{$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} {$M 50000,0,1000} { Declared here suffices for all Units as well! } uses crt,dos, myio; {$I tagr24d.pas} {$I rec18a.pas} var a,b,lastss,mp,gp,sp:astr; h,i,j,k,savx,savy:integer; c:char; aw:boolean; { author working } backtotag:boolean; { CONVERTING TO TELEGARD .. } found:boolean; dirinfo:searchrec; ptsforisrequest,ptsfornotval:integer; wind:windowrec; didit:boolean; tag_uf:file of tag_userrec; tag_ulf:file of tag_ulrec; tag_ulff:file of tag_ulfrec; tag_bff:file of tag_messagerec; tag_sf:file of tag_smalrec; tag_bf:file of tag_boardrec; tag_vf:file of tag_vdatar; tag_u1:tag_userrec; tag_ub:tag_ulrec; tag_ulffr:tag_ulfrec; tag_bffr:tag_messagerec; tag_sr:tag_smalrec; tag_bb:tag_boardrec; tag_vv:tag_vdatar; uf:file of userrec; ulf:file of ulrec; ulff:file of ulfrec; bff:file of messagerec; sf:file of smalrec; bf:file of boardrec; vf:file of vdatar; u1:userrec; ub:ulrec; ulffr:ulfrec; bffr:messagerec; sr:smalrec; bb:boardrec; vv:vdatar; tagpath,tgpath,tmsgpath:astr; artable:astr; tag_systatf:file of tag_systatrec; tag_systat:tag_systatrec; systatf:file of systatrec; systat:systatrec; macrf:file of macrorec; macr:macrorec; ff:file; function value(I:astr):integer; var n,n1:integer; begin val(i,n,n1); if n1<>0 then begin i:=copy(i,1,n1-1); val(i,n,n1) end; value:=n; if i='' then value:=0; end; function cstr(i:integer):astr; var c:astr; begin str(i,c); cstr:=c; end; procedure alignpathname(var s:astr); begin if copy(s,length(s),1)<>'\' then s:=s+'\'; while (copy(s,length(s)-1,2)='\\') and (length(s)>2) do s:=copy(s,1,length(s)-1); end; function tch(i:astr):astr; begin if length(i)>2 then i:=copy(i,length(i)-1,2) else if length(i)=1 then i:='0'+i; tch:=i; end; function time:astr; var reg:registers; h,m,s:string[4]; begin reg.ax:=$2c00; intr($21,Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx shr 8,h); str(reg.cx mod 256,m); str(reg.dx shr 8,s); time:=tch(h)+':'+tch(m)+':'+tch(s); end; function date:astr; var reg:registers; m,d,y:string[4]; begin reg.ax:=$2a00; msdos(Dos.Registers(reg)); str(reg.cx,y); str(reg.dx mod 256,d); str(reg.dx shr 8,m); date:=tch(m)+'/'+tch(d)+'/'+tch(y); end; function leapyear(yr:integer):boolean; begin leapyear:=(yr mod 4=0) and ((yr mod 100<>0) or (yr mod 400=0)); end; function days(mo,yr:integer):integer; var d:integer; begin d:=value(copy('312831303130313130313031',1+(mo-1)*2,2)); if (mo=2) and leapyear(yr) then d:=d+1; days:=d; end; function daycount(mo,yr:integer):integer; var m,t:integer; begin t:=0; for m:=1 to (mo-1) do t:=t+days(m,yr); daycount:=t; end; function daynum(dt:astr):integer; var d,m,y,t,c:integer; begin t:=0; m:=value(copy(dt,1,2)); d:=value(copy(dt,4,2)); y:=value(copy(dt,7,2))+1900; for c:=1985 to y-1 do if leapyear(c) then t:=t+366 else t:=t+365; t:=t+daycount(m,y)+(d-1); daynum:=t; if y<1985 then daynum:=0; end; function freek(d:integer):longint; (* See disk space *) {var r:registers;} begin freek:=diskfree(d) div 1024; { r.ax:=$3600; r.dx:=d; msdos(dos.registers(r)); freek:=trunc(1.0*r.bx*r.ax*r.cx/1024.0);} end; procedure tc(i:integer); begin textcolor(i); end; procedure star(s:astr); begin tc(9); write('þ '); tc(11); writeln(s); end; function exdrv(s:astr):byte; begin s:=fexpand(s); exdrv:=ord(s[1])-64; end; procedure movefile(srcname,destpath:string); var buffer:array[1..16384] of byte; dfs,nrec:integer; src,dest:file; dd,dn,de:string; procedure dodate; var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer; begin srcname:=srcname+#0; destpath:=destpath+#0; with r do begin ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(dos.registers(r)); od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destpath[1]); dx:=ofs(destpath[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(dos.registers(r)); end; end; begin fsplit(srcname,dd,dn,de); destpath:=destpath+dn+de; assign(src,srcname); {$I-} reset(src,1); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": File not found.'^G^G); { halt(1);} end else begin dfs:=freek(exdrv(destpath)); if (trunc(filesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs) then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": Disk full.'); halt(1); end else begin assign(dest,destpath); rewrite(dest,1); repeat blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec); blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec); until (nrec<16384); close(dest); close(src); dodate; erase(src); end; end; end; procedure smovefile(srcname,destpath:string); begin star('Moving "'+srcname+'" to "'+destpath+'"'); movefile(srcname,destpath); end; procedure ffile(fn:astr); begin findfirst(fn,anyfile,dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; procedure nfile; var r:registers; begin findnext(dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; function allcaps(s:astr):astr; (* returns a COMPLETELY capitalized string *) var i:integer; begin for i:=1 to length(s) do s[i]:=upcase(s[i]); allcaps:=s; end; procedure cursoron; var reg:registers; begin with reg do begin ch:=07; cl:=08; ah:=1; intr($10,reg); end; end; procedure cursoroff; var reg:registers; begin with reg do begin ch:=09; cl:=00; ah:=1; intr($10,reg); end; end; procedure prt(s:string); begin textcolor(9); write(s); end; procedure ttl(s:string); begin writeln; textcolor(9); write('ÄÄ['); textbackground(1); textcolor(15); write(' '+s+' '); textbackground(0); textcolor(9); write(']'); repeat write('Ä') until wherex=80; writeln; end; procedure ee(s:astr); begin clrscr; writeln; tc(4); writeln('ERROR:'); writeln; tc(15); write(' '+s); writeln; writeln; tc(9); write('Hit any key to exit : '); repeat until keypressed; c:=readkey; removewindow(wind); gotoxy(savx,savy); halt(1); end; procedure ss(s:astr); begin lastss:=allcaps(s); star('Searching for "'+lastss+'"'); end; procedure cantopen; begin ee('Unable to open "'+lastss+'"'); end; var ther:array[1..10] of boolean; procedure nott(i:integer; s:astr); begin if (not backtotag) then begin star(s); ther[i]:=FALSE; end; end; procedure findnotther; var i,n:integer; begin n:=0; for i:=1 to 10 do if not ther[i] then inc(n); if n<>0 then begin star('File(s) not found. Abort conversion? [Yes] : '); repeat c:=upcase(readkey) until c in ['Y','N',^M]; if c<>'N' then ee('File(s) not found -- Aborted.'); end; end; procedure fvers; var i:integer; begin clrscr; star('Checking files'); for i:=1 to 10 do ther[i]:=TRUE; assign(tag_uf,tagpath+'user.lst'); {$I-} reset(tag_uf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then nott(1,'"'+tagpath+'user.lst": file not found.'); assign(tag_sf,tagpath+'names.lst'); {$I-} reset(tag_sf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then nott(2,'"'+tagpath+'names.lst": file not found.'); assign(tag_ulf,tagpath+'fboards.dat'); {$I-} reset(tag_ulf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then nott(3,'"'+tagpath+'fboards.dat": file not found.'); assign(tag_bf,tagpath+'boards.dat'); {$I-} reset(tag_bf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then nott(4,'"'+tagpath+'boards.dat": file not found.'); assign(tag_vf,tagpath+'voting.dat'); {$I-} reset(tag_vf); {$I+} if (ioresult<>0) then nott(5,'"'+tagpath+'voting.dat": file not found.'); findnotther; end; {rcg11172000 had to change this to get it compiling under Free Pascal...} {function substall(src,old,new:astr):astr;} function substall(src,old,_new:astr):astr; var p:integer; begin p:=1; while p>0 do begin p:=pos(old,src); if p>0 then begin insert(_new,src,p+length(old)); delete(src,p,length(old)); end; end; substall:=src; end; function c2(i:integer):astr; var s:astr; begin str(i,s); if length(s)>2 then s:=copy(s,length(s)-1,2) else if length(s)=1 then s:='0'+s; c2:=s; end; function spdate(y,m,d:integer):integer; begin spdate:=((y-1920)*512)+(m*32)+d; end; function sptime(h,m,s:integer):integer; begin sptime:=(h*2048)+(m*32)+(s div 2); end; function getspdate(i:integer):astr; var x,y,m,d:longint; begin x:=i; if x<0 then x:=x+65536; y:=x div 512; x:=x-512*y; m:=x div 32; x:=x-32*m; d:=x; getspdate:=c2(m)+'/'+c2(d)+'/'+c2(y); end; function getsptime(i:integer):astr; var x,h,m,s:longint; begin x:=i; if x<0 then x:=x+65536; h:=x div 2048; x:=x-2048*h; m:=x div 32; x:=x-32*m; s:=x div 2; getsptime:=c2(h)+':'+c2(m)+':'+c2(s); end; procedure bconvert(xx:integer); var ttt:uflags; s:astr; siz,siz1:longint; i,j,k:integer; b:boolean; procedure donothing; begin end; begin case xx of 1:begin ttl('Converting "NAMES.LST" to TAG format'); assign(sf,tgpath+'names.lst'); reset(sf); rewrite(tag_sf); for i:=0 to filesize(sf)-1 do begin seek(sf,i); read(sf,sr); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(sf))+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with sr do begin tag_sr.name:=name; tag_sr.number:=number; end; seek(tag_sf,i); write(tag_sf,tag_sr); end; close(sf); writeln; end; 2:begin ttl('Converting "USER.LST" to TAG format'); assign(uf,tgpath+'user.lst'); reset(uf); rewrite(tag_uf); for i:=0 to filesize(uf)-1 do begin seek(uf,i); read(uf,u1); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(uf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with u1 do begin tag_u1.uname:=name; tag_u1.rname:=realname; tag_u1.addr:=street; tag_u1.comtype:=computer; tag_u1.citystate:=citystate; tag_u1.snote:=note; tag_u1.lastdate:=spdate(value(copy(laston,7,2)), value(copy(laston,1,2)), value(copy(laston,4,2))); tag_u1.lasttime:=spdate(0,0,0); tag_u1.pw:=pw; tag_u1.phone:=ph; tag_u1.zcode:=zipcode; with tag_u1.qscan[1] do begin ltr:='A'; number:=-32767; end; for j:=2 to tag_maxboards do tag_u1.qscan[j]:=tag_u1.qscan[1]; for j:=1 to 20 do tag_u1.vote[j]:=vote[j]; for j:=1 to 15 do tag_u1.callspr[j]:=255; tag_u1.ttimeon:=ttimeon; tag_u1.ulk:=0.0; tag_u1.dlk:=0.0; if (uk>0) and (uk<2147483647) then tag_u1.ulk:=round(uk); if (dk>0) and (dk<2147483647) then tag_u1.dlk:=round(dk); tag_u1.usernum:=i; if (lockedout) then tag_u1.usernum:=i-1; if (deleted) then tag_u1.usernum:=0; tag_u1.privpost:=emailsent; tag_u1.pubpost:=msgpost; tag_u1.feedback:=feedback; tag_u1.numcalls:=loggedon; tag_u1.numul:=uploads; tag_u1.numdl:=downloads; tag_u1.fmail:=forusr; tag_u1.hbaud:=1200; tag_u1.timetoday:=0; tag_u1.credit:=0; tag_u1.debit:=0; tag_u1.points:=filepoints; tag_u1.timebank:=timebank; tag_u1.bday:=spdate(value(copy(bday,7,2)), value(copy(bday,1,2)), value(copy(bday,4,2))); tag_u1.strtmenu:=1; tag_u1.sl:=sl; tag_u1.dsl:=dsl; if (novice in ac) then tag_u1.hlvl:=3 else tag_u1.hlvl:=1; tag_u1.colms:=linelen; tag_u1.lines:=pagelen; tag_u1.callstoday:=ontoday; tag_u1.illegal:=illegal; tag_u1.waiting:=waiting; tag_u1.lmsgbase:=lastmsg; tag_u1.ldlbase:=lastfil; tag_u1.cls:=ord(^L); tag_u1.nulls:=0; for c:='A' to 'Z' do if (c in ar) then tag_u1.ar:=tag_u1.ar+[c]; tag_u1.flags:=[]; for ttt:=rlogon to fnodeletion do if ttt in ac then case ttt of rlogon :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txonecall]; rchat :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txrchat]; rvalidate :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txpubnotval]; rbackspace :; ramsg :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txrautomsg]; rpostan :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txranon]; rpost :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txrpubmsg]; remail :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txrprivmsg]; rvoting :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txrvoting]; rmsg :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txautoprivdel]; spcsr :; onekey :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txonekey]; pause :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txpause]; ansi :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txansi]; color :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txcolor]; alert :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txalert]; smw :; nomail :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txmboxclosed]; fnodlratio :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txnodllimit]; fnopostratio:tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txnopostcall]; fnofilepts :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txnofilepts]; fnodeletion :tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txprotdel]; end; if (sex='M') then tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txusermale]; tag_u1.flags:=tag_u1.flags+[txclschar]; for j:=1 to 4 do tag_u1.msgsysop[j]:=255; tag_u1.dlscan:=[]; tag_u1.msgscan:=[]; for j:=0 to tag_maxuboards do tag_u1.dlscan:=tag_u1.dlscan+[j]; for j:=0 to tag_maxboards do tag_u1.msgscan:=tag_u1.msgscan+[j]; for b:=FALSE to TRUE do for j:=0 to 9 do tag_u1.colors[b][j]:=cols[b][j]; end; seek(tag_uf,i); write(tag_uf,tag_u1); end; close(uf); writeln; end; 3:begin ttl('Converting "BOARDS.DAT" to TAG format'); assign(bf,tgpath+'boards.dat'); reset(bf); rewrite(tag_bf); for i:=0 to filesize(bf)-1 do begin seek(bf,i); read(bf,bb); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(bf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with bb do begin tag_bb.name:=name; tag_bb.filename:=filename; tag_bb.sl:=0; if (maxmsgs>200) then tag_bb.maxmsgs:=200 else tag_bb.maxmsgs:=maxmsgs; tag_bb.pw:=password; if (anonymous=yes) then tag_bb.anonymous:=yesanon else if (anonymous=forced) then tag_bb.anonymous:=forcedanon else tag_bb.anonymous:=noanon; tag_bb.ar:='@'; tag_bb.noansi:=FALSE; tag_bb.postsl:=0; end; seek(tag_bf,i); write(tag_bf,tag_bb); with bb do assign(bff,tgpath+filename+'.BRD'); {$I-} reset(bff); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin seek(bff,0); read(bff,bffr); siz:=bffr.message.number; if (siz>filesize(bff)-1) then siz:=filesize(bff)-1; assign(tag_bff,tagpath+tag_bb.filename+'.BRD'); clreol; star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(bf)-1)+ ') -- "'+bb.filename+'.BRD"'); rewrite(tag_bff); write(tag_bff,tag_bffr); if (siz>200) then siz1:=siz-199 else siz1:=1; for j:=siz1 to siz do begin seek(bff,j); read(bff,bffr); star(' (record #'+cstr(j)+' of '+cstr(siz)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with bffr do begin tag_bffr.title:=title; if (validated in messagestat) then tag_bffr.messagestat:=tag_validated else if (unvalidated in messagestat) then tag_bffr.messagestat:=tag_unvalidated else if (deleted in messagestat) then tag_bffr.messagestat:=tag_deleted; tag_bffr.message.ltr:=message.ltr; tag_bffr.message.number:=message.number; tag_bffr.message.ext:=message.ext; tag_bffr.owner:=owner; tag_bffr.date:=bffr.date; tag_bffr.mage:=255; end; {seek(tag_bff,j);} write(tag_bff,tag_bffr); end; clreol; gotoxy(1,wherey-1); close(bff); close(tag_bff); end; end; close(bf); writeln; end; 8:begin ttl('Converting "UPLOADS.DAT" to TAG format ("FBOARDS.DAT")'); assign(ulf,tgpath+'uploads.dat'); reset(ulf); rewrite(tag_ulf); for i:=0 to filesize(ulf)-1 do begin seek(ulf,i); read(ulf,ub); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(ulf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with ub do begin tag_ub.name:=name; tag_ub.filename:=filename; tag_ub.dlpath:=dlpath; tag_ub.ulpath:=ulpath; tag_ub.password:=password; tag_ub.dsl:=0; tag_ub.namedsl:=255; tag_ub.ar:='@'; tag_ub.noratio:=(fbnoratio in fbstat); end; seek(tag_ulf,i); write(tag_ulf,tag_ub); with ub do assign(ulff,tgpath+filename+'.DIR'); {$I-} reset(ulff); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin seek(ulff,0); read(ulff,ulffr); siz:=ulffr.blocks; if (siz>filesize(ulff)-1) then siz:=filesize(ulff)-1; assign(tag_ulff,tag_ub.dlpath+tag_ub.filename+'.DIR'); clreol; star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(ulf)-1)+ ') -- "'+ub.filename+'.dir"'); rewrite(tag_ulff); write(tag_ulff,tag_ulffr); for j:=1 to siz do begin seek(ulff,j); read(ulff,ulffr); star(' (record #'+cstr(j)+' of '+cstr(siz)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with ulffr do begin tag_ulffr.filename:=filename; tag_ulffr.description:=description; tag_ulffr.nacc:=nacc; tag_ulffr.ft:=ft; tag_ulffr.blocks:=blocks; tag_ulffr.owner:=stowner; tag_ulffr.date:=date; tag_ulffr.daten:=daten; tag_ulffr.unval:=(notval in filestat); tag_ulffr.filepoints:=filepoints; end; seek(tag_ulff,j); write(tag_ulff,tag_ulffr); end; clreol; gotoxy(1,wherey-1); close(ulff); close(tag_ulff); end; end; close(ulf); writeln; end; 9:begin ttl('Converting "VOTING.DAT" to TAG format.'); assign(vf,tgpath+'voting.dat'); reset(vf); rewrite(tag_vf); for i:=0 to filesize(vf)-1 do begin seek(vf,i); read(vf,vv); star(' (record #'+cstr(i+1)+' of '+cstr(filesize(vf))+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with vv do begin tag_vv.question:=question; tag_vv.numa:=numa; for j:=0 to 9 do begin tag_vv.answ[j].ans:=answ[j].ans; tag_vv.answ[j].numres:=answ[j].numres; end; end; seek(tag_vf,i); write(tag_vf,tag_vv); end; close(vf); writeln; end; end; end; procedure fconvert(xx:integer); const dcols:clrs=((15,7,7,15,15,15,112,7,143,7),(15,3,1,11,9,14,31,4,140,10)); var i,j,k:integer; b:boolean; s,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5:astr; c:char; mf,mf1:text; sepmsgs,nocopy:boolean; f:file; mary:array[0..200] of messagerec; curdir:astr; newpath:array[1..3] of astr; ttt:tag_flagrec; tt:tag_acrq; siz:longint; begin case xx of 1:begin ttl('Converting "NAMES.LST" to Telegard format'); assign(sf,tgpath+'names.lst'); rewrite(sf); for i:=0 to filesize(tag_sf)-1 do begin seek(tag_sf,i); read(tag_sf,tag_sr); star(' (record #'+cstr(i+1)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_sf))+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_sr do begin sr.name:=name; sr.number:=number; end; seek(sf,i); write(sf,sr); end; close(sf); writeln; end; 2:begin ttl('Converting "USER.LST" to Telegard format'); assign(uf,tgpath+'user.lst'); rewrite(uf); for i:=0 to filesize(tag_uf)-1 do begin seek(tag_uf,i); read(tag_uf,tag_u1); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_uf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_u1 do begin u1.name:=uname; u1.realname:=rname; u1.pw:=pw; u1.ph:=phone; u1.bday:=getspdate(bday); u1.firston:=getspdate(lastdate); u1.laston:=getspdate(lastdate); u1.street:=addr; u1.citystate:=citystate; u1.zipcode:=zcode; u1.computer:=comtype; u1.occupation:=''; u1.wherebbs:=''; u1.note:=snote; u1.lockedout:=(usernum<>i); u1.deleted:=(usernum=0); u1.lockedfile:='LOCKOUT'; u1.ac:=[]; u1.sex:='F'; for ttt:=txautoprivdel to txclschar do if (ttt in flags) then case ttt of txautoprivdel:u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rmsg]; txnopostcall :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[fnopostratio]; txrautomsg :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[ramsg]; txranon :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rpostan]; txrchat :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rchat]; txnodllimit :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[fnodlratio]; txrpubmsg :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rpost]; txrprivmsg :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[remail]; txrvoting :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rvoting]; txonecall :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rlogon]; txpubnotval :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[rvalidate]; txprotdel :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[fnodeletion]; txnofilepts :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[fnofilepts]; txpause :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[pause]; txansi :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[ansi]; txcolor :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[color]; txonekey :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[onekey]; txalert :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[alert]; txusermale :u1.sex:='M'; txmboxclosed :u1.ac:=u1.ac+[nomail]; end; if (hlvl>2) then u1.ac:=u1.ac+[novice]; u1.ar:=[]; for c:='A' to 'Z' do if (c in ar) then u1.ar:=u1.ar+[c]; with u1.qscan[1] do begin ltr:='A'; number:=-32767; ext:=1; end; for j:=2 to maxboards do u1.qscan[j]:=u1.qscan[1]; for j:=1 to maxboards do u1.qscn[j]:=TRUE; u1.dlnscn:=[]; for j:=0 to maxuboards do u1.dlnscn:=u1.dlnscn+[j]; for j:=1 to 20 do u1.vote[j]:=vote[j]; u1.ttimeon:=trunc(ttimeon); if (ulk>0) and (ulk<2147483647) then u1.uk:=round(ulk) else u1.uk:=0; if (dlk>0) and (dlk<2147483647) then u1.dk:=round(dlk) else u1.dk:=0; u1.uploads:=numul; u1.downloads:=numdl; u1.loggedon:=numcalls; u1.tltoday:=120; u1.msgpost:=pubpost; u1.emailsent:=privpost; u1.feedback:=feedback; u1.forusr:=fmail; u1.filepoints:=points; u1.waiting:=waiting; u1.linelen:=colms; u1.pagelen:=lines; u1.ontoday:=callstoday; u1.illegal:=illegal; u1.sl:=sl; u1.dsl:=dsl; for b:=FALSE to TRUE do for j:=0 to 9 do u1.cols[b][j]:=colors[b][j]; u1.lastmsg:=lmsgbase; u1.lastfil:=ldlbase; u1.credit:=trunc(credit); u1.timebank:=timebank; for j:=1 to 5 do u1.boardsysop[j]:=255; u1.trapactivity:=FALSE; u1.trapseperate:=FALSE; u1.timebankadd:=0; u1.mpointer:=-1; u1.chatauto:=FALSE; u1.chatseperate:=FALSE; u1.userstartmenu:=''; u1.slogseperate:=FALSE; u1.clsmsg:=0; for j:=1 to 57 do u1.res[j]:=0; end; seek(uf,i); write(uf,u1); end; close(uf); writeln; end; 3:begin ttl('Converting "BOARDS.DAT" to Telegard format'); assign(bf,tgpath+'boards.dat'); rewrite(bf); for i:=0 to filesize(tag_bf)-1 do begin seek(tag_bf,i); read(tag_bf,tag_bb); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_bf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_bb do begin bb.name:=name; bb.filename:=filename; bb.msgpath:=systat.pmsgpath; bb.acs:=''; if (sl>0) then bb.acs:=bb.acs+'s'+cstr(sl); if (ar in ['A'..'Z']) then bb.acs:=bb.acs+'f'+ar; bb.postacs:=''; if (postsl>0) then bb.postacs:=bb.postacs+'s'+cstr(postsl); bb.mciacs:='%'; bb.maxmsgs:=maxmsgs; if (anonymous=noanon) then bb.anonymous:=no else if (anonymous=yesanon) then bb.anonymous:=yes else if (anonymous=forcedanon) then bb.anonymous:=forced; bb.password:=pw; bb.mbstat:=[]; bb.permindx:=i; bb.mbdepth:=0; end; seek(bf,i); write(bf,bb); with tag_bb do assign(tag_bff,tagpath+filename+'.BRD'); {$I-} reset(tag_bff); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin siz:=filesize(tag_bff)-1; assign(bff,tgpath+tag_bb.filename+'.BRD'); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_bf)-1)+ ') -- "'+tag_bb.filename+'.dir"'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); writeln; rewrite(bff); bffr.message.number:=siz; seek(bff,0); write(bff,bffr); for j:=1 to siz do begin seek(tag_bff,j); read(tag_bff,tag_bffr); star(' (record #'+cstr(j)+' of '+cstr(siz)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_bffr do begin bffr.title:=title; bffr.messagestat:=[]; if (messagestat=tag_validated) then bffr.messagestat:=bffr.messagestat+[validated] else if (messagestat=tag_unvalidated) then bffr.messagestat:=bffr.messagestat+[unvalidated] else if (messagestat=tag_deleted) then bffr.messagestat:=bffr.messagestat+[deleted]; bffr.message.ltr:=message.ltr; bffr.message.number:=message.number; bffr.message.ext:=message.ext; bffr.owner:=owner; bffr.date:=tag_bffr.date; bffr.nacc:=0; end; seek(bff,j); write(bff,bffr); end; clreol; gotoxy(1,wherey-1); close(bff); close(tag_bff); end; end; close(bf); writeln; end; 8:begin ttl('Converting "FBOARDS.DAT" to Telegard format ("UPLOADS.DAT")'); assign(ulf,tgpath+'uploads.dat'); rewrite(ulf); for i:=0 to filesize(tag_ulf)-1 do begin seek(tag_ulf,i); read(tag_ulf,tag_ub); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_ulf)-1)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_ub do begin ub.name:=name; ub.filename:=filename; ub.dlpath:=dlpath; ub.ulpath:=ulpath; ub.maxfiles:=2000; ub.password:=password; ub.arctype:=1; ub.cmttype:=1; ub.fbdepth:=0; ub.fbstat:=[]; if (noratio) then ub.fbstat:=ub.fbstat+[fbnoratio]; ub.acs:=''; if (dsl>0) then ub.acs:=ub.acs+'d'+cstr(dsl); if (ar in ['A'..'Z']) then ub.acs:=ub.acs+'f'+ar; ub.ulacs:=''; ub.nameacs:=''; if (namedsl>0) then ub.acs:=ub.acs+'d'+cstr(namedsl); ub.permindx:=i; for j:=1 to 6 do ub.res[j]:=0; end; seek(ulf,i); write(ulf,ub); with tag_ub do assign(tag_ulff,dlpath+filename+'.DIR'); {$I-} reset(tag_ulff); {$I+} if (ioresult=0) then begin siz:=filesize(tag_ulff)-1; assign(ulff,tgpath+tag_ub.filename+'.DIR'); star(' (record #'+cstr(i)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_ulf)-1)+ ') -- "'+tag_ub.filename+'.dir"'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); writeln; rewrite(ulff); ulffr.blocks:=siz; seek(ulff,0); write(ulff,ulffr); for j:=1 to siz do begin seek(tag_ulff,j); read(tag_ulff,tag_ulffr); star(' (record #'+cstr(j)+' of '+cstr(siz)+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_ulffr do begin ulffr.filename:=filename; ulffr.description:=description; ulffr.filepoints:=filepoints; ulffr.nacc:=nacc; ulffr.ft:=ft; ulffr.blocks:=blocks; ulffr.owner:=1; ulffr.stowner:=owner; ulffr.date:=date; ulffr.daten:=daten; ulffr.vpointer:=-1; ulffr.filestat:=[]; if (unval) then ulffr.filestat:=ulffr.filestat+[notval]; end; seek(ulff,j); write(ulff,ulffr); end; clreol; gotoxy(1,wherey-1); close(ulff); close(tag_ulff); end; end; close(ulf); writeln; end; 9:begin ttl('Converting "VOTING.DAT" to Telegard format.'); assign(vf,tgpath+'voting.dat'); rewrite(vf); for i:=0 to filesize(tag_vf)-1 do begin seek(tag_vf,i); read(tag_vf,tag_vv); star(' (record #'+cstr(i+1)+' of '+cstr(filesize(tag_vf))+')'); gotoxy(1,wherey-1); with tag_vv do begin vv.question:=question; vv.numa:=numa; for j:=0 to 9 do begin vv.answ[j].ans:=answ[j].ans; vv.answ[j].numres:=answ[j].numres; end; end; seek(vf,i); write(vf,vv); end; close(vf); writeln; end; end; end; procedure convert(xx:integer); var i,j,k:integer; s:astr; begin if (backtotag) then bconvert(xx) else fconvert(xx); end; begin infield_out_fgrd:=15; infield_out_bkgd:=1; infield_inp_fgrd:=0; infield_inp_bkgd:=7; getdir(0,sp); aw:=FALSE; didit:=FALSE; if paramcount>0 then if allcaps(paramstr(1))='C' then aw:=TRUE; savx:=wherex; savy:=wherey; setwindow(wind,1,1,80,25,7,0,0); clrscr; textbackground(1); textcolor(15); clreol; write(' Conversion for TAG '+tag_ver+' ®®®®®-¯¯¯¯¯ Telegard '+s_ver); textbackground(0); window(1,2,80,25); clrscr; tc(14); writeln; writeln('This program is provided to convert data files used by'); writeln('TAG '+tag_ver+' to the proper formats used by Telegard '+s_ver+'.'); writeln('It may ALSO be used to convert from Telegard format to TAG.'); writeln; writeln(' TAG '+tag_ver+' Telegard '+s_ver); writeln(' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ'); writeln(' USER .LST ®®-¯¯ USER .LST'); writeln(' NAMES .LST ®®-¯¯ NAMES .LST'); writeln(' FBOARDS .DAT ®®-¯¯ UPLOADS .DAT'); writeln(' ????????.DIR ®®-¯¯ ????????.DIR'); writeln(' * EMAIL .DAT ®®-¯¯ EMAIL .DAT'); writeln(' * SHORTMSG.DAT ®®-¯¯ SHORTMSG.DAT'); writeln(' BOARDS .DAT ®®-¯¯ BOARDS .DAT'); writeln(' ????????.BRD ®®-¯¯ ????????.BRD'); writeln(' VOTING .DAT ®®-¯¯ VOTING .DAT'); writeln(' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ'); writeln(' * means files require NO conversion and are'); writeln(' already in the correct Telegard '+s_ver+' format.'); writeln; textcolor(14); write('Hit to continue, any other key to abort now : '); repeat until keypressed; c:=readkey; if (c<>^M) then ee('ABORTED CONVERSION'); repeat clrscr; writeln; textcolor(14); writeln('Will you be converting ...'); writeln; writeln('1. From TAG to Telegard format'); writeln('2. From Telegard to TAG format'); writeln('Q. Abort'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('Select : '); repeat c:=upcase(readkey) until (c in ['1','2','Q']); if (c='Q') then ee('ABORTED CONVERSION'); backtotag:=(c='2'); writeln(c); writeln; writeln; if (not backtotag) then begin writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your TAG GFILES pathname.'); textcolor(14); writeln('USER.LST, NAMES.LST, FBOARDS.DAT, BOARDS.DAT, and other'); writeln('such files are here, and will be used to create the Telegard'); writeln('equivalents in your Telegard paths.'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('TAG Path: '); infield(tagpath,40); if (tagpath='') then ee('ABORTED'); alignpathname(tagpath); clreol; writeln(tagpath); writeln; writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your Telegard MAIN BBS pathname.'); textcolor(14); writeln('The data file STATUS.DAT should exist in this directory.'); writeln('The GFILES path will be located by searching STATUS.DAT.'); writeln('This step is involved to ensure you have a version of Telegard'); writeln('ALREADY set up; it is an essential part of the conversion.'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); infield(tgpath,40); if (tgpath='') then ee('ABORTED'); alignpathname(tgpath); clreol; writeln(tgpath); end else begin writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your Telegard MAIN BBS pathname.'); textcolor(14); writeln('The Telegard file STATUS.DAT should exist in this directory.'); writeln('Other files will be located by searching STATUS.DAT.'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); infield(tgpath,40); if (tgpath='') then ee('ABORTED'); alignpathname(tgpath); clreol; writeln(tgpath); writeln; writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('Enter your TAG GFILES pathname.'); textcolor(14); writeln('The converted TAG data files will be created in this directory.'); writeln('If they already exist, they will be overwritten.'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('TAG Path: '); infield(tagpath,40); if (tagpath='') then ee('ABORTED'); alignpathname(tagpath); clreol; writeln(tagpath); end; clrscr; writeln; textcolor(9); write('Converting: '); textcolor(14); if (backtotag) then writeln('TO TAG FORMAT') else writeln('TO TELEGARD FORMAT'); textcolor(9); write('TAG Path: '); textcolor(15); writeln(tagpath); textcolor(9); write('Telegard Path: '); textcolor(15); writeln(tgpath); writeln; writeln; until l_pynq('Is this OK? '); if (not backtotag) then begin writeln; textcolor(14); writeln('Now you need to enter your Telegard MSGS directory, where you'); writeln('will later be putting all of your message files in.'); writeln; writeln('This is probably "'+tgpath+'MSGS\" ...'); writeln; textcolor(9); write('Telegard MSGS Path: '); infield(tmsgpath,40); if (tmsgpath='') then ee('ABORTED'); alignpathname(tmsgpath); clreol; writeln(tmsgpath); end; assign(systatf,tgpath+'status.dat'); reset(systatf); read(systatf,systat); systat.pmsgpath:=tmsgpath; rewrite(systatf); write(systatf,systat); close(systatf); tgpath:=systat.gfilepath; repeat clrscr; fvers; clrscr; writeln; (* if aw then begin for i:=0 to 13 do begin if (i>=1) and (i<=9) then c:=chr(i+48) else if (i=0) then c:='S' else if (i>=10) then c:=chr(i+55); tc(9); write('['+cstr(i)+'] '); if (i<10) then write(' '); tc(11); case i of 0:write('(S)tatus.dat'); 1:write('names.lst'); 2:write('user.lst'); 3:write('boards.dat'); { 4:write('email.dat');} { 5:write('gfiles.dat');} { 6:write('protocol.dat');} { 7:write('shortmsg.dat');} 8:write('uploads.dat'); 9:write('voting.dat'); { 10:write('zlog.dat');} 11:write('*.dir'); { 12:write('*.brd');} { 13:write(mp+'*.mnu');} end; writeln; end; writeln; tc(14); write('Enter # to convert, [A]ll or [Q]uit :'); tc(9); readln(a); a:=allcaps(a); j:=value(a); end else a:='A'; *) a:='A'; if (j=0) then if (copy(a,1,1)='S') then j:=0 else j:=-1; if (copy(a,1,1)<>'Q') or ((j>=0) and (j<=13)) then begin clrscr; tc(15); if (backtotag) then writeln('Convert Telegard '+s_ver+' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ TAG '+tag_ver) else writeln('Convert TAG '+tag_ver+' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Telegard '+s_ver); writeln; tc(4); write('WARNING: '); tc(12); if (backtotag) then writeln('If Telegard data files are not in version '+s_ver+' format,') else writeln('If TAG data files are NOT in version '+tag_ver+' format,'); writeln('the data will be COMPLETELY LOST *FOREVER*!!'); writeln; writeln; tc(14); writeln('ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY SURE?'); writeln('(Enter "YES" in ALL CAPS, without quotes, if you are...)'); write(':'); readln(b); if (b='YES') then begin clrscr; for i:=0 to 13 do convert(i); didit:=TRUE; end; end; if (not aw) then a:='Q'; until copy(a,1,1)='Q'; writeln; star('Press any key...'); c:=readkey; clrscr; removewindow(wind); if didit then begin setwindow(wind,20,11,59,17,9,1,1); clrscr; tc(15); gotoxy(4,3); if (not backtotag) then write('Thank you for choosing Telegard!') else write('Well, thanks for TRYING Telegard!'); CursorOff; delay(1500); CursorOn; removewindow(wind); end; gotoxy(savx,savy); chdir(sp); end.