begin idl; fiscan(pl); end; 'J':begin if ((i<1) or (i>pl)) then begin i:=0; nl; prt('Goto which file? (1-'+cstr(pl)+') : '); inu(i); if (badini) then i:=0; end; if (i>=1) and (i<=pl) then topp:=i; showlist:=TRUE; end; 'N':begin if (i>=1) and (i<=pl) then begin filenum[1]:=i; numadd:=1; end else begin nl; print('Numbered download.'); print('Enter single file number, or multiple file numbers'); print('seperated by commas, max 20.'); prt(':'); input(s,78); done1:=FALSE; numadd:=0; if (s<>'') then repeat if ((value(s)>=1) and (value(s)<=filesize(ulff)-1)) then begin inc(numadd); filenum[numadd]:=value(s); end; if (pos(',',s)=0) then done1:=TRUE else s:=copy(s,pos(',',s)+1,length(s)-pos(',',s)); until (done1) or (numadd=20); end; done1:=FALSE; if (numadd=1) then begin seek(ulff,filenum[1]); read(ulff,f); nl; if (okdl(f)) then if (pynq('Download immediately? ')) then begin seek(ulff,filenum[1]); read(ulff,f); abort:=FALSE; dlx(f,filenum[1],abort); done1:=TRUE; end; end; if (not done1) then begin nl; print('File list:'); for i:=1 to numadd do begin seek(ulff,filenum[i]); read(ulff,f); print(' '+sqoutsp(f.filename)); end; nl; if pynq('Add these files to your batch queue? ') then begin a2:=0; for i:=1 to numadd do begin seek(ulff,filenum[i]); read(ulff,f); a1:=numbatchfiles; if (okdl(f)) then ymbadd(memuboard.dlpath+f.filename); if (numbatchfiles<>a1) then inc(a2); end; nl; print(cstr(a2)+' files added to batch queue.'); end; end; end; 'U':begin iul; fiscan(pl); end; 'V':begin if (i>=1) and (i<=pl) then begin abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; lfin(i,abort,next); end else lfii; fiscan(pl); end; 'Q':done:=TRUE; end; until (done) or (hangup); close(ulff); thisuser.flistopt:=savflistopt; end; procedure uploadall; var bn,savflistopt:integer; abort,next,sall:boolean; procedure uploadfiles(b:integer; var abort,next:boolean); var fi:file of byte; f:ulfrec; v:verbrec; fn:astr; convtime:real; oldboard,pl,rn,gotpts,i:integer; c:char; ok,convt,firstone:boolean; begin oldboard:=fileboard; firstone:=TRUE; if (fileboard<>b) then changefileboard(b); if (fileboard=b) then begin loaduboard(fileboard); nl; sprint('Scanning '+#3#5+memuboard.name+#3#1+' ('+memuboard.dlpath+')'); ffile(memuboard.dlpath+'*.*'); while (found) do begin if not ((dirinfo.attr and VolumeID=VolumeID) or (dirinfo.attr and Directory=Directory)) then begin fn:=align(dirinfo.name); recno(fn,pl,rn); { loads memuboard again .. } if (rn=0) then begin assign(fi,memuboard.dlpath+fn); {$I-} reset(fi); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin f.blocks:=trunc((filesize(fi)+127.0)/128.0); close(fi); if (firstone) then pbn(abort,next); firstone:=FALSE; sprompt(' '+#3#3+fn+' '+#3#4+mln(cstr(f.blocks div 8),3)+' New:'); cl(5); inputl(f.description,60); ok:=TRUE; if (copy(f.description,1,1)='.') then begin if (length(f.description)=1) then begin abort:=TRUE; exit; end; c:=upcase(f.description[2]); case c of 'D':begin {$I-} erase(fi); {$I+} i:=ioresult; ok:=FALSE; end; 'N':begin next:=TRUE; exit; end; 'S':ok:=FALSE; end; end; if (ok) then begin v.descr[1]:=''; if (copy(f.description,1,1)='\') then begin f.description:=copy(f.description,2,length(f.description)-1); nl; print('You may use up to four lines of 50 characters each.'); print('Enter a blank line to end.'); nl; i:=1; repeat prt(cstr(i)+':'); mpl(50); inputl(v.descr[i],50); if (v.descr[i]='') then i:=4; inc(i); until ((i=5) or (hangup)); if (v.descr[1]<>'') then f.vpointer:=nfvpointer else begin nl; print('No verbose description saved.'); end; nl; end; if (v.descr[1]='') then f.vpointer:=-1; (* arcstuff(ok,convt,f.blocks,convtime,FALSE,uboards[fileboard]^.dlpath,fn);*) doffstuff(f,fn,gotpts); if (ok) then begin newff(f,v); sysoplog(#3#3+'Upload "'+sqoutsp(fn)+'" on '+memuboard.name); end; end; end; end; end; nfile; end; end; fileboard:=oldboard; end; begin savflistopt:=thisuser.flistopt; thisuser.flistopt:=1; nl; print('Upload files into directories -'); nl; abort:=FALSE; next:=FALSE; sall:=pynq('Search all directories? '); nl; print('Enter a single "\" in front of description to enter a verbose'); print('description too. Enter "." to stop uploading, ".S" to skip this file,'); print('".N" to skip to the next directory, and ".D" to delete this file.'); if (sall) then begin bn:=0; while (not abort) and (bn<=maxulb) and (not hangup) do begin if (fbaseac(bn)) then uploadfiles(bn,abort,next); inc(bn); wkey(abort,next); if (next) then abort:=FALSE; end; end else uploadfiles(fileboard,abort,next); thisuser.flistopt:=savflistopt; end; end.