Unit BBS_MsgBase_ABS; {$I M_OPS.PAS} {$WARNINGS OFF} Interface Uses BBS_Common; Type MsgMailType = (mmtNormal, mmtEchoMail, mmtNetMail); PMsgBaseABS = ^TMsgBaseABS; TMsgBaseABS = Object LastSoft : Boolean; TempFile : String; Procedure EditMsgInit; Virtual; Procedure EditMsgSave; Virtual; Constructor Init; {Initialize} Destructor Done; Virtual; {Done} Procedure SetMsgPath(MP: String); Virtual; {Set msg path/other info} Function OpenMsgBase : Boolean; Virtual; {Open the message base} Procedure CloseMsgBase; Virtual; {Close the message base} Function CreateMsgBase(MaxMsg: Word; MaxDays: Word): Boolean; Virtual; // Function MsgBaseExists: Boolean; Virtual; {Does msg base exist} Function LockMsgBase: Boolean; Virtual; {Lock the message base} Function UnLockMsgBase: Boolean; Virtual; {Unlock the message base} Procedure SetDest (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Virtual; {Set Zone/Net/Node/Point for Dest} Procedure SetOrig (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Virtual; {Set Zone/Net/Node/Point for Orig} Procedure SetFrom(Name: String); Virtual; {Set message from} Procedure SetTo(Name: String); Virtual; {Set message to} Procedure SetSubj(Str: String); Virtual; {Set message subject} Procedure SetCost(SCost: Word); Virtual; {Set message cost} Procedure SetRefer(SRefer: LongInt); Virtual; {Set message reference} Procedure SetSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Virtual; {Set message see also} Procedure SetDate(SDate: String); Virtual; {Set message date} Procedure SetTime(STime: String); Virtual; {Set message time} Procedure SetLocal(LS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set local status} Procedure SetRcvd(RS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set received status} Procedure SetPriv(PS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set priveledge vs public status} Procedure SetCrash(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set crash netmail status} Procedure SetHold(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set hold netmail status} Procedure SetKillSent(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set kill/sent netmail status} Procedure SetSent(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set sent netmail status} Procedure SetFAttach(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set file attach status} Procedure SetReqRct(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set request receipt status} Procedure SetReqAud(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set request audit status} Procedure SetRetRct(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set return receipt status} Procedure SetFileReq(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set file request status} Procedure DoString(Str: String); Virtual; {Add string to message text} Procedure DoChar(Ch: Char); Virtual; {Add character to message text} Procedure DoStringLn(Str: String); Virtual; {Add string and newline to msg text} Procedure DoKludgeLn(Str: String); Virtual; {Add ^A kludge line to msg} Function WriteMsg: Word; Virtual; {Write msg to msg base} Function GetChar: Char; Virtual; {Get msg text character} Function EOM: Boolean; Virtual; {No more msg text} Function GetString(MaxLen: Word): String; Virtual; {Get wordwrapped string} Function GetNoKludgeStr(MaxLen: Word): String; Virtual; {Get ww str no ^A lines} Function GetFrom: String; Virtual; {Get from name on current msg} Function GetTo: String; Virtual; {Get to name on current msg} Function GetSubj: String; Virtual; {Get subject on current msg} // Function GetCost: Word; Virtual; {Get cost of current msg} Function GetDate: String; Virtual; {Get date of current msg} Function GetTime: String; Virtual; {Get time of current msg} Function GetRefer: LongInt; Virtual; {Get reply to of current msg} Function GetSeeAlso: LongInt; Virtual; {Get see also of current msg} Function GetNextSeeAlso: LongInt; Virtual; Procedure SetNextSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Virtual; Function GetMsgNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get message number} Function GetTextLen: LongInt; Virtual; {Get text length} Procedure GetOrig (Var Addr : RecEchoMailAddr); Virtual; {Get origin address} Function GetOrigAddr : RecEchoMailAddr; Virtual; Procedure GetDest (Var Addr : RecEchoMailAddr); Virtual; {Get destination address} Function GetDestAddr : RecEchoMailAddr; Virtual; Function IsLocal: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg local} Function IsCrash: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg crash} Function IsKillSent: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg kill sent} Function IsSent: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg sent} Function IsFAttach: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg file attach} // Function IsReqRct: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg request receipt} // Function IsReqAud: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg request audit} // Function IsRetRct: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg a return receipt} Function IsFileReq: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg a file request} Function IsRcvd: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg received} Function IsPriv: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg priviledged/private} Function IsDeleted: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg deleted} Function IsEchoed: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg unmoved echomail msg} Function GetMsgLoc: LongInt; Virtual; {To allow reseeking to message} Procedure SetMsgLoc(ML: LongInt); Virtual; {Reseek to message} Procedure MsgStartUp; Virtual; {Do message set-up tasks} Procedure MsgTxtStartUp; Virtual; {Do message text start up tasks} Procedure StartNewMsg; Virtual; {Initialize for adding message} Procedure SeekFirst(MsgNum: LongInt); Virtual; {Start msg seek} Procedure SeekNext; Virtual; {Find next matching msg} Procedure SeekPrior; Virtual; {Prior msg} Function SeekFound: Boolean; Virtual; {Msg was found} // Procedure YoursFirst(Name: String; Handle: String); Virtual; {Seek your mail} // Procedure YoursNext; Virtual; {Seek next your mail} // Function YoursFound: Boolean; Virtual; {Message found} Function GetHighMsgNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get highest msg number} Procedure SetMailType(MT: MsgMailType); Virtual; {Set message base type} // Function GetSubArea: Word; Virtual; {Get sub area number} Procedure ReWriteHdr; Virtual; {Rewrite msg header after changes} Procedure DeleteMsg; Virtual; {Delete current message} Procedure SetEcho(ES: Boolean); Virtual; {Set echo status} Function NumberOfMsgs: LongInt; Virtual; {Number of messages} Function GetLastRead(UNum: LongInt): LongInt; Virtual; {Get last read for user num} Procedure SetLastRead(UNum: LongInt; LR: LongInt); Virtual; {Set last read} Function GetMsgDisplayNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get msg number to display} Function GetTxtPos: LongInt; Virtual; {Get indicator of msg text position} Procedure SetTxtPos(TP: LongInt); Virtual; {Set text position} Function GetHighActiveMsgNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get highest active msg num} Procedure SetTempFile (TF: String); End; Implementation Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetTempFile (TF: String); Begin TempFile := TF; End; Constructor TMsgBaseABS.Init; Begin End; Destructor TMsgBaseABS.Done; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetMsgPath(MP: String); Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.OpenMsgBase: Boolean; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.CloseMsgBase; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.LockMsgBase: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.UnLockMsgBase: Boolean; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetDest (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetOrig (Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetFrom(Name: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetTo(Name: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetSubj(Str: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetCost(SCost: Word); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetRefer(SRefer: LongInt); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetDate(SDate: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetTime(STime: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetLocal(LS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetRcvd(RS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetPriv(PS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetHold (SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetCrash(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetKillSent(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetSent(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetFAttach(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetReqRct(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetReqAud(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetRetRct(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetFileReq(SS: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.DoString (Str: String); Var Count : Word; Begin For Count := 1 to Length(Str) Do DoChar(Str[Count]); End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.DoChar(Ch: Char); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.DoStringLn(Str: String); Begin DoString(Str + #13); // DoChar(#13); End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.DoKludgeLn(Str: String); Begin DoStringLn(Str); End; Function TMsgBaseABS.WriteMsg: Word; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetChar: Char; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.EOM: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetString(MaxLen: Word): String; (* Var WPos: LongInt; WLen: Byte; StrDone: Boolean; TxtOver: Boolean; StartSoft: Boolean; CurrLen: Word; PPos: LongInt; TmpCh: Char; OldPos: LongInt; Begin If EOM Then GetString := '' Else Begin StrDone := False; CurrLen := 0; PPos := GetTxtPos; WPos := GetTxtPos; WLen := 0; StartSoft := LastSoft; LastSoft := True; OldPos := GetTxtPos; TmpCh := GetChar; While ((Not StrDone) And (CurrLen < MaxLen) And (Not EOM)) Do Begin Case TmpCh of #$00:; #$0d: Begin StrDone := True; LastSoft := False; End; #$8d:; #$0a:; #$20: Begin If ((CurrLen <> 0) or (Not StartSoft)) Then Begin Inc(CurrLen); WLen := CurrLen; GetString[CurrLen] := TmpCh; WPos := GetTxtPos; End Else StartSoft := False; End; Else Begin Inc(CurrLen); GetString[CurrLen] := TmpCh; End; End; If Not StrDone Then Begin OldPos := GetTxtPos; TmpCh := GetChar; End; End; If StrDone Then Begin GetString[0] := Chr(CurrLen); End Else If EOM Then Begin GetString[0] := Chr(CurrLen); End Else Begin If WLen = 0 Then Begin GetString[0] := Chr(CurrLen); SetTxtPos(OldPos); End Else Begin GetString[0] := Chr(WLen); SetTxtPos(WPos); End; End; End; *) { the above stuff could be used to write universal GETSTRING and GETCHAR } { functions for ANY message base format. } Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SeekFirst(MsgNum: LongInt); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SeekNext; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetFrom: String; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetTo: String; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetSubj: String; Begin End; //Function TMsgBaseABS.GetCost: Word; //Begin //End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetDate: String; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetTime: String; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetRefer: LongInt; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetSeeAlso: LongInt; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetMsgNum: LongInt; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetTextLen : LongInt; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.GetOrig(Var Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetOrigAddr : RecEchoMailAddr; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.GetDest(Var Addr: RecEchoMailAddr); Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetDestAddr : RecEchoMailAddr; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsLocal: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsCrash: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsKillSent: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsSent: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsFAttach: Boolean; Begin End; //Function TMsgBaseABS.IsReqRct: Boolean; //Begin //End; //Function TMsgBaseABS.IsReqAud: Boolean; //Begin //End; //Function TMsgBaseABS.IsRetRct: Boolean; //Begin //End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsFileReq: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsRcvd: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsPriv: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsDeleted: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.IsEchoed: Boolean; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetMsgLoc: LongInt; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetMsgLoc(ML: LongInt); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.MsgStartUp; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.MsgTxtStartUp; Begin End; (* Procedure TMsgBaseABS.YoursFirst(Name: String; Handle: String); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.YoursNext; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.YoursFound: Boolean; Begin End; *) Function TMsgBaseABS.CreateMsgBase(MaxMsg: Word; MaxDays: Word): Boolean; Begin End; (* Function TMsgBaseABS.MsgBaseExists: Boolean; Begin End; *) Procedure TMsgBaseABS.StartNewMsg; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetHighMsgNum: LongInt; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.SeekFound: Boolean; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetMailType(MT: MsgMailType); Begin End; //Function TMsgBaseABS.GetSubArea: Word; //Begin // GetSubArea := 0; //End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.ReWriteHdr; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.DeleteMsg; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetEcho(ES: Boolean); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SeekPrior; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.NumberOfMsgs: LongInt; Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetLastRead(UNum: LongInt): LongInt; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetLastRead(UNum: LongInt; LR: LongInt); Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetMsgDisplayNum: LongInt; Begin GetMsgDisplayNum := GetMsgNum; End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetTxtPos: LongInt; Begin GetTxtPos := 0; End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetTxtPos(TP: LongInt); Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.SetNextSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Begin End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetNextSeeAlso: LongInt; Begin GetNextSeeAlso:=0; End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetNoKludgeStr(MaxLen: Word): String; Begin Result := GetString(MaxLen); While ((Length(Result) > 0) and (Result[1] = #1) and (Not EOM)) Do Result := GetString(MaxLen); End; Function TMsgBaseABS.GetHighActiveMsgNum: LongInt; Begin SeekFirst(GetHighMsgNum); If Not SeekFound Then SeekPrior; If SeekFound Then GetHighActiveMsgNum := GetMsgNum Else GetHighActiveMsgNum := 0; End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.EditMsgInit; Begin End; Procedure TMsgBaseABS.EditMsgSave; Begin End; End.