Program FidoPoll; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Uses DOS, m_Crypt, m_DateTime, m_FileIO, m_Strings, m_IO_Sockets, m_Protocol_Queue, BBS_Records, BBS_DataBase, MIS_Client_BINKP; Var TempPath : String; Procedure BinkPStatus (Owner: Pointer; Level: Byte; Str: String); Var TF : Text; Begin If Level = 1 Then WriteLn (Str) Else Str := ' ' + Str; Str := FormatDate(CurDateDT, 'NNN DD HH:II') + ' ' + Str; FileMode := 66; Assign (TF, bbsCfg.LogsPath + 'fidopoll.log'); {$I-} Append (TF); {$I+} If (IoResult <> 0) and (IoResult <> 5) Then {$I-} ReWrite(TF); {$I+} If IoResult = 0 Then Begin WriteLn (TF, Str); Close (TF); End; End; Function PollNode (OnlyNew: Boolean; Var Queue: TProtocolQueue; Var EchoNode: RecEchoMailNode) : Boolean; Var BinkP : TBinkP; Client : TIOSocket; Port : Word; Begin Result := False; If Not (EchoNode.Active and (EchoNode.ProtType = 0)) Then Exit; Queue.Clear; BinkPStatus(NIL, 1, 'Scanning ' + Addr2Str(EchoNode.Address)); QueueByNode (Queue, True, EchoNode); BinkPStatus(NIL, 1, 'Queued ' + strI2S(Queue.QSize) + ' files (' + strI2S(Queue.QFSize) + ' bytes) to ' + Addr2Str(EchoNode.Address)); If OnlyNew and (Queue.QSize = 0) Then Exit; BinkPStatus(NIL, 1, 'Polling node ' + Addr2Str(EchoNode.Address)); Client := TIOSocket.Create; Client.FTelnetClient := False; Client.FTelnetServer := False; BinkPStatus (NIL, 1, 'Connecting to ' + EchoNode.binkHost); Port := strS2I(strWordGet(2, EchoNode.binkHost, ':')); If Port = 0 Then Port := 24554; If Not Client.Connect (strWordGet(1, EchoNode.binkHost, ':'), Port) Then Begin BinkPStatus (NIL, 1, 'UNABLE TO CONNECT'); Client.Free; Exit; End; BinkPStatus(NIL, 1, 'Connected'); BinkP := TBinkP.Create(Client, Client, Queue, True, EchoNode.binkTimeOut * 100); BinkP.StatusUpdate := @BinkPStatus; BinkP.SetOutPath := GetFTNOutPath(EchoNode); BinkP.SetPassword := EchoNode.binkPass; BinkP.SetBlockSize := EchoNode.binkBlock; BinkP.UseMD5 := EchoNode.binkMD5 > 0; BinkP.ForceMD5 := EchoNode.binkMD5 = 2; If BinkP.DoAuthentication Then Begin Result := True; BinkP.DoTransfers; End; BinkP.Free; Client.Free; End; Function PollByAddress (Addr: String) : Boolean; Var Queue : TProtocolQueue; PollTime : LongInt; EchoNode : RecEchoMailNode; Begin PollTime := CurDateDos; Queue := TProtocolQueue.Create; Result := GetNodeByAddress(Addr, EchoNode); If Result Then If PollNode(False, Queue, EchoNode) Then Begin EchoNode.LastSent := PollTime; // needs to save updated polltime End; Queue.Free; End; Procedure PollAll (OnlyNew: Boolean); Var Queue : TProtocolQueue; EchoFile : File of RecEchoMailNode; EchoNode : RecEchoMailNode; Total : LongInt; PollTime : LongInt; Begin PollTime := CurDateDos; WriteLn ('Polling BINKP nodes...'); WriteLn; Total := 0; Queue := TProtocolQueue.Create; Assign (EchoFile, bbsCfg.DataPath + 'echonode.dat'); {$I-} Reset (EchoFile); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then Exit; While Not Eof(EchoFile) Do Begin Read (EchoFile, EchoNode); If PollNode(OnlyNew, Queue, EchoNode) Then Begin Inc (Total); EchoNode.LastSent := PollTime; Seek (EchoFile, FilePos(EchoFile) - 1); Write (EchoFile, EchoNode); End; End; Close (EchoFile); Queue.Free; WriteLn; BinkPStatus (NIL, 1, 'Polled ' + strI2S(Total) + ' nodes'); End; Var Str : String; Begin FileMode := 66; WriteLn; WriteLn ('FIDOPOLL Version ' + mysVersion); WriteLn; Case bbsCfgStatus of CfgNotFound : Begin WriteLn ('Unable to read MYSTIC.DAT'); Halt(1); End; CfgMisMatch : Begin WriteLn ('Mystic VERSION mismatch'); Halt(1); End; End; If ParamCount = 0 Then Begin WriteLn ('This will likely be a temporary program which will be fused into'); WriteLn ('either MIS or MUTIL in the future (or both). Note only BINKP is'); WriteLn ('currently supported. FTN via FTP may be included in the future'); WriteLn; WriteLn ('FIDOPOLL SEND - Only send/poll if node has new outbound messages'); WriteLn ('FIDOPOLL FORCED - Poll/send to all configured/activenodes'); WriteLn ('FIDOPOLL [Address] - Poll/send echomail node [Address] (ex: 46:1/100)'); Halt(1); End; TempPath := bbsCfg.SystemPath + 'tempftn' + PathChar; DirCreate(TempPath); Str := strUpper(strStripB(ParamStr(1), ' ')); If (Str = 'SEND') or (Str = 'FORCED') Then PollAll (Str = 'SEND') Else If Not PollByAddress(Str) Then BinkPStatus (NIL, 1, 'Invalid command line or address'); End.