program init; {$A+,B+,D-,E+,F+,I+,L+,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} {$M 50000,0,90000} { Declared here suffices for all Units as well! } uses crt,dos, myio, common; {$I rec16d3.pas} var systatf:file of systatrec; systat:systatrec; uf:file of userrec; u:userrec; sf:file of smalrec; sr:smalrec; bf:file of boardrec; br:boardrec; uff:file of ulrec; ufr:ulrec; xp:file of expro; xpr:expro; zf:file of zlogt; zfr:zlogt; mailfile:file of mailrec; mr:mailrec; lcallf:file of lcallers; lcall:lcallers; tfilf:file of gft; tfil:gft; verbf:file of verbrec; vr:verbrec; vdata:file of vdatar; vd:vdatar; smf:file of smr; sm:smr; msr:messagerec; ulff:file of ulfrec; ulffr:ulfrec; curdir:string; path:array[1..5] of string; found:boolean; dirinfo:searchrec; i,j,k:integer; c:char; function yn:boolean; var c:char; b:boolean; begin repeat c:=upcase(readkey) until c in ['Y','N',^M]; case c of 'Y':b:=TRUE; else b:=FALSE; end; write(syn(b)); yn:=b; end; function pynq(s:string):boolean; begin textcolor(4); write(s); textcolor(11); pynq:=yn; end; procedure prt(s:string); begin textcolor(9); write(s); end; procedure star(s:string); begin textcolor(9); write('þ '); textcolor(11); writeln(s); end; procedure ttl(s:string); begin writeln; textcolor(9); write('ÄÄ['); textbackground(1); textcolor(15); write(' '+s+' '); textbackground(0); textcolor(9); write(']'); repeat write('Ä') until wherex=80; writeln; end; procedure movefile(srcname,destpath:string); var buffer:array[1..16384] of byte; dfs,nrec:integer; src,dest:file; procedure dodate; var r:registers; od,ot,ha:integer; begin srcname:=srcname+#0; destpath:=destpath+#0; with r do begin ax:=$3d00; ds:=seg(srcname[1]); dx:=ofs(srcname[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5700; msdos(dos.registers(r)); od:=dx; ot:=cx; bx:=ha; ax:=$3e00; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3d02; ds:=seg(destpath[1]); dx:=ofs(destpath[1]); msdos(dos.registers(r)); ha:=ax; bx:=ha; ax:=$5701; cx:=ot; dx:=od; msdos(dos.registers(r)); ax:=$3e00; bx:=ha; msdos(dos.registers(r)); end; end; begin star('Moving "'+srcname+'" to "'+destpath+'"'); destpath:=destpath+srcname; assign(src,srcname); {$I-} reset(src,1); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": File not found.'^G^G); halt(1); end else begin dfs:=freek(exdrv(destpath)); {rcg11172000 don't have LONGfilesize()...} {if trunc(longfilesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs then begin} if trunc(filesize(src)/1024.0)+1>=dfs then begin writeln; star('"'+srcname+'": Disk full.'); halt(1); end else begin assign(dest,destpath); rewrite(dest,1); repeat blockread(src,buffer,16384,nrec); blockwrite(dest,buffer,nrec); until (nrec<16384); close(dest); close(src); dodate; erase(src); end; end; end; procedure ffile(fn:string); begin findfirst(fn,anyfile,dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; procedure nfile; begin findnext(dirinfo); found:=(doserror=0); end; procedure movefiles(srcname,destpath:string); begin ffile(srcname); while found do begin movefile(,destpath); nfile; end; end; procedure make_paths; var s:string; begin for i:=1 to 4 do begin while copy(path[i],length(path[i]),1)='\' do path[i]:=copy(path[i],1,length(path[i])-1); case i of 1:s:='GFILES'; 2:s:='MSGS'; 3:s:='MENUS'; 4:s:='TFILES'; end; star(s+' path ("'+fexpand(path[i])+'")'); {$I-} mkdir(fexpand(path[i])); {$I+} if ioresult<>0 then begin writeln; star('Error creating directory "'+fexpand(path[i])+'"'); halt(1); end; path[i]:=path[i]+'\'; end; end; procedure make_status_dat; begin with systat do begin bbsname:='Telegard BBS'; bbsphone:='000-000-0000'; sysopfirst:='System'; sysoplast:='Operator'; boardpw:=''; sysoppw:='SYSOP'; bbspw:='MATRIX'; closedsystem:=FALSE; matrix:=FALSE; alias:=TRUE; clearmsg:=TRUE; fone:=TRUE; multitask:=FALSE; bwindow:=TRUE; lock300:=FALSE; wantquote:=TRUE; {* /// *} mcimsg:=TRUE; {* /// *} special:=TRUE; localsec:=FALSE; autominlogon:=TRUE; bullinlogon:=TRUE; lcallinlogon:=TRUE; autochatopen:=TRUE; with hmsg do begin ltr:='A'; number:=-32766; ext:=1; end; {* A-32767.1 is the "Greetings from Telegard" message *} tfiledate:='04/21/89'; lastdate:='04/21/89'; users:=1; callernum:=0; activetoday:=0; callstoday:=0; msgposttoday:=0; emailtoday:=0; fbacktoday:=0; uptoday:=0; newuk:=0; newusertoday:=0; dntoday:=0; newdk:=0; gfilepath:=path[1]; msgpath:=path[2]; menupath:=path[3]; tfilepath:=path[4]; lowtime:=0; hitime:=0; dllowtime:=0; dlhitime:=0; b300lowtime:=0; b300hitime:=0; b300dllowtime:=0; b300dlhitime:=0; app:=1; guestuser:=-1; timeoutbell:=2; timeout:=5; sysopcolor:=4; usercolor:=3; bsdelay:=20; tosysopdir:=0; for i:=1 to 9 do sysopmacro[i]:=''; comport:=1; maxbaud:=1200; init:='ATH0Q0V0E0M0X1S0=0S2=1S10=40&C1'; hangup:='ATH'; offhook:='ATH1'; answer:='ATA'; for i:=1 to 2 do for j:=0 to 4 do begin case i of 1:case j of 0:k:=1; 1:k:=5; 2:k:=10; 3:k:=0; 4:k:=13; end; 2:case j of 0:k:=0; 1:k:=15; 2:k:=16; 3:k:=0; 4:k:=17; end; end; resultcode[i][j]:=k; end; nocarrier:=3; nodialtone:=6; busy:=7; nocallinittime:=30; tries:=4; newsl:=20; newdsl:=20; newar:=[]; newac:=[rpostan,rvoting]; newfp:=0; autosl:=50; autodsl:=50; autoar:=[]; autoac:=[]; ansiq:='Display ANSI logon? '; engage:='@M^3The SysOp brings you into chat!'; endchat:='^3The SysOp returns you to the BBS....@M'; sysopin:='^3The SysOp is probably around!'; sysopout:='^3The SysOp is NOT here, or doesn''t want to chat'; note[1]:='Enter your Telegard NAME or USER NUMBER'; note[2]:='* NEW USERS, enter "NEW" *'; lprompt:='Logon : '; wait:='^3{-^9Please Wait^3-}'; pause:='(* pause *)'; msg1:='Enter message now. You have ^3@X^1 lines maximum.'; msg2:='Enter ^3/S^1 to save. ^3/?^1 for a list of commands.'; new1:='^7[^5@Y ^7- ^5@W msgs^7] ^4NewScan began.@M'; new2:='^7[^5@Y ^7- ^5@W msgs^7] ^4NewScan complete.@M'; read:='^3[^1@Y^3]@M^5[@U] ^4Read (1-@W,,T,Q,P,A,R,B,W,D) : '; auto1:='^5AutoMessage by: '; autom:='-'; echoc:='X'; uldlratio:=TRUE; fileptratio:=FALSE; fileptcomp:=3; fileptcompbasesize:=10; for i:=0 to 255 do begin case i of 0..9:k:=1; 10..19:k:=10; 20..29:k:=20; 30..39:k:=40; 40..49:k:=50; 50..59:k:=80; 60..69:k:=90; 70..79:k:=100; 80..89:k:=110; 90..99:k:=120; 100..199:k:=130; 200..239:k:=150; 240..249:k:=200; 250:k:=250; 251..255:k:=6000; end; timeallow[i]:=k; case i of 200..255:k:=20; 100..199:k:=15; 50..99:k:=10; 30..49:k:=5; 20..29:k:=3; else k:=1; end; callallow[i]:=k; case i of 60..255:k:=5; 20..59:k:=3; else k:=2; end; dlratio[i]:=k; case i of 60..255:k:=10; 20..59:k:=5; else k:=2; end; dlkratio[i]:=k; postratio[i]:=100; end; normpubpost:=11; anonpubpost:=100; anonpubread:=100; normprivpost:=11; anonprivpost:=100; anonprivread:=100; maxpubpost:=20; maxprivpost:=20; maxfback:=5; maxchat:=3; maxwaiting:=15; csmaxwaiting:=50; maxlines:=120; csmaxlines:=160; sop:=255; csop:=250; msop:=199; fsop:=230; spw:=250; seepw:=255; nodlratio:=255; nopostratio:=200; nofilepts:=255; seeunval:=50; dlunval:=230; ulrefund:=100; filearctype:=1; filearccomment:=bbsname+' '+bbsphone; for i:=1 to 4 do with filearcinfo[i] do case i of 1:begin ext:='ZIP'; listline:='/1'; arcline:='PKZIP -aeb4 @F'; unarcline:='PKUNZIP @F'; testline:='PKUNZIP -t @F'; cmtline:='PKZIP -z @F'; succlevel:=0; end; 2:begin ext:='ARC'; listline:='/2'; arcline:='PKPAK a @F'; unarcline:='PKUNPAK @F'; testline:='PKUNPAK -t @F'; cmtline:='PKPAK x @F'; succlevel:=0; end; 3:begin ext:='ZOO'; listline:='/3'; arcline:='ZOO aP: @F *.*'; unarcline:='ZOO x @F'; testline:='ZOO xNd @F'; cmtline:='ZOO cA @F'; succlevel:=0; end; 4:begin ext:='PAK'; listline:='/2'; arcline:='PAK a @F'; unarcline:='PAK e @F'; testline:=''; cmtline:=''; succlevel:=-1; end; end; filearcinfo[5].ext:=''; yourinfoinlogon:=TRUE; localscreensec:=FALSE; globaltrap:=FALSE; snowchecking:=FALSE; for i:=1 to 198 do res[i]:=0; end; assign(systatf,'status.dat'); rewrite(systatf); write(systatf,systat); close(systatf); end; procedure make_user_lst; const dcols:clrs=((15,7,7,15,15,15,112,7,143,7),(15,3,1,11,9,14,31,4,140,10)); begin with u do begin name:='SYSOP'; realname:='System Operator'; pw:='SYSOP'; ph:='000-000-0000'; firston:='04/21/89'; laston:='04/21/89'; street:=''; citystate:=''; zipcode:=''; computer:='IBM Compatible'; occupation:=''; wherebbs:=''; note:='Change these stats to yours.'; lockedout:=FALSE; deleted:=FALSE; lockedfile:=''; ac:=[onekey,wordwrap,pause,novice,ansi,color, smw, {* short message waiting, in SHORTMSG.DAT *} fnodlratio,fnopostratio,fnofilepts,fnodeletion]; for c:='A' to 'G' do ar:=ar+[c]; with qscan[1] do begin ltr:='A'; number:=-32767; ext:=1; end; for i:=2 to maxboards do qscan[i]:=qscan[1]; for i:=1 to maxboards do qscn[i]:=TRUE; dlnscn:=[]; for i:=0 to maxuboards do dlnscn:=dlnscn+[i]; for i:=1 to 2 do macro[i]:=''; for i:=1 to 20 do vote[i]:=0; age:=99; sex:='M'; ttimeon:=0.0; uk:=0.0; dk:=0.0; uploads:=0; downloads:=0; loggedon:=0; tltoday:=600; msgpost:=0; emailsent:=0; feedback:=0; forusr:=0; filepoints:=0; waiting:=1; {* A-32767.1 -- "Greetings from Telegard" message *} linelen:=80; pagelen:=23; {* to make room for SysOp window when on.. *} ontoday:=0; illegal:=0; sl:=255; dsl:=255; cols:=dcols; lastmsg:=1; lastfil:=0; credit:=0.0; timebank:=0; for i:=1 to 5 do boardsysop[i]:=255; {* NEW STUFF *} trapactivity:=FALSE; trapseperate:=FALSE; {* NEW STUFF *ENDS* *} for i:=1 to 70 do res[i]:=0; end; assign(uf,'user.lst'); rewrite(uf); seek(uf,0); write(uf,u); seek(uf,1); write(uf,u); close(uf); end; procedure make_names_lst; begin with sr do begin name:='SYSOP'; number:=1; end; assign(sf,'names.lst'); rewrite(sf); seek(sf,0); write(sf,sr); seek(sf,1); write(sf,sr); close(sf); end; procedure make_boards_dat; begin with br do begin name:='General Messages'; filename:='GENERAL'; sl:=30; maxmsgs:=50; pw:=''; anonymous:=no; ar:='@'; key:=#0; postsl:=30; end; assign(bf,'boards.dat'); rewrite(bf); seek(bf,0); write(bf,br); close(bf); end; procedure make_uploads_dat; begin assign(uff,'uploads.dat'); rewrite(uff); with ufr do begin name:='SysOp directory'; filename:='SYSOP'; dlpath:=curdir+'\DLOADS\SYSOP\'; noratio:=FALSE; sl:=255; dsl:=255; namesl:=255; ar:='@'; maxfiles:=999; agereq:=1; password:=''; end; write(uff,ufr); with ufr do begin name:='Miscellaneous'; filename:='MISC'; dlpath:=curdir+'\DLOADS\MISC\'; noratio:=FALSE; sl:=30; dsl:=30; namesl:=10; ar:='@'; maxfiles:=999; agereq:=1; password:=''; end; write(uff,ufr); close(uff); end; procedure make_protocol_dat; begin assign(xp,'protocol.dat'); rewrite(xp); for i:=1 to 11 do with xpr do begin rcmd:=''; scmd:=''; rul:=FALSE; rdl:=FALSE; xferok:=-1; case i of 1:begin descr:='Ascii'; key:='A'; ptype:=1; rul:=TRUE; end; 2:begin descr:='Xmodem'; key:='X'; ptype:=2; end; 3:begin descr:='Xmodem CRC'; key:='C'; ptype:=3; end; 4:begin descr:='Ymodem'; key:='Y'; ptype:=4; end; 5:begin descr:='Ymodem'; key:='Y'; ptype:=5; rul:=TRUE; end; 6:begin descr:='Zmodem'; key:='Z'; ptype:=6; rcmd:='dsz port @2 speed @1 rz @3'; scmd:='dsz port @2 speed @1 sz @3'; xferok:=0; end; 7:begin descr:='Zmodem'; key:='Z'; ptype:=7; rcmd:='dsz port @2 speed @1 rz'; scmd:='dsz port @2 speed @1 @@4'; xferok:=0; rul:=TRUE; end; 8:begin descr:='Lynx'; key:='L'; ptype:=6; rcmd:='lynx R @3 /@2 /@1'; scmd:='lynx S @3 /@2 /@1'; xferok:=0; end; 9:begin descr:='Lynx'; key:='L'; ptype:=7; rcmd:='lynx R /@2 /@1'; scmd:='lynx S /@2 /@1 @3'; xferok:=0; rul:=TRUE; end; 10:begin descr:='Jmodem'; key:='J'; ptype:=6; rcmd:='jmodem R@2 @3'; scmd:='jmodem S@2 @3'; xferok:=-1; end; 11:begin descr:='Megalink'; key:='M'; ptype:=6; rcmd:='mlink PORT @2 SPEED @1 RM @3'; scmd:='mlink PORT @2 SPEED @1 SM @3'; xferok:=0; end; end; write(xp,xpr); end; close(xp); end; procedure make_zlog_dat; begin with zfr do begin date:='04/21/89'; active:=0; calls:=0; post:=0; email:=0; fback:=0; up:=0; end; assign(zf,'zlog.dat'); rewrite(zf); write(zf,zfr);''; for i:=1 to 96 do write(zf,zfr); close(zf); end; procedure make_email_dat; begin with mr do begin title:='Greetings from Telegard'; from:=1; destin:=1; with msg do begin ltr:='A'; number:=-32767; ext:=1; end; mage:=255; end;; assign(mailfile,'email.dat'); rewrite(mailfile); write(mailfile,mr); close(mailfile); end; procedure make_laston_dat; begin with lcall do begin callernum:=0; name:='Eric Oman'; number:=1; end; assign(lcallf,'laston.dat'); rewrite(lcallf); write(lcallf,lcall); lcall.callernum:=-1; for i:=1 to 9 do write(lcallf,lcall); close(lcallf); end; procedure make_gfiles_dat; begin assign(tfilf,'gfiles.dat'); rewrite(tfilf); for i:=0 to 1 do begin with tfil do case i of 0:begin num:=1; {* 1 entry total *} title:=''; filen:=''; ar:='@'; gdate:='04/21/89'; gdaten:=daynum(gdate); end; 1:begin num:=0; {* SL level *} title:='Miscellaneous'; filen:=#1#0#0#0#0#0; ar:='@'; gdate:='04/21/89'; gdaten:=daynum(gdate); end; end; write(tfilf,tfil); end; close(tfilf); end; procedure make_verbose_dat; begin with vr do for i:=1 to 4 do descr[i]:=''; assign(verbf,'verbose.dat'); rewrite(verbf); write(verbf,vr); close(verbf); end; procedure make_voting_dat; begin with vd do begin question:='<< No Question >>'; numa:=0; for i:=0 to 9 do with answ[i] do begin if i<>0 then ans:='Selection '+chr(i+48) else ans:='No Comment'; numres:=0; end; end; assign(vdata,'voting.dat'); rewrite(vdata); for i:=0 to 19 do write(vdata,vd); close(vdata); end; procedure make_shortmsg_dat; begin with sm do begin msg:='Telegard files initialized on '+date+' '+time+'.'; destin:=1; end; assign(smf,'shortmsg.dat'); rewrite(smf); write(smf,sm); close(smf); end; procedure make_mboard(s:string); var f:file; begin msr.message.number:=0; assign(f,s+'.BRD'); rewrite(f,sizeof(messagerec)); blockwrite(f,msr,1); close(f); end; procedure make_fboard(s:string); begin ulffr.blocks:=0; assign(ulff,s+'.DIR'); rewrite(ulff); write(ulff,ulffr); close(ulff); end; procedure dostuff; begin ttl('Creating Telegard directory paths'); make_paths; ttl('Creating Telegard data files'); make_status_dat; make_user_lst; make_names_lst; make_boards_dat; make_uploads_dat; make_protocol_dat; make_zlog_dat; make_email_dat; make_laston_dat; make_gfiles_dat; make_verbose_dat; make_voting_dat; make_shortmsg_dat; make_mboard('general'); make_fboard('sysop'); make_fboard('misc'); ttl('Moving data files into GFILES directory'); movefile('user.lst',path[1]); movefile('names.lst',path[1]); movefile('boards.dat',path[1]); movefile('email.dat',path[1]); movefile('gfiles.dat',path[1]); movefile('laston.dat',path[1]); movefile('protocol.dat',path[1]); movefile('shortmsg.dat',path[1]); movefile('uploads.dat',path[1]); movefile('verbose.dat',path[1]); movefile('voting.dat',path[1]); movefile('zlog.dat',path[1]); movefiles('*.BRD',path[1]); movefiles('*.DIR',path[1]); ttl('Moving miscellaneous text files into GFILES directory'); movefiles('*.ANS',path[1]); movefiles('*.MSG',path[1]); movefiles('*.TUT',path[1]); movefile('computer.txt',path[1]); ttl('Moving message file into MSGS directory'); movefile('a-32767.1',path[2]); ttl('Moving menu files into MENUS directory'); movefiles('*.MNU',path[3]); end; begin infield_out_fgrd:=11; infield_out_bkgd:=0; infield_inp_fgrd:=15; infield_inp_bkgd:=1; clrscr; gotoxy(1,1); textbackground(1); textcolor(15); clreol; write(' Initialization Utility for Telegard version '+ver); textbackground(0); textcolor(7); window(1,2,80,25); writeln; assign(systatf,'status.dat'); {$I-} reset(systatf); {$I+} if ioresult=0 then begin textcolor(28); write('WARNING!!'); textcolor(14); writeln(' "STATUS.DAT" file already exists..'); writeln('Telegard has already been initialized!'); writeln('If you proceed, ALL DATA FILES WILL BE ERASED AND INITIALIZED!!!'); writeln; if not pynq('Proceed? ') then halt(1); writeln; end; getdir(0,curdir); path[1]:=curdir+'\GFILES\'; path[2]:=curdir+'\MSGS\'; path[3]:=curdir+'\MENUS\'; path[4]:=curdir+'\TFILES\'; textcolor(14); writeln; writeln('You will now be prompted several times for names of directorys'); writeln('that will be used by Telegard. Each directory will be created'); writeln('and the appropriate files will be moved there-in.'); writeln; writeln('GFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard data'); writeln('files and miscellaneous Telegard text files will be located.'); writeln; prt('GFILES dirname: '); infielde(path[1],60); writeln; writeln; textcolor(14); writeln('MSGS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard message'); writeln('files to be used in the message section will be located.'); writeln; prt('MSGS dirname: '); infielde(path[2],60); writeln; writeln; textcolor(14); writeln('MENUS pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard menu'); writeln('files will be located.'); writeln; prt('MENUS dirname: '); infielde(path[3],60); writeln; writeln; textcolor(14); writeln('TFILES pathname. This is the directory where the Telegard'); writeln('"text file section" text files will be located in.'); writeln; prt('TFILES dirname: '); infielde(path[4],60); writeln; writeln; clrscr; dostuff; writeln; star('Telegard BBS installed and initialized successfully!'); star('This program, "INIT.EXE", can now be deleted.'); star('Thanks for trying Telegard!'); end.