Unit bbs_cfg_MsgBase; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure Configuration_MessageBaseEditor; Implementation Uses m_Strings, m_FileIO, bbs_Ansi_MenuBox, bbs_Ansi_MenuForm, bbs_Cfg_Common, bbs_Cfg_SysCfg, bbs_Common; Var MBaseFile : TBufFile; MBase : RecMessageBase; Procedure EditMessageBase; Var Box : TAnsiMenuBox; Form : TAnsiMenuForm; Topic : String; Begin Topic := '|03(|09Message Base Edit|03) |01-|09> |15'; Box := TAnsiMenuBox.Create; Form := TAnsiMenuForm.Create; Box.Header := ' Index ' + strI2S(MBase.Index) + ' '; Box.Open (3, 5, 77, 21); VerticalLine (17, 6, 20); VerticalLine (66, 6, 20); Form.AddStr ('N', ' Name' , 11, 6, 19, 6, 6, 30, 40, @MBase.Name, Topic + 'Message base description'); Form.AddStr ('W', ' Newsgroup' , 6, 7, 19, 7, 11, 30, 60, @MBase.NewsName, Topic + 'Newsgroup name'); Form.AddStr ('Q', ' QWK Name' , 7, 8, 19, 8, 10, 13, 13, @MBase.QwkName, Topic + 'Qwk Short name'); Form.AddStr ('F', ' File Name' , 6, 9, 19, 9, 11, 30, 40, @MBase.FileName, Topic + 'Message base storage file name'); Form.AddPath ('P', ' Path' , 11, 10, 19, 10, 6, 30, 80, @MBase.Path, Topic + 'Message base storage path'); Form.AddStr ('L', ' List ACS' , 7, 11, 19, 11, 10, 30, 30, @MBase.ListACS, Topic + 'Access required to see in base list'); Form.AddStr ('R', ' Read ACS' , 7, 12, 19, 12, 10, 30, 30, @MBase.ReadACS, Topic + 'Access required to read messages'); Form.AddStr ('P', ' Post ACS' , 7, 13, 19, 13, 10, 30, 30, @MBase.PostACS, Topic + 'Access required to post messages'); Form.AddStr ('Y', ' Sysop ACS' , 6, 14, 19, 14, 11, 30, 30, @MBase.SysopACS, Topic + 'Access required for Sysop access'); Form.AddNone ('D', ' Net Address' , 4, 15, 13, Topic + 'NetMail Address'); Form.AddStr ('I', ' Origin' , 9, 16, 19, 16, 8, 30, 50, @MBase.Origin, Topic + 'Message base origin line'); Form.AddStr ('S', ' Sponsor' , 8, 17, 19, 17, 9, 30, 30, @MBase.Sponsor, Topic + 'User name of base''s sponser'); Form.AddStr ('H', ' Header' , 9, 18, 19, 18, 8, 20, 20, @MBase.Header, Topic + 'Display file name of msg header'); Form.AddStr ('T', ' R Template' , 5, 19, 19, 19, 12, 20, 20, @MBase.RTemplate, Topic + 'Template for full screen reader'); Form.AddStr ('M', ' L Template' , 5, 20, 19, 20, 12, 20, 20, @MBase.ITemplate, Topic + 'Template for lightbar message list'); Form.AddAttr ('Q', ' Quote Color' , 53, 6, 68, 6, 13, @MBase.ColQuote, Topic + 'Color for quoted text'); Form.AddAttr ('X', ' Text Color' , 54, 7, 68, 7, 12, @MBase.ColText, Topic + 'Color for message text'); Form.AddAttr ('E', ' Tear Color' , 54, 8, 68, 8, 12, @MBase.ColTear, Topic + 'Color for tear line'); Form.AddAttr ('G', ' Origin Color', 52, 9, 68, 9, 14, @MBase.ColOrigin, Topic + 'Color for origin line'); Form.AddAttr ('K', ' Kludge Color', 52, 10, 68, 10, 14, @MBase.ColKludge, Topic + 'Color for kludge line'); Form.AddWord ('M', ' Max Msgs' , 56, 11, 68, 11, 10, 5, 0, 65535, @MBase.MaxMsgs, Topic + 'Maximum number of message in base'); Form.AddWord ('1', ' Max Msg Age' , 53, 12, 68, 12, 13, 5, 0, 65535, @MBase.MaxAge, Topic + 'Maximum age (days) to keep messages'); Form.AddTog ('2', ' New Scan' , 56, 13, 68, 13, 10, 6, 0, 2, 'No Yes Forced', @MBase.DefNScan, Topic + 'Newscan default for users'); Form.AddTog ('3', ' QWK Scan' , 56, 14, 68, 14, 10, 6, 0, 2, 'No Yes Forced', @MBase.DefQScan, Topic + 'QWKscan default for users'); Form.AddBits ('4', ' Real Names' , 54, 15, 68, 15, 12, MBRealNames, @MBase.Flags, Topic + 'Use real names in this base?'); Form.AddBits ('5', ' Autosigs' , 56, 16, 68, 16, 10, MBAutoSigs, @MBase.Flags, Topic + 'Allow auto signatures in this base?'); Form.AddBits ('6', ' Kill Kludge' , 53, 17, 68, 17, 13, MBKillKludge, @MBase.Flags, Topic + 'Filter out kludge lines'); Form.AddBits ('V', ' Private' , 57, 18, 68, 18, 9, MBPrivate, @MBase.Flags, Topic + 'Is this a private base?'); Form.AddTog ('A', ' Base Type' , 55, 19, 68, 19, 11, 9, 0, 3, 'Local EchoMail Newsgroup Netmail', @MBase.NetType, Topic + 'Message base type'); Form.AddTog ('B', ' Base Format' , 53, 20, 68, 20, 13, 6, 0, 1, 'JAM Squish', @MBase.BaseType, Topic + 'Message base storage format'); Repeat WriteXY (19, 15, 113, strPadR(strAddr2Str(Config.NetAddress[MBase.NetAddr]), 19, ' ')); Case Form.Execute of 'D' : MBase.NetAddr := Configuration_EchoMailAddress(False); #27 : Break; End; Until False; MBase.NewsName := strReplace(MBase.NewsName, ' ', '.'); Box.Close; Form.Free; Box.Free; End; Procedure Configuration_MessageBaseEditor; Var Box : TAnsiMenuBox; List : TAnsiMenuList; MIndex : LongInt; Copied : RecMessageBase; HasCopy : Boolean = False; Procedure MakeList; Var Tag : Byte; Begin List.Clear; MBaseFile.Reset; While Not MBaseFile.EOF Do Begin If MBaseFile.FilePos = 0 Then Tag := 2 Else Tag := 0; MBaseFile.Read (MBase); List.Add(strPadR(strI2S(MBaseFile.FilePos - 1), 5, ' ') + ' ' + strStripMCI(MBase.Name), Tag); End; List.Add('', 2); End; Procedure AssignRecord (Email: Boolean); Begin MIndex := List.Picked; MBaseFile.Reset; While Not MBaseFile.EOF Do Begin MBaseFile.Read (MBase); If MIndex = MBase.Index Then Begin Inc (MIndex); MBaseFile.Reset; End; End; MBaseFile.RecordInsert (List.Picked); FillChar (MBase, SizeOf(RecMessageBase), 0); With MBase Do Begin Index := MIndex; FileName := 'new'; Path := Config.MsgsPath; Name := 'New Base'; DefNScan := 1; DefQScan := 1; MaxMsgs := 500; MaxAge := 365; Header := 'msghead'; RTemplate := 'ansimrd'; ITemplate := 'ansimlst'; SysopACS := 's255'; NetAddr := 1; ColQuote := Config.ColorQuote; ColText := Config.ColorText; ColTear := Config.ColorTear; ColOrigin := Config.ColorOrigin; ColKludge := Config.ColorKludge; Flags := MBAutoSigs or MBKillKludge; If Email Then Begin FileName := 'email'; Name := 'Electronic Mail'; Index := 1; ListACS := '%'; Flags := Flags or MBPrivate; End; End; MBaseFile.Write(MBase); End; Begin MBaseFile := TBufFile.Create(4096); If Not MBaseFile.Open(Config.DataPath + 'mbases.dat', fmOpenCreate, fmReadWrite + fmDenyNone, SizeOf(RecMessageBase)) Then Begin MBaseFile.Free; Exit; End; Box := TAnsiMenuBox.Create; List := TAnsiMenuList.Create; List.NoWindow := True; List.LoChars := #13#27#47; List.AllowTag := True; If MBaseFile.FileSize = 0 Then AssignRecord(True); Box.Open (15, 5, 65, 21); WriteXY (17, 6, 112, '##### Message Base Description'); WriteXY (16, 7, 112, strRep('Ä', 49)); WriteXY (16, 19, 112, strRep('Ä', 49)); WriteXY (29, 20, 112, cfgCommandList); Repeat MakeList; List.Open (15, 7, 65, 19); List.Close; Case List.ExitCode of '/' : Case GetCommandOption(10, 'I-Insert|D-Delete|C-Copy|P-Paste|') of 'I' : If List.Picked > 1 Then Begin AssignRecord(False); MakeList; End; 'D' : If (List.Picked > 1) and (List.Picked < List.ListMax) Then If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Delete this entry?') Then Begin MBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); MBaseFile.Read (MBase); MBaseFile.RecordDelete (List.Picked); If ShowMsgBox(1, 'Delete data files?') Then Begin FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.jhr'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.jlr'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.jdt'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.jdx'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.sqd'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.sqi'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.sql'); FileErase (MBase.Path + MBase.FileName + '.scn'); End; MakeList; End; 'C' : If List.Picked <> List.ListMax Then Begin MBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); MBaseFile.Read (Copied); HasCopy := True; End; 'P' : If HasCopy Then Begin MBaseFile.RecordInsert (List.Picked); MBaseFile.Write (Copied); MakeList; End; End; #13 : If List.Picked < List.ListMax Then Begin MBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); MBaseFile.Read (MBase); EditMessageBase; MBaseFile.Seek (List.Picked - 1); MBaseFile.Write (MBase); End; #27 : Break; End; Until False; Box.Close; MBaseFile.Close; MBaseFile.Free; List.Free; Box.Free; End; End.