Unit NodeSpy_Common; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses Math, m_Input, m_Output, m_Output_ScrollBack, m_Term_Ansi, m_MenuBox, m_MenuForm, m_MenuInput; Function ShowMsgBox (BoxType: Byte; Str: String) : Boolean; Function GetStr (Header, Text, Def: String; Len, MaxLen: Byte) : String; Function GetCommandOption (StartY: Byte; CmdStr: String) : Char; {$I RECORDS.PAS} Var Screen : TConsoleScrollback; Keyboard : TInput; Term : TTermAnsi; ConfigFile : File of RecConfig; Config : RecConfig; XferPath : String; AutoZmodem : Boolean; Implementation Function ShowMsgBox (BoxType: Byte; Str: String) : Boolean; Var Len : Byte; Len2 : Byte; Pos : Byte; MsgBox : TMenuBox; Offset : Byte; SavedX : Byte; SavedY : Byte; SavedA : Byte; Begin ShowMsgBox := True; SavedX := Screen.CursorX; SavedY := Screen.CursorY; SavedA := Screen.TextAttr; MsgBox := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Len := (80 - (Length(Str) + 2)) DIV 2; Pos := 1; MsgBox.FrameType := 6; MsgBox.Header := ' Info '; MsgBox.HeadAttr := 1 + 7 * 16; MsgBox.Box3D := True; If Screen.ScreenSize = 50 Then Offset := 12 Else Offset := 0; If BoxType < 2 Then MsgBox.Open (Len, 10 + Offset, Len + Length(Str) + 3, 15 + Offset) Else MsgBox.Open (Len, 10 + Offset, Len + Length(Str) + 3, 14 + Offset); Screen.WriteXY (Len + 2, 12 + Offset, 112, Str); Case BoxType of 0 : Begin Len2 := (Length(Str) - 4) DIV 2; Screen.WriteXY (Len + Len2 + 2, 14 + Offset, 30, ' OK '); Repeat Keyboard.ReadKey; Until Not Keyboard.KeyPressed; End; 1 : Repeat Len2 := (Length(Str) - 9) DIV 2; Screen.WriteXY (Len + Len2 + 2, 14 + Offset, 113, ' YES '); Screen.WriteXY (Len + Len2 + 7, 14 + Offset, 113, ' NO '); If Pos = 1 Then Screen.WriteXY (Len + Len2 + 2, 14 + Offset, 30, ' YES ') Else Screen.WriteXY (Len + Len2 + 7, 14 + Offset, 30, ' NO '); Case UpCase(Keyboard.ReadKey) of #00 : Case Keyboard.ReadKey of #75 : Pos := 1; #77 : Pos := 0; End; #13 : Begin ShowMsgBox := Boolean(Pos); Break; End; #32 : If Pos = 0 Then Inc(Pos) Else Pos := 0; 'N' : Begin ShowMsgBox := False; Break; End; 'Y' : Begin ShowMsgBox := True; Break; End; End; Until False; End; If BoxType <> 2 Then MsgBox.Close; MsgBox.Free; Screen.CursorXY (SavedX, SavedY); Screen.TextAttr := SavedA; End; Function GetStr (Header, Text, Def: String; Len, MaxLen: Byte) : String; Var Box : TMenuBox; Input : TMenuInput; Offset : Byte; Str : String; WinSize : Byte; Begin WinSize := (80 - Max(Len, Length(Text)) + 2) DIV 2; Box := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Input := TMenuInput.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Box.FrameType := 6; Box.Header := ' ' + Header + ' '; Box.HeadAttr := 1 + 7 * 16; Box.Box3D := True; Input.Attr := 15 + 4 * 16; Input.FillAttr := 7 + 4 * 16; Input.LoChars := #13#27; If Screen.ScreenSize = 50 Then Offset := 12 Else Offset := 0; Box.Open (WinSize, 10 + Offset, WinSize + Max(Len, Length(Text)) + 2, 15 + Offset); Screen.WriteXY (WinSize + 2, 12 + Offset, 112, Text); Str := Input.GetStr(WinSize + 2, 13 + Offset, Len, MaxLen, 1, Def); Box.Close; If Input.ExitCode = #27 Then Str := ''; Input.Free; Box.Free; Result := Str; End; Function GetCommandOption (StartY: Byte; CmdStr: String) : Char; Var Box : TMenuBox; Form : TMenuForm; Count : Byte; Cmds : Byte; CmdData : Array[1..10] of Record Key : Char; Desc : String[18]; End; Begin Cmds := 0; While Pos('|', CmdStr) > 0 Do Begin Inc (Cmds); CmdData[Cmds].Key := CmdStr[1]; CmdData[Cmds].Desc := Copy(CmdStr, 3, Pos('|', CmdStr) - 3); Delete (CmdStr, 1, Pos('|', Cmdstr)); End; Box := TMenuBox.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Form := TMenuForm.Create(TOutput(Screen)); Form.HelpSize := 0; Box.Open (30, StartY, 51, StartY + Cmds + 1); For Count := 1 to Cmds Do Form.AddNone (CmdData[Count].Key, ' ' + CmdData[Count].Key + ' ' + CmdData[Count].Desc, 31, StartY + Count, 20, ''); Result := Form.Execute; Form.Free; Box.Close; Box.Free; End; End.