Unit bbs_NodeChat; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure Node_Chat; Implementation Uses m_Strings, m_DateTime, m_FileIO, bbs_NodeInfo, bbs_Common, bbs_User, bbs_Core; Var ChatSize : Integer; ChatUpdate : LongInt; TextPos : Integer; TopPage : Integer; LinePos : Integer; Full : Boolean; Procedure FullReDraw; Var Count : Byte; Temp : Byte; Begin If Not Full Then Exit; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (1, Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y); Temp := TopPage; For Count := 0 to ChatSize Do Begin Session.io.AnsiClrEOL; If Temp <= TextPos Then Begin Session.io.OutPipeLn (Session.Msgs.MsgText[Temp]); Inc (Temp); End Else Session.io.OutRawLn(''); End; End; Procedure Change_Room (R : Byte); Var CF : File of ChatRec; Begin If (R < 1) or (R > 99) Then Exit; Reset (RoomFile); Seek (RoomFile, R-1); Read (RoomFile, Room); Close (RoomFile); Chat.Room := R; CurRoom := R; Assign (CF, Config.DataPath + 'chat' + strI2S(Session.NodeNum) + '.dat'); Reset (CF); Write (CF, Chat); Close (CF); Send_Node_Message (5, strI2S(Session.NodeNum) + ';' + 'Now chatting in channel ' + strI2S(CurRoom), 0); //++lang End; Procedure Update_Topic; Begin If Not Full Then Exit; { look around and make common function called goscreeninfo(num) that } { goes to an x/y position and changes the attribute } Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].X, Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].Y); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[4].A); Session.io.OutRaw (strPadR(strI2S(CurRoom), 2, ' ')); Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].X, Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].Y); Session.io.AnsiColor (Session.io.ScreenInfo[5].A); Session.io.OutRaw (strPadR(Room.Name, 40, ' ')); End; Function GetKeyNodeChatFunc (Forced: Boolean) : Boolean; { 1 = node chat broadcast message (if room = 0) node chat regular text (if room = room user is in) 4 = node chat private message 5 = chat broadcast (ie: xxx has entered chat) 6 = chat action (ie: g00r00 claps his hands) 7 = chat topic update } Procedure AddText (Str : String); Var Count : Integer; Begin If TextPos < mysMaxMsgLines Then Inc (TextPos) Else For Count := 2 to mysMaxMsgLines Do Session.Msgs.MsgText[Count - 1] := Session.Msgs.MsgText[Count]; Session.Msgs.MsgText[TextPos] := Str; End; Var Str : String; StrLen : Byte; Indent : Byte; Lines : Integer; OldAttr : Byte; OldX : Byte; OldY : Byte; MsgFile : File of NodeMsgRec; Msg : NodeMsgRec; Begin GetKeyNodeChatFunc := False; If Session.User.InChat or Session.InUserEdit Then Exit; If (TimerSeconds - ChatUpdate <> 0) or Forced Then Begin Assign (MsgFile, Session.TempPath + 'chat.tmp'); If ioReset(MsgFile, SizeOf(Msg), fmRWDN) Then Begin OldAttr := Screen.TextAttr; OldX := Screen.CursorX; OldY := Screen.CursorY; While Not Eof(MsgFile) Do Begin Read (MsgFile, Msg); If Msg.MsgType in [1, 4..7] Then Begin Session.io.OutRaw (Session.io.Pipe2Ansi(16)); Case Msg.MsgType of 1 : If Msg.Room = 0 Then Str := strReplace(Session.GetPrompt(319), '|&1', Msg.FromWho) Else If Msg.Room = CurRoom Then Str := strReplace(Session.GetPrompt(181), '|&1', Msg.FromWho) Else Continue; 4 : Str := strReplace(Session.GetPrompt(218), '|&1', Msg.FromWho); 5 : Str := Session.GetPrompt(226); 6 : Str := strReplace(Session.GetPrompt(229), '|&1', Msg.FromWho); 7 : Begin Reset (RoomFile); Seek (RoomFile, CurRoom - 1); Read (RoomFile, Room); Close (RoomFile); Update_Topic; Str := Session.GetPrompt(226); End; End; If Full Then Begin StrLen := Length(Str); Indent := Length(strStripMCI(Str)); Lines := 0; Repeat Inc (Lines); If Length(Str + Msg.Message) > 79 Then Begin Str := Str + Copy(Msg.Message, 1, 79 - StrLen); AddText(Str); Delete (Msg.Message, 1, 79 - StrLen); Str := strRep(' ', Indent); End Else Begin AddText(Str + Msg.Message); Break; End; Until False; If LinePos + Lines > Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].Y Then Begin Indent := (ChatSize DIV 2) - 2; TopPage := TextPos - Indent; LinePos := Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y + Indent + 1; FullReDraw; End Else Begin Session.io.AnsiGotoXY(1, LinePos); For Indent := Lines DownTo 1 Do Begin Session.io.AnsiClrEOL; Session.io.OutPipeLn(Session.Msgs.MsgText[TextPos - Indent + 1]); Inc (LinePos); End; End; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (OldX, OldY); End Else Begin If Session.io.Graphics = 0 Then Session.io.OutBS (Screen.CursorX, True) Else Begin Session.io.AnsiMoveX(1); Session.io.AnsiClrEOL; End; Session.io.OutPipe (Str); Session.io.OutPipeLn (Msg.Message); End; End; End; Close (MsgFile); Erase (MsgFile); If Not Full And Not Forced Then Begin Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := Session.User.ThisUser.Handle; Session.io.OutFull ('|CR' + Session.GetPrompt(427)); End; Session.io.AnsiColor (OldAttr); GetKeyNodeChatFunc := True; End; ChatUpdate := TimerSeconds; End; End; Procedure Node_Chat; Procedure Chat_Template; Begin If Not Full Then Begin Session.io.OutFile('teleconf', True, 0); Exit; End; Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := strI2S(CurRoom); Session.io.PromptInfo[2] := Room.Name; Session.io.OutFile ('ansitele', True, 0); ChatSize := Session.io.ScreenInfo[2].Y - Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y; Update_Topic; End; Procedure Show_Users_In_Chat; Var A : Byte; Temp : ChatRec; RM : RoomRec; Begin Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(332)); For A := 1 to Config.INetTNNodes Do If GetChatRecord(A, Temp) Then If Temp.InChat Then Begin Reset (RoomFile); Seek (RoomFile, Temp.Room - 1); Read (RoomFile, RM); Close (RoomFile); Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := Temp.Name; Session.io.PromptInfo[2] := strI2S(A); Session.io.PromptInfo[3] := strI2S(Temp.Room); Session.io.PromptInfo[4] := RM.Name; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(333)); End; Session.io.OutFullLn (Session.GetPrompt(453)); Chat_Template; FullReDraw; End; Procedure Send_Private_Message (Str : String); Var UserName : String; Text : String; Count : Byte; Temp : ChatRec; Begin UserName := strUpper(strReplace(strWordGet(2, Str, ' '), '_', ' ')); Text := Copy(Str, strWordPos(3, Str, ' '), Length(Str)); If Text = '' Then Exit; For Count := 1 to Config.INetTNNodes Do If GetChatRecord(Count, Temp) Then If strUpper(Temp.Name) = UserName Then Begin Send_Node_Message (4, strI2S(Count) + ';' + Text, 0); Exit; End; Send_Node_Message (5, strI2S(Session.NodeNum) + ';' + 'User ' + UserName + ' not found', 0); //++lang End; Procedure ChatScrollBack; Var Ch : Char; TopSave : Byte; Begin If Not Full Then Exit; TopSave := TopPage; Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (1, Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].Y); Session.io.AnsiClrEOL; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(237)); Repeat Ch := Session.io.GetKey; If Ch = #27 Then Break; If Session.io.IsArrow Then Case Ch of #71 : If TopPage > 1 Then Begin TopPage := 1; FullReDraw; End; #72 : If TopPage > 1 Then Begin Dec(TopPage); FullReDraw; End; #73, #75 : If TopPage > 1 Then Begin If TopPage < ChatSize Then TopPage := 1 Else Dec (TopPage, ChatSize); FullReDraw; End; #79 : If TopPage < TopSave Then Begin TopPage := TopSave; FullReDraw; End; #80 : If TopPage < TopSave Then Begin Inc(TopPage); FullReDraw; End; #77, #81 : If TopPage < TopSave Then Begin If TopPage + ChatSize > TopSave Then TopPage := TopSave Else Inc (TopPage, ChatSize); FullReDraw; End; End; Until False; TopPage := TopSave; FullReDraw; End; Var Str : String; Str2 : String; Avail : Boolean; Begin Full := Session.User.ThisUser.UseFullChat And (Session.io.Graphics > 0); Set_Node_Action (Session.GetPrompt(347)); Avail := Chat.Available; Chat.InChat := True; Chat.Available := False; Assign (ChatFile, Config.DataPath + 'chat' + strI2S(Session.NodeNum) + '.dat'); Reset (ChatFile); Write (ChatFile, Chat); Close (ChatFile); FileErase(Session.TempPath + 'chat.tmp'); Send_Node_Message (5, '0;' + Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + ' has entered chat', 0); //++lang Change_Room (1); Chat_Template; TopPage := 1; TextPos := 0; LinePos := Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y; FullReDraw; Session.AllowMessages := False; Session.io.GetKeyCallBack := GetKeyNodeChatFunc; Repeat Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := Session.User.ThisUser.Handle; If Full Then Session.io.AnsiGotoXY (1, Session.io.ScreenInfo[3].Y) Else Session.io.OutRawLn(''); Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(427)); If Full Then Str := Session.io.GetInput (79 - Screen.CursorX + 1, 250, 19, '') Else Str := Session.io.GetInput (79 - Screen.CursorX + 1, 250, 11, ''); If Str[1] = '/' Then Begin Session.io.GetKeyCallBack := NIL; Str2 := strUpper(strWordGet(1, Str, ' ')); If Str2 = '/B' Then Begin Str2 := Copy(Str, strWordPos(2, Str, ' '), Length(Str)); If Str2 <> '' Then Send_Node_Message (1, '0;' + Str2, 0) End Else If Str2 = '/CLS' Then Begin TopPage := 1; TextPos := 0; LinePos := Session.io.ScreenInfo[1].Y; FullReDraw; End Else If Str2 = '/?' Then Begin Session.io.OutFile ('telehelp', True, 0); Chat_Template; FullReDraw End Else If Str2 = '/SCROLL' Then ChatScrollBack Else If Str2 = '/Q' Then Break Else If Str2 = '/ME' Then Begin Str := Copy(Str, 5, Length(Str)); If Str <> '' Then Send_Node_Message (6, '0;' + Str, CurRoom); End Else If Str2 = '/MSG' Then Send_Private_Message(Str) Else If Str2 = '/NAMES' Then Show_Users_In_Chat Else If Str2 = '/JOIN' Then Begin Change_Room (strS2I(strWordGet(2, Str, ' '))); Update_Topic; End Else If Str2 = '/WHO' Then Begin Session.io.AnsiClear; Show_Whos_Online; Chat_Template; FullReDraw; End Else If Str2 = '/TOPIC' Then Begin Room.Name := Copy(Str, strWordPos(2, Str, ' '), Length(Str)); Reset (RoomFile); Seek (RoomFile, CurRoom - 1); Write (RoomFile, Room); Close (RoomFile); Send_Node_Message (7, '0;Topic changed to "' + Room.Name + '"', CurRoom); // ++lang End; Session.io.GetKeyCallBack := GetKeyNodeChatFunc; End Else If Str <> '' Then Begin Send_Node_Message (1, '0;' + Str, CurRoom); If Not Full Then Session.io.OutRawLn(''); GetKeyNodeChatFunc(True); End; Until False; Session.io.GetKeyCallBack := NIL; Chat.InChat := False; Chat.Available := Avail; Session.AllowMessages := True; Assign (ChatFile, Config.DataPath + 'chat' + strI2S(Session.NodeNum) + '.dat'); Reset (ChatFile); Write (ChatFile, Chat); Close (ChatFile); FileErase(Session.TempPath + 'chat.tmp'); Send_Node_Message (5, '0;' + Session.User.ThisUser.Handle + ' has left chat', 0); //++lang End; End.