Unit bbs_SysOpChat; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure OpenChat (Split : Boolean); Implementation Uses m_Types, m_Strings, m_DateTime, bbs_Common, bbs_Core, bbs_User; Var tFile : Text; Procedure Split_Chat; Var Update : LongInt = 0; LastUser : Boolean; UserStr : String; SysopStr : String; Temp1, Temp2 : String; Ch : Char; UserX, UserY : Byte; SysopX, SysopY : Byte; X, Y, A : Byte; Procedure Total_ReDraw; Begin Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := Session.User.ThisUser.Handle; Session.io.PromptInfo[2] := Config.SysopName; Session.io.ScreenInfo[9].X := 0; Session.io.ScreenInfo[0].X := 0; Session.io.OutFile ('ansichat', True, 0); UserStr := ''; UserX := Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].X; UserY := Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y; SysopX := Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].X; SysopY := Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].Y; SysopStr := ''; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (SysopX, SysopY); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].A); LastUser := False; End; Begin Total_ReDraw; Repeat If Update <> TimerMinutes Then Begin X := Screen.CursorX; Y := Screen.CursorY; A := Screen.TextAttr; If Session.io.ScreenInfo[9].X <> 0 Then Begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (Session.io.ScreenInfo[9].X, Session.io.ScreenInfo[9].Y); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[9].A); Session.io.OutFull ('|$L04|TL'); End; If Session.io.ScreenInfo[0].X <> 0 Then Begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (Session.io.ScreenInfo[0].X, Session.io.ScreenInfo[0].Y); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[0].A); Session.io.OutFull ('|TI'); End; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (X, Y); Session.io.AnsiColor (A); Update := TimerMinutes; End; Ch := Session.io.GetKey; If Not Session.io.LocalInput and Not LastUser Then Begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (UserX, UserY); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].A); LastUser := True; End Else If Session.io.LocalInput and LastUser Then Begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (SysopX, SysopY); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].A); LastUser := False; End; Case Ch of #00 : If Session.io.LocalInput Then ProcessSysopCommand(Input.ReadKey); ^R : If Session.io.LocalInput Then Total_ReDraw; #08 : If Session.io.LocalInput Then Begin If SysopX > Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].X Then Begin Session.io.OutBS (1, True); Dec (SysopX); Dec (SysopStr[0]); End; End Else Begin If UserX > Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].X Then Begin Session.io.OutBS (1, True); Dec (UserX); Dec (UserStr[0]); End; End; #10 : ; #13 : If Session.io.LocalInput Then Begin sysopx := Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x; if sysopy = Session.io.ScreenInfo[6].y then begin for sysopy := Session.io.ScreenInfo[6].y downto Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].y do begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x, sysopy); Session.io.OutRaw (strRep(' ', Session.io.ScreenInfo[8].x - Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x + 1)); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x, sysopy); end; Session.io.OutRaw(sysopstr); end; If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, 'S> ' + SysopSTR); inc (sysopy); sysopstr := ''; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (sysopx, sysopy); End Else Begin userx := Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x; if usery = Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].y then begin for usery := Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].y downto Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].y do begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(userx, usery); Session.io.OutRaw (strRep(' ', Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].x - Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x + 1)); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(userx, usery); end; Session.io.OutRaw(userstr); end; inc (usery); If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, 'U> ' + UserSTR); userstr := ''; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (userx, usery); End; #27 : If Session.io.LocalInput Then Break; Else If Session.io.LocalInput Then Begin Session.io.BufAddChar (ch); inc (sysopx); sysopstr := sysopstr + ch; if sysopx > Session.io.ScreenInfo[8].x then begin strwrap (sysopstr, temp2, Session.io.ScreenInfo[8].x - session.io.screeninfo[7].x + 1); temp1 := sysopstr; If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, 'S> ' + SysopSTR); sysopstr := temp2; Session.io.OutBS (length(temp2), True); if sysopy=Session.io.ScreenInfo[6].y then begin for sysopy := Session.io.ScreenInfo[6].y downto Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].y do begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x, sysopy); Session.io.OutRaw (strRep(' ', Session.io.ScreenInfo[8].x - Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x + 1)); end; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x, sysopy); Session.io.OutRaw(temp1); end; inc (sysopy); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[7].x, sysopy); Session.io.OutRaw (sysopstr); sysopx := Screen.CursorX; end; End Else Begin Session.io.BufAddChar (ch); inc (userx); userstr := userstr + ch; if userx > Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].x then begin strwrap (userstr, temp2, Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].x - session.io.screeninfo[3].x + 1); temp1 := userstr; If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, 'U> ' + UserSTR); userstr := temp2; Session.io.OutBS (length(temp2), True); if usery=Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].y then begin for usery := Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].y downto Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].y do begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x, usery); Session.io.OutRaw (strRep(' ', Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].x - Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x + 1)); end; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x, usery); Session.io.OutRawln(temp1); end; inc(usery); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].x, usery); Session.io.OutRaw(userstr); userx := Screen.CursorX; end; end; End; Until False; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (1, Session.User.ThisUser.ScreenSize); Session.io.OutFull ('|16' + Session.GetPrompt(27)); End; Procedure Line_Chat; Var Ch : Char; Str1 : String[160]; Str2 : String[160]; Begin Str1 := ''; Str2 := ''; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(26)); Repeat Ch := Session.io.GetKey; Case Ch of #27 : If Session.io.LocalInput Then Break; #13 : Begin If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, Str1); Session.io.OutRawLn(''); Str1 := ''; End; #8 : If Str1 <> '' Then Begin Session.io.OutBS(1, True); Dec(Str1[0]); End; Else Str1 := Str1 + Ch; Session.io.BufAddChar(Ch); If Length(Str1) > 78 Then Begin strWrap (Str1, Str2, 78); Session.io.OutBS(Length(Str2), True); Session.io.OutRawLn (''); Session.io.OutRaw (Str2); If Config.ChatLogging Then WriteLn (tFile, Str1); Str1 := Str2; End; End; Until False; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(27)); End; Procedure OpenChat (Split: Boolean); Var Image : TConsoleImageRec; Begin Session.User.InChat := True; Screen.GetScreenImage(1,1,79,24,Image); UpdateStatusLine (0, '(ESC) to Quit, (Ctrl-R) to Redraw'); If Config.ChatLogging Then Begin Assign (tFile, Config.LogsPath + 'chat.log'); {$I-} Append (tFile); {$I+} If IoResult <> 0 Then ReWrite (tFile); WriteLn (tFile, ''); WriteLn (tFile, 'Chat recorded ' + DateDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1) + ' ' + TimeDos2Str(CurDateDos, 1) + ' with ' + Session.User.ThisUser.Handle); WriteLn (tFile, strRep('-', 70)); End; If ((Split) And (Session.io.Graphics > 0)) Then Split_Chat Else Line_Chat; If Config.ChatLogging Then Begin WriteLn (tFile, strRep('-', 70)); Close (tFile); End; Session.User.InChat := False; Session.TimeOut := TimerSeconds; Session.io.RemoteRestore(Image); UpdateStatusLine (StatusPtr, ''); End; End.