Unit MUTIL_TopLists; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure uTopLists; Implementation Uses m_QuickSort, m_Strings, m_FileIO, mUtil_Common, mUtil_Status, bbs_Common; Type TopListType = (TopCall, TopPost, TopDL, TopUL, TopPCR); Var CreatedLists : LongInt = 0; Function GenerateList (ListType: TopListType) : Boolean; Var UserFile : File of RecUser; User : RecUser; Sort : TQuickSort; Function GetValue : Cardinal; Begin Result := 0; Case ListType of TopCall : Result := User.Calls; TopPost : Result := User.Posts; TopDL : Result := User.DLs; TopUL : Result := User.ULs; TopPCR : If User.Calls > 0 Then Result := Round(User.Posts / User.Calls * 100); End; End; Procedure GenerateOutput; Var InFile : File; OutFile : Text; Buffer : Array[1..2048] of Char; BufPos : LongInt = 0; BufSize : LongInt = 0; Done : Boolean = False; Function GetChar : Char; Begin If BufPos = BufSize Then Begin BlockRead (InFile, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), BufSize); BufPos := 0; If BufSize = 0 Then Begin Done := True; Buffer[1] := #26; End; End; Inc (BufPos); Result := Buffer[BufPos]; End; Var CfgName : String; Template : String; OutName : String; Desc : String; NameLen : Byte; DataLen : Byte; Code : String[2]; CodeVal : String[2]; Ch : Char; Begin Case ListType of TopCall : CfgName := '_call_'; TopPost : CfgName := '_post_'; TopDL : CfgName := '_dl_'; TopUL : CfgName := '_ul_'; TopPCR : CfgName := '_pcr_'; End; Template := INI.ReadString (Header_TopLists, 'top' + CfgName + 'template', 'template.txt'); OutName := INI.ReadString (Header_TopLists, 'top' + CfgName + 'output', 'top.asc'); Desc := INI.ReadString (Header_TopLists, 'top' + CfgName + 'desc', 'None'); NameLen := INI.ReadInteger (Header_TopLists, 'top' + CfgName + 'namelen', 30); DataLen := INI.ReadInteger (Header_TopLists, 'top' + CfgName + 'datalen', 10); If Not FileExist(Template) Then Begin ProcessStatus('Template not found', True); Exit; End; Inc (CreatedLists); Assign (InFile, Template); Reset (InFile, 1); Assign (OutFile, OutName); ReWrite (OutFile); While Not Done Do Begin Ch := GetChar; Case Ch of #26 : Break; '@' : Begin Code := GetChar; Code := Code + GetChar; If Code = 'DE' Then Write (OutFile, Desc) Else If (Code = 'NA') or (Code = 'DA') Then Begin CodeVal := GetChar; CodeVal := CodeVal + GetChar; If (CodeVal[1] in ['0'..'9']) And (CodeVal[2] in ['0'..'9']) Then Begin If Sort.Data[strS2I(CodeVal)] <> NIL Then Begin Seek (UserFile, Pred(Sort.Data[strS2I(CodeVal)]^.Ptr)); Read (UserFile, User); End Else Begin FillChar (User, SizeOf(User), 0); User.Handle := INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'no_user', 'No one'); End; If Code = 'NA' Then Write (OutFile, strPadR(User.Handle, NameLen, ' ')) Else Write (OutFile, strPadL(strComma(GetValue), DataLen, ' ')); End Else Write(OutFile, '@' + Code + CodeVal); End Else Write (OutFile, '@' + Code); End; Else Write (OutFile, Ch); End; End; Close (InFile); Close (OutFile); End; Var ExclFile : Text; ExclName : String; Str : String; Excluded : Boolean; SortMode : TSortMethod; Begin Result := True; Case ListType of TopCall : ProcessStatus('Top Callers', False); TopPost : ProcessStatus('Top Posts', False); TopDL : ProcessStatus('Top Downloaders', False); TopUL : ProcessStatus('Top Uploaders', False); TopPCR : ProcessStatus('Top Post/Call Ratio', False); End; ExclName := INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'exclude_list', 'exclude.txt'); If INI.ReadInteger(Header_TopLists, 'sort_top', 1) = 1 Then SortMode := qDescending Else SortMode := qAscending; BarOne.Reset; Sort := TQuickSort.Create; Assign (UserFile, bbsConfig.DataPath + 'users.dat'); If ioReset(UserFile, SizeOf(RecUser), fmRWDN) Then Begin While Not EOF(UserFile) Do Begin Read (UserFile, User); If User.Flags And UserDeleted <> 0 Then Continue; BarOne.Update(FilePos(UserFile), FileSize(UserFile)); Excluded := False; Assign (ExclFile, ExclName); {$I-} Reset(ExclFile); {$I+} If IoResult = 0 Then Begin While Not Eof(ExclFile) Do Begin ReadLn(ExclFile, Str); Str := strUpper(strStripB(Str, ' ')); If (Str = '') or (Str[1] = ';') Then Continue; If (strUpper(User.Handle) = Str) or (strUpper(User.RealName) = Str) Then Begin Excluded := True; Break; End; End; Close(ExclFile); End; If Not Excluded Then Sort.Conditional(strPadL(strI2S(GetValue), 10, '0'), FilePos(UserFile), 99, SortMode); End; Sort.Sort (1, Sort.Total, SortMode); GenerateOutput; Close (UserFile); End Else Result := False; BarOne.Update(100, 100); Sort.Free; End; Procedure uTopLists; Begin ProcessName ('Generating Top Lists', True); ProcessResult (rWORKING, False); If INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'top_call', '0') = '1' Then GenerateList(TopCall); If INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'top_post', '0') = '1' Then GenerateList(TopPost); If INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'top_dl', '0') = '1' Then GenerateList(TopDL); If INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'top_ul', '0') = '1' Then GenerateList(TopUL); If INI.ReadString(Header_TopLists, 'top_pcr', '0') = '1' Then GenerateList(TopPCR); ProcessStatus ('Created |15' + strI2S(CreatedLists) + ' |07list(s)', True); ProcessResult (rDONE, True); End; End.