Unit bbs_Common; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses {$IFDEF UNIX} Unix, {$ENDIF} m_Types, m_Strings, m_Output, m_Input, m_DateTime, m_FileIO, m_Socket_Class; {$I RECORDS.PAS} // This unit is very old (like 1994) and its functions need to be phased out // This is the stuff that hasn't been worked into a class somewhere or // replace with MDL/FP RTL functions Const WinConsoleTitle = 'Mystic Node '; CopyID = 'Copyright (C) 1997-2012 By James Coyle. All Rights Reserved.'; DateTypeStr : Array[1..4] of String[8] = ('MM/DD/YY', 'DD/MM/YY', 'YY/DD/MM', 'Ask '); GetKeyFunc : Function (Forced : Boolean) : Boolean = NIL; Var Screen : TOutput; Input : TInput; CurRoom : Byte; NodeMsgFile : File of NodeMsgRec; NodeMsg : NodeMsgRec; ConfigFile : File of RecConfig; ChatFile : File of ChatRec; RoomFile : File of RoomRec; VoteFile : File of VoteRec; Vote : VoteRec; Chat : ChatRec; Room : RoomRec; LastOnFile : File of LastOnRec; LastOn : LastOnRec; Config : RecConfig; StatusPtr : Byte = 1; Procedure EditAccessFlags (Var Flags : AccessFlagType); Function DrawAccessFlags (Var Flags : AccessFlagType) : String; Function NoGetKeyFunc (Forced : Boolean) : Boolean; Function getColor (A: Byte) : Byte; Procedure KillRecord (Var dFile; RecNum: LongInt; RecSize: Word); Procedure AddRecord (var dFile; RecNum: LongInt; RecSize: Word); Function Bool_Search (Mask: String; Str: String) : Boolean; Function strAddr2Str (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr) : String; Function strStr2Addr (S : String; Var Addr: RecEchoMailAddr) : Boolean; Function CheckPath (Str: String) : String; Function ShellDOS (ExecPath: String; Command: String) : LongInt; {$IFNDEF UNIX} Procedure Update_Status_Line (Mode: Byte; Str: String); Procedure Process_Sysop_Cmd (Cmd: Char); {$ENDIF} Implementation Uses DOS, bbs_Core, {$IFNDEF UNIX} bbs_SysOpChat, {$ENDIF} bbs_cfg_UserEdit, bbs_General, MPL_Execute; Function DrawAccessFlags (Var Flags : AccessFlagType) : String; Var S : String; Ch : Char; Begin S := ''; For Ch := 'A' to 'Z' Do If Ord(Ch) - 64 in Flags Then S := S + Ch Else S := S + '-'; DrawAccessFlags := S; End; Procedure EditAccessFlags (Var Flags : AccessFlagType); Var Ch : Char; Begin Repeat Session.io.OutFull ('Toggle: [' + DrawAccessFlags(Flags) + '] (Enter/Done): '); Ch := Session.io.OneKey('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'#13, True); If Ch = #13 Then Break; If Ord(Ch) - 64 in Flags Then Flags := Flags - [Ord(Ch) - 64] Else Flags := Flags + [Ord(Ch) - 64]; Until False; End; Function GetColor (A: Byte) : Byte; { Used by SYSOPx.PAS files only } Var FG, BG : Byte; Begin Session.io.OutFull ('|CRFG Color: '); FG := strS2I(Session.io.GetInput(2, 2, 12, strI2S(A AND $F))); Session.io.OutFull ('BG Color: '); BG := strS2I(Session.io.GetInput(2, 2, 12, strI2S((A SHR 4) AND 7))); getColor := FG + BG * 16; End; Procedure AddRecord (var dFile; RecNum: LongInt; RecSize: Word); Var F : File Absolute dFile; A : LongInt; Buffer : Pointer; Begin If (RecNum < 1) or (RecNum > FileSize(F) + 1) Then Exit; GetMem (Buffer, RecSize); Dec (RecNum); For A := FileSize(F) - 1 DownTo RecNum Do Begin Seek (F, A); BlockRead (F, Buffer^, 1); BlockWrite (F, Buffer^, 1); End; Seek (F, RecNum); FreeMem (Buffer, RecSize); End; Procedure KillRecord (var dFile; RecNum: LongInt; RecSize: Word); Var F : File Absolute dFile; Count : LongInt; Buffer : Pointer; Begin If (RecNum < 1) or (RecNum > FileSize(F)) Then Exit; GetMem (Buffer, RecSize); Dec (RecNum); For Count := RecNum to FileSize(F) - 2 Do Begin Seek (F, Count + 1); BlockRead (F, Buffer^, 1); Seek (F, Count); BlockWrite (F, Buffer^, 1); End; Seek (F, FileSize(F) - 1); Truncate (F); FreeMem (Buffer, RecSize); End; Function Bool_Search (Mask: String; Str: String) : Boolean; { place holder for this functionality someday... need to pass in a buffer } { to search } Begin Bool_Search := True; If Mask = '' Then Exit; Bool_Search := Pos(strUpper(Mask), strUpper(Str)) > 0; End; Function strStr2Addr (S : String; Var Addr: RecEchoMailAddr) : Boolean; { converts address string to type. returns false is invalid string } Var A : Byte; B : Byte; C : Byte; Point : Boolean; Begin Result := False; Point := True; A := Pos(':', S); B := Pos('/', S); C := Pos('.', S); If (A = 0) or (B = 0) Then Exit; If C = 0 Then Begin Point := False; C := Length(S) + 1; Addr.Point := 0; End; Addr.Zone := strS2I(Copy(S, 1, A - 1)); Addr.Net := strS2I(Copy(S, A + 1, B - 1 - A)); Addr.Node := strS2I(Copy(S, B + 1, C - 1 - B)); If Point Then Addr.Point := strS2I(Copy(S, C + 1, Length(S))); Result := True; End; Function strAddr2Str (Addr : RecEchoMailAddr) : String; Var Temp : String[20]; Begin Temp := strI2S(Addr.Zone) + ':' + strI2S(Addr.Net) + '/' + strI2S(Addr.Node); If Addr.Point <> 0 Then Temp := Temp + '.' + strI2S(Addr.Point); Result := Temp; End; Function NoGetKeyFunc (Forced : Boolean): Boolean; Begin Result := False; End; Function CheckPath (Str: String) : String; Begin While Str[Length(Str)] = PathChar Do Dec(Str[0]); If Not FileDirExists(Str) Then Begin If Session.io.GetYN ('|CR|12Directory doesn''t exist. Create? |11', True) Then Begin {$I-} MkDir (Str); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then Session.io.OutFull ('|CR|14Error creating directory!|CR|PA'); End; End; CheckPath := Str + PathChar; End; Function ShellDOS (ExecPath: String; Command: String) : LongInt; Var {$IFNDEF UNIX} Image : TConsoleImageRec; {$ENDIF} Begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} ExecInheritsHandles := True; {$ENDIF} If Session.User.UserNum <> -1 Then Begin Reset (Session.User.UserFile); Seek (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.UserNum - 1); Write (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.ThisUser); Close (Session.User.UserFile); End; {$IFNDEF UNIX} Screen.GetScreenImage(1, 1, 80, 25, Image); Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 25, False); Screen.TextAttr := 7; Screen.ClearScreen; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} Screen.SetRawMode(False); {$ENDIF} If ExecPath <> '' Then DirChange(ExecPath); {$IFDEF UNIX} Result := Shell (Command); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} If Command <> '' Then Command := '/C' + Command; Exec (GetEnv('COMSPEC'), Command); Result := DosExitCode; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} Screen.SetRawMode(True); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} Screen.SetWindowTitle (WinConsoleTitle + strI2S(Session.NodeNum)); {$ENDIF} DirChange(Config.SystemPath); If Session.User.UserNum <> -1 Then Begin Reset (Session.User.UserFile); Seek (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.UserNum - 1); Read (Session.User.UserFile, Session.User.ThisUser); Close (Session.User.UserFile); End; Reset (Session.PromptFile); {$IFNDEF UNIX} Screen.PutScreenImage(Image); Update_Status_Line(StatusPtr, ''); {$ENDIF} Session.TimeOut := TimerSeconds; End; {$IFNDEF UNIX} Procedure Update_Status_Line (Mode: Byte; Str: String); Begin If Not Config.UseStatusBar Then Exit; Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 25, False); Case Mode of 0 : Screen.WriteXY (1, 25, 120, strPadC(Str, 80, ' ')); 1 : Begin Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' [Alias] [Baud] [Sec] [Time] '); Screen.WriteXY (10, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.Handle); Screen.WriteXY (48, 25, 112, strI2S(Session.Baud)); Screen.WriteXY (63, 25, 112, strI2S(Session.User.ThisUser.Security)); Screen.WriteXY (76, 25, 112, strI2S(Session.TimeLeft)); End; 2 : Begin Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' [Name] [Flag1] '); Screen.WriteXY ( 9, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.RealName); Screen.WriteXY (48, 25, 112, DrawAccessFlags(Session.User.ThisUser.AF1)); End; 3 : Begin Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' [Address] '); Screen.WriteXY (12, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.Address); Screen.WriteXY (43, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.City); Screen.WriteXY (69, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.ZipCode); End; 4 : Begin Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' [BDay] [Sex] [Home PH] [Data PH] '); Screen.WriteXY ( 9, 25, 112, DateDos2Str(Session.User.ThisUser.Birthday, Session.User.ThisUser.DateType)); Screen.WriteXY (25, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.Gender); Screen.WriteXY (39, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.HomePhone); Screen.WriteXY (65, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.DataPhone); End; 5 : Begin Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' [Email] [Flag2] '); Screen.WriteXY (10, 25, 112, Session.User.ThisUser.Email); Screen.WriteXY (54, 25, 112, DrawAccessFlags(Session.User.ThisUser.AF2)); End; 6 : Screen.WriteXY ( 1, 25, 112, ' ALT (C)hat (S)plit (E)dit (H)angup (J) DOS (U)pgrade (B) Status Bar '); End; Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 24, False); End; Procedure Process_Sysop_Cmd (Cmd: Char); Var A : Integer; X, Y : Byte; LS : Boolean; Begin If Not Screen.Active And (Cmd <> #47) Then Exit; Case Cmd of {U} #22 : Begin X := Screen.CursorX; Y := Screen.CursorY; Update_Status_Line (0, 'Upgrade Security Level: '); Screen.SetWindow (1, 25, 80, 25, False); Screen.TextAttr := 8 + 7 * 16; Screen.CursorXY (52, 2); LS := Session.LocalMode; Session.LocalMode := True; A := strS2I(Session.io.GetInput(3, 3, 9, strI2S(Session.User.ThisUser.Security))); Session.LocalMode := LS; If (A > 0) and (A < 256) Then Begin Upgrade_User_Level (True, Session.User.ThisUser, A); Session.SetTimeLeft(Session.User.ThisUser.TimeLeft); End; Update_Status_Line(StatusPtr, ''); Screen.CursorXY (X, Y); End; {E} #18 : If (Not Session.InUserEdit) and (Session.User.UserNum <> -1) Then User_Editor(True, True); {T} #20 : Begin // X := Screen.CursorX; // Y := Screen.CursorY; Config.UseStatusBar := Not Config.UseStatusBar; If Not Config.UseStatusBar Then Begin Screen.WriteXY (1, 25, 0, strRep(' ', 80)); Screen.SetWindow (1, 1, 80, 25, False); End Else Update_Status_Line (StatusPtr, ''); End; {S} #31 : If Not Session.User.InChat Then OpenChat(True); {H} #35 : Begin Session.SystemLog('SysOp hungup on user.'); Halt(0); End; {C} #46 : If Not Session.User.InChat Then OpenChat(False); {V} #47 : If Screen.Active Then Session.io.LocalScreenDisable Else Session.io.LocalScreenEnable; {B} #48 : Begin If StatusPtr < 6 Then Inc (StatusPtr) Else StatusPtr := 1; Update_Status_Line (StatusPtr, ''); End; #59.. #62 : Begin Session.io.InMacroStr := Config.SysopMacro[Ord(Cmd) - 58]; If Session.io.InMacroStr[1] = '!' Then ExecuteMPL (NIL, Copy(Session.io.InMacroStr, 2, 255)) Else Begin Session.io.InMacroPos := 1; Session.io.InMacro := Session.io.InMacroStr <> ''; End; End; {+} #130: If Session.TimeLeft > 1 Then Begin Session.SetTimeLeft(Session.TimeLeft-1); Update_Status_Line(StatusPtr, ''); End; {-} #131: If Session.TimeLeft < 999 Then Begin Session.SetTimeLeft(Session.TimeLeft+1); Update_Status_Line(StatusPtr, ''); End; End; End; {$ENDIF} Begin GetKeyFunc := NoGetKeyFunc; End.