Unit m_Prot_Zmodem; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses Dos, m_CRC, m_FileIO, m_DateTime, m_Strings, m_IO_Base, m_Prot_Base; Const MaxAttentionLen = 32; ZMaxBlockSize = 8192; ZHandshakeWait = 3000; DefFinishWait : Word = 100; {Wait time for ZFins, 10 secs} DefFinishRetry : Word = 3; {Retry ZFin 3 times} MaxBadBlocks : Byte = 20; {Quit if this many bad blocks} ZMaxBlk : Array[Boolean] of Word = (1024, 8192); ZMaxWrk : Array[Boolean] of Word = (2048, 16384); ZPad = '*'; {Pad} ZDle = ^X; {Data link escape} ZDleE = 'X'; {An escaped data link escape character} ZBin = 'A'; {Binary header using Crc16} ZHex = 'B'; {Hex header using Crc16} ZBin32 = 'C'; {Binary header using Crc32} ZrQinit = #0; {Request init7 (to receiver)} ZrInit = #1; {Init (to sender)} ZsInit = #2; {Init (to receiver) (optional)} ZAck = #3; {Acknowledge last frame} ZFile = #4; {File info frame (to receiver)} ZSkip = #5; {Skip to next file (to receiver)} ZNak = #6; {Error receiving last data subpacket} ZAbort = #7; {Abort protocol} ZFin = #8; {Finished protocol} ZRpos = #9; {Resume from this file position} ZData = #10; {Data subpacket(s) follows} ZEof = #11; {End of current file} ZFerr = #12; {Error reading or writing file} ZCrc = #13; {Request for file CRC (to receiver)} ZChallenge = #14; {Challenge the sender} ZCompl = #15; {Complete} ZCan = #16; {Cancel requested (to either)} ZFreeCnt = #17; {Request diskfree} ZCommand = #18; {Execute this command (to receiver)} // WriteNewerLonger = 1; {Transfer if new, newer or longer} // WriteCrc = 2; {Not supported, same as WriteNewer} WriteAppend = 3; {Transfer if new, append if exists} WriteClobber = 4; {Transfer regardless} WriteNewer = 5; {Transfer if new or newer} WriteDifferent = 6; {Transfer if new or diff dates/lens} WriteProtect = 7; {Transfer only if new} Type Str2 = String[2]; ZmodemStateType = ( tzInitial, {0 Allocates buffers, sends zrqinit} tzHandshake, {1 Wait for hdr (zrinit), rsend zrqinit on timout} tzGetFile, {2 Call NextFile, build ZFile packet} tzSendFile, {3 Send ZFile packet} tzCheckFile, {4 Wait for hdr (zrpos), set next state to tzData} tzStartData, {5 Send ZData and next data subpacket} tzEscapeData, {6 Check for header, escape next block} tzSendData, {7 Wait for free space in buffer, send escaped block} tzSendEof, {8 Send eof} tzWaitAck, {9 Wait for Ack on ZCRCW packets} tzDrainEof, {10 Wait for output buffer to drain} tzCheckEof, {11 Wait for hdr (zrinit)} tzSendFinish, {12 Send zfin} tzCheckFinish, {13 Wait for hdr (zfin)} tzError, {14 Cleanup after errors} tzCleanup, {15 Release buffers and other cleanup} tzDone, {16 Signal end of protocol} {Receive states} rzRqstFile, {17 Send zrinit} rzWaitFile, {19 Waits for hdr (zrqinit, zrfile, zsinit, etc)} rzCollectFile, {20 Collect file info into work block} rzSendInit, {21 Extract send init info} rzSendBlockPrep, {22 Collect post-hexhdr chars} {!!.03} rzSendBlock, {23 Collect sendinit block} rzSync, {24 Send ZrPos with current file position} rzStartFile, {25 Extract file info, prepare writing, etc., put zrpos} rzStartData, {26 Wait for hdr (zrdata)} rzCollectData, {27 Collect data subpacket} rzGotData, {28 Got dsp, put it} rzWaitEof, {29 Wait for hdr (zreof)} rzEndOfFile, {30 Close file, log it, etc} rzSendFinish, {31 Send ZFin, goto rzWaitOO} rzCollectFinish, {32 Check for OO, goto rzFinish} rzError, {33 Handle errors while file was open} rzCleanup, {35 Clean up buffers, etc.} rzDone); {36 Signal end of protocol} HeaderStateType = ( hsNone, {Not currently checking for a header} hsGotZPad, {Got initial or second asterisk} hsGotZDle, {Got ZDle} hsGotZBin, {Got start of binary header} hsGotZBin32, {Got start of binary 32 header} hsGotZHex, {Got start of hex header} hsGotHeader); {Got complete header} HexHeaderStates = ( hhFrame, {Processing frame type char} hhPos1, {Processing 1st position info byte} hhPos2, {Processing 2nd position info byte} hhPos3, {Processing 3rd position info byte} hhPos4, {Processing 4th position info byte} hhCrc1, {Processing 1st CRC byte} hhCrc2); {Processing 2nd CRC byte} BinaryHeaderStates = ( bhFrame, {Processing frame type char} bhPos1, {Processing 1st position info byte} bhPos2, {Processing 2nd position info byte} bhPos3, {Processing 3rd position info byte} bhPos4, {Processing 1th position info byte} bhCrc1, {Processing 1st CRC byte} bhCrc2, {Processing 2nd CRC byte} bhCrc3, {Processing 3rd CRC byte} bhCrc4); {Processing 4th CRC byte} ReceiveBlockStates = ( rbData, {Receiving data bytes} rbCrc); {Receiving block check bytes} WorkBlockType = Array[1..2 * ZMaxBlockSize] of Char; PosFlagsType = Array[0..3] of Byte; ZmodemProtocolPtr = ^ZmodemProtocol; ZmodemProtocol = object(AbstractProtocol) UseCrc32 : Boolean; {True when using 32bit CRCs} CanCrc32 : Boolean; {True when Crc32 capable} LastFileOfs : LongInt; {File position reported by remote} AttentionStr : Array[1..MaxAttentionLen] of Byte; {Attn string value} FileMgmtOpts : Byte; {File mgmt opts rqst by sender} FileMgmtOverride : Boolean; {True to override senders file mg opts} AllowResume : Boolean; FinishWait : Word; {Wait time for ZFin response} FinishRetry : Byte; {Times to resend ZFin} LastFrame : Char; {Holds last frame type for status} EscapeAll : Boolean; {True when escaping all ctl chrs} Use8KBlocks : Boolean; {True when using 8K blocks} TookHit : Boolean; {True if we got ZrPos packet} GoodAfterBad : Word; {Holds count of good blocks} ZmodemState : ZmodemStateType; {Current Zmodem state} HeaderState : HeaderStateType; {Current Header state} ReplyTimer : LongInt; WorkSize : LongInt; {Index into working buffer} LastBlock : Boolean; {True if no more blocks} Terminator : Char; {Current block type} HexByte : Byte; {Used to assemble hex byte} HexPending : Boolean; {True for next char in hex pair} EscapePending : Boolean; {True for next char in esc pair} ControlCharSkip : Boolean; {True when skipping ctl chars} {!!.01} HeaderType : Char; {Current header type} HexHdrState : HexHeaderStates; {Current hex header state} BinHdrState : BinaryHeaderStates; {Current binary header state} RcvBlockState : ReceiveBlockStates; {Current receive block state} FilesSent : Boolean; {True if at least one file sent} CanCount : Byte; {Track contiguous } SaveStatus : Word; {Maintain status across parts} CrcCnt : Byte; {Number of CRC chars expected} LastStatus : Word; {Status to set in zpReceiveBlock} OCnt : Byte; {Count of O's recvd (for 'OO')} DataInTransit : Word; {Bytes transmitted in window} WasHex : Boolean; {True if last header was hex} {!!.03} DiscardCnt : Word; {Count chars before sendblock} {!!.03} DataBlock : ^DataBlockType; {Standard data block} DataBlockLen : Word; {Count of valid data in DataBlock} WorkBlock : ^WorkBlockType; {Holds fully escaped data block} RcvHeader : PosFlagsType; {Received header} RcvFrame : Char; {Type of last received frame} TransHeader : PosFlagsType; {Header to transmit} RcvBuffLen : Word; LastChar : Char; Constructor Init (C: TIOBase; Use8K: Boolean); Destructor Done; Virtual; Procedure SetFileMgmtOptions (Override, SkipNoFile: Boolean; FOpt: Byte); Procedure SetFinishWait (NewWait: Word; NewRetry: Byte); procedure PrepareTransmitPart; Virtual; function ProtocolTransmitPart : ProtocolStateType; virtual; procedure PrepareReceivePart; Virtual; function ProtocolReceivePart : ProtocolStateType; virtual; procedure UpdateBlockCheck (CurByte: Byte); virtual; procedure SendBlockCheck; Virtual; function VerifyBlockCheck : Boolean; virtual; procedure CancelTransfer; Virtual; procedure zpGetCharStripped (Var C: Char); procedure PutAttentionString; procedure zpPutCharHex (C: Char); procedure zpPutHexHeader (FrameType: Char); procedure zpGetCharEscaped (Var C: Char); procedure zpGetCharHex (Var C: Char); function zpCollectHexHeader : Boolean; function zpCollectBinaryHeader (Crc32: Boolean) : Boolean; procedure zpCheckForHeader; procedure apPrepareWriting; Virtual; procedure apFinishWriting; Virtual; procedure zpWriteDataBlock; function zpReceiveBlock (Var Block: DataBlockType; Var BlockSize: Word; Var Handshake: Char) : Boolean; Procedure ExtractFileInfo; Procedure InsertFileInfo; Virtual; Procedure ExtractReceiverInfo; Procedure PutCharEscaped (C: Char); Function EscapeCharacter (C: Char) : Str2; Procedure zpPutBinaryHeader (FrameType : Char); Procedure EscapeBlock (Var Block: DataBlockType; BLen: Word); Procedure TransmitBlock; End; Implementation (* procedure zlog (s: string); var t : text; begin assign (t, '\dev\code\mystic\zm.log'); {$I-}append(t); {$I+} if ioresult <> 0 then rewrite(t); writeln (t, s); close (t); end; *) Const HexDigits : Array[0..15] of Char = '0123456789abcdef'; FileMgmtMask = 7; {Isolate file mgmnt values} FileSkipMask = $80; {Skip file if dest doesn't exist} // FileRecover = $03; {Resume interrupted file transfer} ZCrcE = 'h'; {End - last data subpacket of file} ZCrcG = 'i'; {Go - no response necessary} ZCrcQ = 'j'; {Ack - requests ZACK or ZRPOS} ZCrcW = 'k'; {Wait - sender waits for answer} ZRub0 = 'l'; {Translate to $7F} ZRub1 = 'm'; {Translate to $FF} ZF0 = 3; {Flag byte 3} ZF1 = 2; {Flag byte 2} ZF2 = 1; {Flag byte 1} ZF3 = 0; {Flag byte 0} ZP0 = 0; {Position byte 0} ZP1 = 1; {Position byte 1} ZP2 = 2; {Position byte 2} ZP3 = 3; {Position byte 3} CanFdx = $0001; CanOvIO = $0002; CanBrk = $0004; CanFc32 = $0020; EscAll = $0040; Hibit = $80; cDleHi = Char(Ord(cDle) + HiBit); cXonHi = Char(Ord(cXon) + HiBit); cXoffHi = Char(Ord(cXoff) + HiBit); Constructor ZmodemProtocol.Init (C: TIOBase; Use8K: Boolean); Begin DataBlock := NIL; WorkBlock := NIL; AbstractProtocol.Init(C); Use8KBlocks := Use8K; FillChar(AttentionStr, MaxAttentionLen, 0); FileOfs := 0; LastFileOfs := 0; UseCrc32 := True; CanCrc32 := True; AllowResume := True; BlockLen := ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks]; FileMgmtOpts := WriteNewer; FileMgmtOverride := False; FileOpen := False; HandshakeWait := ZHandshakeWait; TookHit := False; GoodAfterBad := 0; EscapePending := False; HexPending := False; FinishWait := DefFinishWait; FinishRetry := DefFinishRetry; EscapeAll := False; DataBlock := GetMem(ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks]); WorkBlock := GetMem(ZMaxWrk[Use8KBlocks]); End; Destructor ZmodemProtocol.Done; Begin FreeMem(DataBlock, ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks]); FreeMem(WorkBlock, ZMaxWrk[Use8KBlocks]); AbstractProtocol.Done; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.SetFileMgmtOptions (Override, SkipNoFile: Boolean; FOpt: Byte); Var SkipMask : Byte; Begin FileMgmtOverride := Override; If SkipNoFile Then SkipMask := $80 else SkipMask := 0; FileMgmtOpts := (FOpt and FileMgmtMask) or SkipMask; End; Procedure ZModemProtocol.SetFinishWait (NewWait: Word; NewRetry: Byte); Begin If NewWait <> 0 Then FinishWait := NewWait; FinishRetry := NewRetry; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.UpdateBlockCheck (CurByte: Byte); Begin If UseCrc32 Then BlockCheck := Crc32(CurByte, BlockCheck) Else BlockCheck := Crc16(CurByte, BlockCheck); End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.SendBlockCheck; Type QB = array[1..4] of char; Var I : Byte; Begin If UseCrc32 Then Begin BlockCheck := Not BlockCheck; For I := 1 to 4 Do PutCharEscaped (QB(BlockCheck)[I]); End Else Begin UpdateBlockCheck (0); UpdateBlockCheck (0); PutCharEscaped (Char(Hi(SmallInt(BlockCheck)))); PutCharEscaped (Char(Lo(SmallInt(BlockCheck)))); End; End; Function ZmodemProtocol.VerifyBlockCheck : Boolean; Begin Result := False; If UseCrc32 Then Begin If BlockCheck <> LongInt($DEBB20E3) Then Exit End Else Begin UpdateBlockCheck (0); UpdateBlockCheck (0); If BlockCheck <> 0 Then Exit; End; Result := True; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.CancelTransfer; Const CancelStr = #24#24#24#24#24#24#24#24#8#8#8#8#8#8#8#8#8#8; Begin APort.PurgeOutputData; APort.BufWriteStr(CancelStr); APort.BufFlush; ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; End; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpGetCharStripped(var C : Char); {-Get next char, strip hibit, discard Xon/Xoff} begin {Get a character, discard Xon and Xoff} repeat with APort do if DataWaiting then C := ReadChar else ProtocolStatus := ecBufferIsEmpty until not (C in [cXon, cXoff]) or (ProtocolStatus <> ecOk) or not APort.connected; {Strip the high-order bit} C := Char(Ord(C) and Ord(#$7F)); {Handle cancels} if C = cCan then begin Inc(CanCount); if CanCount >= 5 then ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; end else CanCount := 0; end; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.PutAttentionString; Var I : Word; Begin I := 1; While AttentionStr[I] <> 0 Do Begin Case AttentionStr[I] of $DD : ; $DE : WaitMS(1000); Else APort.BufWriteChar(Chr(AttentionStr[I])); End; Inc(I); End; APort.BufFlush; End; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpPutCharHex(C : Char); {-Sends C as two hex ascii digits} var B : Byte absolute C; begin APort.BufWriteChar(HexDigits[B shr 4]); APort.BufWriteChar(HexDigits[B and $0F]); end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpPutHexHeader(FrameType : Char); {-Sends a hex header} const HexHeaderStr = ZPad+ZPad+ZDle+ZHex; var Check : Word; I : Byte; C : Char; SaveCrc32 : Boolean; begin SaveCrc32 := UseCrc32; UseCrc32 := False; BlockCheck := 0; ProtocolStatus := ecok; APort.BufWriteStr(HexHeaderStr); zpPutCharHex(FrameType); UpdateBlockCheck(Ord(FrameType)); for I := 0 to SizeOf(TransHeader)-1 do begin zpPutCharHex(Char(TransHeader[I])); UpdateBlockCheck(TransHeader[I]); end; UpdateBlockCheck(0); UpdateBlockCheck(0); Check := Word(BlockCheck); zpPutCharHex(Char(Hi(Check))); zpPutCharHex(Char(Lo(Check))); APort.BufWriteChar(cCR); C := Chr(Ord(cLF) or $80); APort.BufWriteChar(C); if (FrameType <> ZFin) and (FrameType <> ZAck) then APort.BufWriteChar(cXon); LastFrame := FrameType; UseCrc32 := SaveCrc32; APort.BufFlush; end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpGetCharEscaped(var C : Char); label Escape; begin ControlCharSkip := False; ProtocolStatus := ecOK; if EscapePending then goto Escape; C := Aport.ReadChar; case C of cXon, cXoff, cXonHi, cXoffHi : begin ControlCharSkip := True; Exit; end; ZDle : begin Inc(CanCount); if CanCount > 5 then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; Exit; end; end; else begin CanCount := 0; Exit; end; end; Escape: if APort.DataWaiting then begin EscapePending := False; C := APort.ReadChar; if C = cCan then begin Inc(CanCount); if CanCount >= 5 then ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; end else begin CanCount := 0; case C of ZCrcE : {Last DataSubpacket of file} ProtocolStatus := ecGotCrcE; ZCrcG : {Normal DataSubpacket, no response necessary} ProtocolStatus := ecGotCrcG; ZCrcQ : {ZAck or ZrPos requested} ProtocolStatus := ecGotCrcQ; ZCrcW : {DataSubpacket contains file information} ProtocolStatus := ecGotCrcW; ZRub0 : {Ascii delete} C := #$7F; ZRub1 : {Hibit Ascii delete} C := #$FF; else {Normal escaped character} C := Char(Ord(C) xor $40) end; end; end else EscapePending := True; end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpGetCharHex(var C : Char); label Hex; function NextHexNibble : Byte; var B : Byte; C : Char; begin NextHexNibble := 0; ProtocolStatus := ecok; C := APort.ReadChar; if C = cCan then begin Inc(CanCount); if CanCount >= 5 then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; Exit; end; end else CanCount := 0; B := Pos(C, HexDigits); if B <> 0 then Dec(B); if B <> 0 then NextHexNibble := B else NextHexNibble := 0; end; begin if HexPending then goto Hex; HexByte := NextHexNibble shl 4; Hex: if APort.DataWaiting then begin HexPending := False; HexByte := HexByte + NextHexNibble; C := Chr(HexByte); end else HexPending := True; end; function ZmodemProtocol.zpCollectHexHeader : Boolean; var C : Char; begin zpCollectHexHeader := False; if APort.DataWaiting then begin zpGetCharHex(C); if HexPending then Exit; if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then Exit; if HexHdrState = hhFrame then BlockCheck := 0; UseCrc32 := False; UpdateBlockCheck(Ord(C)); case HexHdrState of hhFrame : RcvFrame := C; hhPos1..hhPos4 : RcvHeader[Ord(HexHdrState)-1] := Ord(C); hhCrc1 : {just keep going} ; hhCrc2 : if not VerifyBlockCheck then begin ProtocolStatus := ecBlockCheckError; Inc(TotalErrors); HeaderState := hsNone; end else begin {Say we got a good header} zpCollectHexHeader := True; end; end; if (HexHdrState < High(HexHdrState)) then Inc(HexHdrState) else HexHdrState := Low(HexHdrState); end; end; function ZmodemProtocol.zpCollectBinaryHeader(Crc32 : Boolean) : Boolean; var C : Char; begin zpCollectBinaryHeader := False; if APort.DataWaiting then begin zpGetCharEscaped(C); if EscapePending or ControlCharSkip then {!!.01} Exit; if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then Exit; {Init block check on startup} if BinHdrState = bhFrame then begin UseCrc32 := Crc32; if UseCrc32 then BlockCheck := LongInt($FFFFFFFF) else BlockCheck := 0; end; {Always update the block check} UpdateBlockCheck(Ord(C)); {Process this character} case BinHdrState of bhFrame : RcvFrame := C; bhPos1..bhPos4 : RcvHeader[Ord(BinHdrState)-1] := Ord(C); bhCrc2 : if not UseCrc32 then begin if not VerifyBlockCheck then begin ProtocolStatus := ecBlockCheckError; Inc(TotalErrors); HeaderState := hsNone; end else begin {Say we got a good header} zpCollectBinaryHeader := True; end; end; bhCrc4 : {Check the Crc value} if not VerifyBlockCheck then begin ProtocolStatus := ecBlockCheckError; Inc(TotalErrors); HeaderState := hsNone; end else begin {Say we got a good header} zpCollectBinaryHeader := True; end; end; if (BinHdrState < High(BinHdrState)) then Inc(BinHdrState) else BinhdrState := Low(BinHdrState); end; end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpCheckForHeader; var C : Char; begin ProtocolStatus := ecNoHeader; while APort.DataWaiting do begin {Only get the next char if we don't know the header type yet} case HeaderState of hsNone, hsGotZPad, hsGotZDle : begin zpGetCharStripped(C); if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then Exit; end; end; ProtocolStatus := ecNoHeader; case HeaderState of hsNone : if C = ZPad then HeaderState := hsGotZPad; hsGotZPad : case C of ZPad : ; ZDle : HeaderState := hsGotZDle; else HeaderState := hsNone; end; hsGotZDle : case C of ZBin : begin WasHex := False; {!!.03} HeaderState := hsGotZBin; BinHdrState := bhFrame; EscapePending := False; if zpCollectBinaryHeader(False) then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; end; ZBin32 : begin WasHex := False; HeaderState := hsGotZBin32; BinHdrState := bhFrame; EscapePending := False; if zpCollectBinaryHeader(True) then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; end; ZHex : begin WasHex := True; HeaderState := hsGotZHex; HexHdrState := hhFrame; HexPending := False; if zpCollectHexHeader then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; end; else HeaderState := hsNone; end; hsGotZBin : if zpCollectBinaryHeader(False) then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; hsGotZBin32 : if zpCollectBinaryHeader(True) then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; hsGotZHex : if zpCollectHexHeader then HeaderState := hsGotHeader; end; if HeaderState = hsGotHeader then begin ProtocolStatus := ecGotHeader; case LastFrame of ZrPos, ZAck, ZData, ZEof : LastFileOfs := LongInt(RcvHeader); end; LastFrame := RcvFrame; Exit; end; if (ProtocolStatus <> ecOk) and (ProtocolStatus <> ecNoHeader) then Exit; end; end; function ZmodemProtocol.zpReceiveBlock(var Block : DataBlockType; var BlockSize : Word; var Handshake : Char) : Boolean; var C : Char; begin zpReceiveBlock := False; while APort.DataWaiting do begin if (DataBlockLen = 0) and (RcvBlockState = rbData) then begin if UseCrc32 then BlockCheck := LongInt($FFFFFFFF) else BlockCheck := 0; end; zpGetCharEscaped(C); if EscapePending or ControlCharSkip then Exit; if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then Exit; UpdateBlockCheck(Ord(C)); case RcvBlockState of rbData : case ProtocolStatus of ecOk : {Normal character} begin {Check for a long block} Inc(DataBlockLen); if DataBlockLen > BlockLen then begin ProtocolStatus := ecLongPacket; Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); zpReceiveBlock := True; Exit; end; {Store the character} Block[DataBlockLen] := C; end; ecGotCrcE, ecGotCrcG, ecGotCrcQ, ecGotCrcW : {End of DataSubpacket - get/check CRC} begin RcvBlockState := rbCrc; CrcCnt := 0; LastStatus := ProtocolStatus; end; ecCancelRequested : Exit; else begin Inc(DataBlockLen); if DataBlockLen > BlockLen then begin ProtocolStatus := ecLongPacket; Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); zpReceiveBlock := True; Exit; end; Block[DataBlockLen] := C; end; end; rbCrc : begin Inc(CrcCnt); if (UseCrc32 and (CrcCnt = 4)) or (not UseCrc32 and (CrcCnt = 2)) then begin if not VerifyBlockCheck then begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); ProtocolStatus := ecBlockCheckError; end else {Show proper status} ProtocolStatus := LastStatus; {Say block is ready for processing} zpReceiveBlock := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; end; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.ExtractFileInfo; Var Tmp : Word = 1; Str : String = ''; Begin PathName := ''; While DataBlock^[Tmp] <> #0 Do Begin PathName := PathName + DataBlock^[Tmp]; Inc (Tmp); End; PathName := DestDir + JustFile(PathName); Inc (Tmp); While (DataBlock^[Tmp] <> #32) and (DataBlock^[Tmp] <> #0) Do Begin Str := Str + DataBlock^[Tmp]; Inc (Tmp); End; SrcFileLen := strS2I(Str); BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen; BytesTransferred := 0; End; procedure ZmodemProtocol.apPrepareWriting; {-Prepare to save protocol blocks (usually opens a file)} var Result : Word; FileExists : Boolean; FileLen : LongInt; // FileDate : LongInt; FileOpt : Byte; FileSkip : Boolean; SeekPoint : LongInt; FileStartOfs : LongInt; label ExitPoint; begin ProtocolStatus := ecOk; {Set file mgmt options} FileSkip := (FileMgmtOpts and FileSkipMask) = FileSkipMask; FileOpt := FileMgmtOpts and FileMgmtMask; {Does the file exist already?} SaveMode := FileMode; {!!.02} FileMode := 66; {!!.02}{!!.03} Assign(WorkFile, PathName); {$i-} Reset(WorkFile, 1); FileMode := SaveMode; {!!.02} Result := IOResult; {Exit on errors other than FileNotFound} if (Result <> 0) and (Result <> 2) and (Result <> 110) then begin ProtocolStatus := Result; goto ExitPoint; end; {Note if file exists, its size and timestamp} FileExists := (Result = 0); if FileExists then begin FileLen := FileSize(WorkFile); // GetFTime(WorkFile, FileDate); // FileDate := apPackToYMTimeStamp(FileDate); end; Close(WorkFile); if IOResult = 0 then ; if FileExists and (SrcFileLen > FileLen) and (AllowResume) then begin SeekPoint := FileLen; FileStartOfs := FileLen; InitFilePos := FileLen; end else begin InitFilePos := 0; if FileSkip and not FileExists then begin ProtocolStatus := ecFileDoesntExist; goto ExitPoint; end; SeekPoint := 0; FileStartOfs := 0; case FileOpt of (* WriteNewerLonger : {Transfer only if new, newer or longer} if FileExists then if (SrcFileDate <= FileDate) and (SrcFileLen <= FileLen) then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCantWriteFile; goto ExitPoint; end; *) WriteAppend : {Transfer regardless, append if exists} if FileExists then SeekPoint := FileLen; WriteClobber : {Transfer regardless, overwrite} ; {Nothing to do, this is the normal behavior} WriteDifferent : {Transfer only if new, size diff, or dates diff} if FileExists then if {(SrcFileDate = FileDate) and} (SrcFileLen = FileLen) then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCantWriteFile; goto ExitPoint; end; WriteProtect : {Transfer only if dest file doesn't exist} if FileExists then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCantWriteFile; goto ExitPoint; end; (* WriteCrc, {Not supported, treat as WriteNewer} WriteNewer : {Transfer only if new or newer} if FileExists then if SrcFileDate <= FileDate then begin ProtocolStatus := ecCantWriteFile; goto ExitPoint; end; *) end; end; {Rewrite or append to file} Assign(WorkFile, Pathname); if SeekPoint = 0 then begin {New or overwriting destination file} Rewrite(WorkFile, 1); end else begin {Appending to file} {$i-} Reset(WorkFile, 1); Seek(WorkFile, SeekPoint); end; Result := IOResult; if Result <> 0 then begin ProtocolStatus := Result; goto ExitPoint; end; {Initialized the buffer management vars} FileOfs := FileStartOfs; StartOfs := FileStartOfs; LastOfs := FileStartOfs; EndOfs := StartOfs + FileBufferSize; FileOpen := True; Exit; ExitPoint: Close(WorkFile); if IOResult <> 0 then ; {FreeMemCheck(FileBuffer, FileBufferSize);} {!!.01} end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.apFinishWriting; {-Cleans up after saving all protocol blocks} var BytesToWrite : Word; BytesWritten : LongInt; Result : Word; // PackTime : LongInt; begin if FileOpen then begin {Error or end-of-file, commit buffer} BytesToWrite := FileOfs - StartOfs; BlockWrite(WorkFile, FileBuffer^, BytesToWrite, BytesWritten); Result := IOResult; if (Result <> 0) or (BytesToWrite <> BytesWritten) then ProtocolStatus := Result; {Set the timestamp to that of the source file} // PackTime := apYMTimeStampToPack(SrcFileDate); // SetFTime(WorkFile, PackTime); {Clean up} Close(WorkFile); if IOResult <> 0 then ; {FreeMemCheck(FileBuffer, FileBufferSize);} {!!.01} FileOpen := False; end; end; procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpWriteDataBlock; var Failed : Boolean; TempStatus : Word; begin Failed := apWriteProtocolBlock(DataBlock^, DataBlockLen); if Failed then begin TempStatus := ProtocolStatus; CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := TempStatus; end else begin Inc (FileOfs, DataBlockLen); Dec (BytesRemaining, DataBlockLen); Inc (BytesTransferred, DataBlockLen); end; end; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.PrepareReceivePart; Begin GotOneFile := False; apResetStatus; apShowFirstStatus; StatusTimer := TimerSet(StatusInterval); APort.PurgeInputdata(0); HeaderType := ZrInit; ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; HeaderState := hsNone; SaveStatus := ecOk; ProtocolStatus := ecOk; End; function ZmodemProtocol.ProtocolReceivePart : ProtocolStateType; {-Perform one "increment" of a protocol receive} label ExitPoint; var BlockSize : Word; Handshake : Char; C : Char; begin ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; If {ForceStatus or} TimerUp(StatusTimer) then begin If Not APort.Connected or (apHandleAbort and (ProtocolStatus <> ecCancelRequested)) Then Begin CancelTransfer; ZmodemState := rzError; End; apUserStatus(False, False); StatusTimer := TimerSet(StatusInterval); ForceStatus := False; end; case ZmodemState of rzWaitFile, rzStartData, rzWaitEof : begin if not aport.datawaiting then aport.waitfordata(1000); {Header might be present, try to get one} if APort.DataWaiting then begin zpCheckForHeader; if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then ZmodemState := rzError; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then ProtocolStatus := ecTimeout else ProtocolStatus := ecNoHeader; end; end; // zlog('main rcv state loop: ' + strI2S(Ord(ZmodemState))); {Main state processor} case ZmodemState of rzRqstFile : begin CanCount := 0; {Init pos/flag bytes to zero} LongInt(TransHeader) := 0; {Set our receive options} TransHeader[ZF0] := CanFdx or {Full duplex} CanOvIO or {Overlap I/O} CanFc32;{ or CanBrk;} WaitMS(500); zpPutHexHeader(HeaderType); ZmodemState := rzWaitFile; HeaderState := hsNone; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end; rzSendBlockPrep : if APort.DataWaiting then begin {Discard the first two chars} C := APort.ReadChar; Inc(DiscardCnt); if DiscardCnt = 2 then ZmodemState := rzSendBlock; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if TotalErrors < HandshakeRetry then ZmodemState := rzRqstFile else ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; rzSendBlock : if APort.DataWaiting then begin {Collect the data subpacket} if zpReceiveBlock(DataBlock^, BlockSize, Handshake) then if ProtocolStatus = ecBlockCheckError then {Error receiving block, go try again} ZmodemState := rzRqstFile else {Got block OK, go process} ZmodemState := rzSendInit else if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then ZmodemState := rzError; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors < HandshakeRetry then begin zpPutHexHeader(ZNak); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); ZmodemState := rzWaitFile; HeaderState := hsNone; end else ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; rzSendInit : begin Move(DataBlock^, AttentionStr, MaxAttentionLen); EscapeAll := (RcvHeader[ZF0] and EscAll) = EscAll; zpPutHexHeader(ZAck); ZmodemState := rzWaitFile; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end; rzWaitFile : begin // zlog('rzWaitFile -> start'); // zlog('rzWaitFile -> status=' + stri2s(ProtocolStatus)); case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : begin case RcvFrame of ZrQInit : {Go send ZrInit again} ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; ZFile : {Beginning of file transfer attempt} begin // zlog('rzWaitFile --> got zFile'); {Save conversion and transport options} // ConvertOpts := RcvHeader[ZF0]; // TransportOpts := RcvHeader[ZF2]; {Save file mgmt options (if not overridden)} if not FileMgmtOverride then FileMgmtOpts := RcvHeader[ZF1]; {Set file mgmt default if none specified} if FileMgmtOpts = 0 then FileMgmtOpts := WriteNewer; {Start collecting the ZFile's data subpacket} ZmodemState := rzCollectFile; BlockErrors := 0; DataBlockLen := 0; RcvBlockState := rbData; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandShakeWait); end; ZSInit : begin BlockErrors := 0; DataBlockLen := 0; RcvBlockState := rbData; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandShakeWait); if WasHex then begin ZmodemState := rzSendBlockPrep; DiscardCnt := 0; end else ZmodemState := rzSendBlock; end; ZFreeCnt : {Sender is requesting a count of our freespace} begin LongInt(TransHeader) := DiskFree(0); zpPutHexHeader(ZAck); end; ZCommand : {Commands not implemented} begin zpPutHexHeader(ZNak); end; ZCompl, ZFin: {Finished} begin ZmodemState := rzSendFinish; BlockErrors := 0; end; end; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end; ecNoHeader : {Keep waiting for a header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors < HandshakeRetry then ZmodemState := rzRqstFile else begin {Failed to handsake} ProtocolStatus := ecFailedToHandshake; ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; end; end; end; rzCollectFile : if APort.DataWaiting then begin {Collect the data subpacket} if zpReceiveBlock(DataBlock^, BlockSize, Handshake) then if ProtocolStatus = ecBlockCheckError then {Error getting block, go try again} ZmodemState := rzRqstFile else {Got block OK, go extract file info} ZmodemState := rzStartFile else if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then ZmodemState := rzError; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors < HandshakeRetry then begin zpPutHexHeader(ZNak); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end else ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; rzStartFile : begin {Got the data subpacket to the ZFile, extract the file information} ExtractFileInfo; {Call user's LogFile function} LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveStart); {Accept this file} if not AcceptFile(@Self) then begin HeaderType := ZSkip; LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveSkip); ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; ProtocolStatus := ecCantWriteFile; apUserStatus(False, False); // ForceStatus := True; goto ExitPoint; end; {Prepare to write this file} apPrepareWriting; case ProtocolStatus mod 10000 of 0 : {Fall thru} ; ecCantWriteFile, ecFileDoesntExist : {Skip this file} begin HeaderType := ZSkip; LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveSkip); ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; ForceStatus := True; goto ExitPoint; end; else begin {Fatal error opening file} SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; ZModemState := rzError; goto ExitPoint; end; end; {Go send the initial ZrPos} ZmodemState := rzSync; ForceStatus := True; StartTimer := TimerSeconds; end; rzSync : begin APort.PurgeInputData(0); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutHexHeader(ZrPos); BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen - FileOfs; BytesTransferred := FileOfs; ZmodemState := rzStartData; HeaderState := hsNone; end; rzStartData : case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZData : {One or more data subpackets follow} begin if FileOfs <> LastFileOfs then begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > MaxBadBlocks then begin CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := ecTooManyErrors; ZmodemState := rzError; goto ExitPoint; end; PutAttentionString; ZmodemState := rzSync; end else begin BlockErrors := 0; ZmodemState := rzCollectData; DataBlockLen := 0; RcvBlockState := rbData; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end; end; ZNak : {Nak received} begin Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors > MaxBadBlocks then begin CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := ecTooManyErrors; ZmodemState := rzError; end else {Resend ZrPos} ZmodemState := rzSync; end; ZFile : {File frame} {Already got a File frame, just go send ZrPos again} ZmodemState := rzSync; ZEof : {End of current file} begin GotOneFile := True; ProtocolStatus := ecEndFile; ZmodemState := rzEndOfFile; end; else begin {Error during GetHeader} Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors > MaxBadBlocks then begin CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := ecTooManyErrors; ZmodemState := rzError; goto ExitPoint; end; PutAttentionString; ZmodemState := rzSync; end; end; ecNoHeader : {Just keep waiting for header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > HandshakeRetry then begin {Never got ZData header} ProtocolStatus := ecFailedToHandshake; ZmodemState := rzError; end else {Timeout out waiting for ZData, go send ZrPos} ZmodemState := rzSync; end; end; rzCollectData : if APort.DataWaiting then begin ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); {Collect the data subpacket} if zpReceiveBlock(DataBlock^, BlockSize, Handshake) then begin SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; {Got a block or an error -- process it} case ProtocolStatus of ecCancelRequested : {Cancel requested} ZmodemState := rzError; ecGotCrcW : {Send requests a wait} begin {Write this block} zpWriteDataBlock; if ProtocolStatus = ecOk then begin {Acknowledge with the current file position} LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutHexHeader(ZAck); ZmodemState := rzStartData; HeaderState := hsNone; end else ZmodemState := rzError; end; ecGotCrcQ : {Zack requested} begin {Write this block} zpWriteDataBlock; if ProtocolStatus = ecOk then begin LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutHexHeader(ZAck); {Don't change state - will get next data subpacket} end else ZmodemState := rzError; end; ecGotCrcG : {Normal subpacket - no response necessary} begin {Write this block} zpWriteDataBlock; if ProtocolStatus <> ecOk then ZmodemState := rzError; end; ecGotCrcE : {Last data subpacket} begin {Write this block} zpWriteDataBlock; if ProtocolStatus = ecOk then begin ZmodemState := rzWaitEof; HeaderState := hsNone; BlockErrors := 0; end else ZmodemState := rzError; end; else begin {Error during ReceiveBlock} if BlockErrors < MaxBadBlocks then begin PutAttentionString; ZmodemState := rzSync; end else begin ProtocolStatus := ecGarbage; ZmodemState := rzError; end; end; end; {Restore ProtocolStatus so user status routine can see it} if ProtocolStatus = ecOk then ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; {Prepare to collect next block} // ForceStatus := True; DataBlockLen := 0; RcvBlockState := rbData; end else if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then ZmodemState := rzError end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors < MaxBadBlocks then begin PutAttentionString; Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); ZmodemState := rzSync; end else ZmodemState := rzError; end; rzWaitEof : case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZEof : {End of current file} begin GotOneFile := True; ProtocolStatus := ecEndFile; apUserStatus(False, False); apFinishWriting; if ProtocolStatus = ecEndFile then LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveOk) else LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveFail); {Go get the next file} ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; end; else begin {Error during GetHeader} Inc(TotalErrors); Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors > MaxBadBlocks then begin CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := ecTooManyErrors; ZmodemState := rzError; goto ExitPoint; end; PutAttentionString; ZmodemState := rzSync; end; end; ecNoHeader : {Just keep waiting for header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > HandshakeRetry then begin {Never got ZData header} ProtocolStatus := ecFailedToHandshake; ZmodemState := rzError; end else {Timeout out waiting for ZData, go send ZrPos} ZmodemState := rzSync; end; end; rzEndOfFile : if FileOfs = LastFileOfs then begin apFinishWriting; {Send Proper status to user logging routine} if ProtocolStatus = ecEndFile then LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveOk) else LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveFail); ZmodemState := rzRqstFile; end else ZmodemState := rzSync; rzSendFinish : begin {Insert file position into header} LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutHexHeader(ZFin); ZmodemState := rzCollectFinish; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(FinishWait); OCnt := 0; end; rzCollectFinish : begin if APort.DataWaiting then begin C := APort.ReadChar; if C = 'O' then begin Inc(OCnt); if OCnt = 2 then ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin {Retry 3 times only (same as DSZ)} Inc(BlockErrors); if BlockErrors < FinishRetry then {Go send ZFin again} ZmodemState := rzSendFinish else {Cleanup anyway} ZmodemState := rzCleanup; end; end; rzError : begin if FileOpen then begin SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; apFinishWriting; ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; LogFile(@Self, lfReceiveFail); end; ZmodemState := rzCleanup; APort.BufFlush; ZModemState := rzCleanup; end; // rzWaitCancel : // ZmodemState := rzCleanup; rzCleanup : begin apShowLastStatus; APort.PurgeInputData(0); ZmodemState := rzDone; end; end; ExitPoint: {Set function result} case ZmodemState of rzRqstFile, rzSendInit, rzSendBlockPrep, {!!.03} rzSendBlock, rzSync, rzStartFile, rzGotData, rzEndOfFile, rzSendFinish, rzError, rzCleanup : ProtocolReceivePart := psReady; rzCollectFinish, // rzDelay, // rzWaitCancel, rzWaitFile, rzCollectFile, rzStartData, rzCollectData, rzWaitEof : ProtocolReceivePart := psWaiting; rzDone : ProtocolReceivePart := psFinished; end; {Clear header state if we just processed a header} if (ProtocolStatus = ecGotHeader) or (ProtocolStatus = ecNoHeader) then ProtocolStatus := ecOk; if HeaderState = hsGotHeader then HeaderState := hsNone; {Store ProtocolStatus} SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; end; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.PrepareTransmitPart; Begin FileListIndex := 0; HeaderState := hsNone; apResetStatus; apShowFirstStatus; StatusTimer := TimerSet(StatusInterval); ForceStatus := False; ZmodemState := tzInitial; FilesSent := False; SaveStatus := ecOk; ProtocolStatus := ecOk; End; function ZmodemProtocol.ProtocolTransmitPart : ProtocolStateType; label ExitPoint; const RZcommand : array[1..4] of Char = 'rz'+cCr+#0; var NewInterval : Word; begin ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; if {ForceStatus or} TimerUp(StatusTimer) then begin If Not APort.Connected or (apHandleAbort and (ProtocolStatus <> ecCancelRequested)) Then Begin CancelTransfer; ZmodemState := tzError; End; apUserStatus(False, False); StatusTimer := TimerSet(StatusInterval); ForceStatus := False; end; {Preprocess header requirements} case ZmodemState of tzHandshake, tzCheckFile, tzCheckEOF, tzCheckFinish, tzSendData, tzWaitAck : begin if (zmodemstate <> tzsenddata) and not aport.datawaiting then aport.waitfordata(1000); {Header might be present, try to get one} if APort.DataWaiting then begin zpCheckForHeader; if ProtocolStatus = ecCancelRequested then ZmodemState := tzError; end else if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then ProtocolStatus := ecTimeout else ProtocolStatus := ecNoHeader; end; end; {Process the current state} case ZmodemState of tzInitial : begin CanCount := 0; {Send RZ command (via the attention string)} Move(RZcommand, AttentionStr, SizeOf(RZcommand)); PutAttentionString; FillChar(AttentionStr, SizeOf(AttentionStr), 0); {Send ZrQinit header (requests receiver's ZrInit)} LongInt(TransHeader) := 0; zpPutHexHeader(ZrQInit); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); ZmodemState := tzHandshake; HeaderState := hsNone; // zlog('tzInitial -> sent ZRQINIT'); end; tzHandshake : begin // zlog('tzHandshake -> ProtocolStatus = ' + stri2s(ProtocolStatus)); // zlog('tzHandshake -> rcvFrame = ' + stri2s(ord(rcvframe))); case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZrInit : {Got ZrInit, extract info} begin ExtractReceiverInfo; ZmodemState := tzGetFile; end; ZChallenge : {Receiver is challenging, respond with same number} begin TransHeader := RcvHeader; zpPutHexHeader(ZAck); end; ZCommand : {Commands not supported} zpPutHexHeader(ZNak); ZrQInit : {Remote is trying to transmit also, do nothing} ; else {Unexpected reply, nak it} zpPutHexHeader(ZNak); end; ecNoHeader : {Keep waiting for header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : {Send another ZrQinit} begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > HandshakeRetry then begin {Never got ZrInit} ProtocolStatus := ecFailedToHandshake; ZmodemState := tzError; end else begin zpPutHexHeader(ZrQInit); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); end; end; end; end; tzGetFile : begin // zlog('tzGetFile -> start'); {Get the next file to send} if not NextFile(@Self, Pathname) then begin // zlog('tzGetFile -> no next file'); ZmodemState := tzSendFinish; goto ExitPoint; end else FilesSent := True; {Show file name to user logging routine} LogFile(@Self, lfTransmitStart); {Prepare to read file blocks} apPrepareReading; if ProtocolStatus <> ecOk then begin SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; LogFile(@Self, lfTransmitFail); ZmodemState := tzCleanup; goto ExitPoint; end; StartTimer := TimerSeconds; LongInt(TransHeader) := 0; TransHeader[ZF1] := FileMgmtOpts; if AllowResume then TransHeader[ZF0] := $03; {Insert file information into header} InsertFileInfo; ForceStatus := True; ZmodemState := tzSendFile; BlockErrors := 0; end; tzSendFile : begin // zlog('tzSendFile -> start'); {Send the ZFile header and data subpacket with file info} zpPutBinaryHeader(ZFile); Terminator := ZCrcW; EscapeBlock(DataBlock^, DataBlockLen); TransmitBlock; {Clear status vars that zpTransmitBlock changed} BytesTransferred := 0; BytesRemaining := 0; {Go wait for response} ReplyTimer := TimerSet(HandshakeWait); ZmodemState := tzCheckFile; HeaderState := hsNone; end; tzCheckFile : begin // zlog('tzCheckFile -> status=' + stri2s(ProtocolStatus)); // zlog('tzCheckFile -> rcvframe=' + stri2s(ord(rcvframe))); case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZrInit : ; ZCrc : begin LongInt(TransHeader) := FileCRC32(PathName); zpPutHexHeader(ZCrc); end; ZSkip : {Receiver wants to skip this file} begin ProtocolStatus := ecSkipFile; apUserStatus(False, False); ProtocolStatus := ecOk; {Close file and log skip} apFinishReading; LogFile(@Self, lfTransmitSkip); {Go look for another file} ZmodemState := tzGetFile; end; ZrPos : {Receiver tells us where to seek in our file} begin {Get file offset} FileOfs := LongInt(RcvHeader); BytesTransferred := FileOfs; InitFilePos := FileOfs; BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen - BytesTransferred; {Go send the data subpackets} ZModemState := tzStartData; end; end; ecNoHeader : ;// zlog('tzCheckFile -> no header');{Keep waiting for header} ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : {Timeout waiting for response to ZFile} begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > HandshakeRetry then begin {Never got response to ZFile} ProtocolStatus := ecTimeout; ZmodemState := tzError; end else begin {Resend ZFile} ZmodemState := tzSendFile; end; end; end; end; tzStartData : begin // zlog('tzStartData -> start'); {Get ready} DataInTransit := 0; BlockErrors := 0; {Send ZData header} LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutBinaryHeader(ZData); ZmodemState := tzEscapeData; end; tzEscapeData : begin {Get a block to send} if TookHit then begin Inc(GoodAfterBad); if GoodAfterBad > 4 then begin TookHit := False; if BlockLen < ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks] then BlockLen := ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks]; end; end; DataBlockLen := BlockLen; LastBlock := apReadProtocolBlock(DataBlock^, DataBlockLen); if ProtocolStatus <> ecOk then begin SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; CancelTransfer; ProtocolStatus := SaveStatus; ZmodemState := tzError; goto ExitPoint; end; {Show the new data on the way} if RcvBuffLen <> 0 then Inc(DataInTransit, DataBlockLen); {Set the terminator} if LastBlock then {Tell receiver its the last subpacket} Terminator := ZCrcE else if (RcvBuffLen <> 0) and (DataInTransit >= RcvBuffLen) then begin {Receiver's buffer is nearly full, wait for acknowledge} Terminator := ZCrcW; {NoFallBack := True;} end else {Normal data subpacket, no special action} Terminator := ZCrcG; EscapeBlock(DataBlock^, DataBlockLen); ZmodemState := tzSendData; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(TransTimeout); BlockErrors := 0; end; tzSendData : case ProtocolStatus of ecNoHeader : {Nothing from receiver, keep going} begin {Wait for buffer free space} // if APort.OutBuffFree > WorkSize + FreeMargin then begin TransmitBlock; if LastBlock then begin ZmodemState := tzSendEof; BlockErrors := 0; end else if Terminator = ZCrcW then begin ReplyTimer := TimerSet(TransTimeout); ZmodemState := tzWaitAck; end else ZmodemState := tzEscapeData; ForceStatus := True; // end else {Timeout will be handled at top of state machine} end; ecGotHeader : {Got a header from the receiver, process it} begin case RcvFrame of ZCan, ZAbort : {Receiver says quit} begin ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; ZmodemState := tzError; end; ZrPos : {Receiver is sending its desired file position} begin FileOfs := LongInt(RcvHeader); BytesTransferred := FileOfs; BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen - BytesTransferred; Inc(TotalErrors); {We got a hit, reduce block size by 1/2} if BlockLen > 256 then BlockLen := BlockLen shr 1; TookHit := True; GoodAfterBad := 0; APort.PurgeOutputData; ZModemState := tzStartData; end; ZAck : {Response to last CrcW data subpacket} ; ZSkip, ZrInit : {Finished with this file} ; else begin {Garbage, send Nak} zpPutBinaryHeader(ZNak); end; end; end; ecBlockCheckError : zpPutBinaryHeader(ZNak); ecTimeout : if TimerUp(ReplyTimer) then begin ProtocolStatus := ecBufferIsFull; ZmodemState := tzError; end; end; tzWaitAck : case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZCan, ZAbort : {Receiver says quit} begin ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; ZmodemState := tzError; end; ZAck : ZmodemState := tzStartData; ZrPos : {Receiver is sending its desired file position} begin FileOfs := LongInt(RcvHeader); BytesTransferred := FileOfs; BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen - BytesTransferred; Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockLen > 256 then BlockLen := BlockLen shr 1; TookHit := True; GoodAfterBad := 0; APort.PurgeOutputData; ZmodemState := tzStartData; end; else begin {Garbage, send Nak} zpPutBinaryHeader(ZNak); end; end; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin Inc(TotalErrors); if TotalErrors > MaxBadBlocks then ZmodemState := tzError else ZmodemState := tzStartData; end; end; tzSendEof : begin {Send the eof} LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutBinaryHeader(ZEof); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(TransTimeout); ZModemState := tzDrainEof; // NewTimer(StatusTimer, DrainingStatusInterval); end; tzDrainEof : begin APort.BufFlush; zmodemstate := tzCheckEof; HeaderState := hsNone; ReplyTimer := TimerSet(FinishWait); End; tzCheckEof : case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : begin case RcvFrame of ZCan, ZAbort : {Receiver says quit} begin ProtocolStatus := ecCancelRequested; ZmodemState := tzError; end; ZrPos : {Receiver is sending its desired file position} begin FileOfs := LongInt(RcvHeader); BytesTransferred := FileOfs; BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen - BytesTransferred; {We got a hit, reduce block size by 1/2} if BlockLen > 256 then BlockLen := BlockLen shr 1; TookHit := True; GoodAfterBad := 0; APort.PurgeOutputData; ZModemState := tzStartData; end; ZAck : {Response to last CrcW data subpacket} ; ZSkip, ZrInit : {Finished with this file} begin {Close file and log success} apFinishReading; ProtocolStatus := ecOk; LogFile(@Self, lfTransmitOk); {Go look for another file} ZmodemState := tzGetFile; end; else begin {Garbage, send Nak} zpPutBinaryHeader(ZNak); end; end; end; ecNoHeader : {Keep waiting for header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin Inc(BlockErrors); Inc(TotalErrors); if BlockErrors > MaxBadBlocks then ZmodemState := tzError else ZmodemState := tzSendEof; end; end; tzSendFinish : begin LongInt(TransHeader) := FileOfs; zpPutHexHeader(ZFin); ReplyTimer := TimerSet(FinishWait); BlockErrors := 0; ZmodemState := tzCheckFinish; HeaderState := hsNone; end; tzCheckFinish : case ProtocolStatus of ecGotHeader : case RcvFrame of ZFin : begin APort.BufWriteChar('O'); APort.BufWriteChar('O'); APort.BufFlush; ZmodemState := tzCleanup; end; else begin ProtocolStatus := ecOk; ZmodemState := tzCleanup; end; end; ecNoHeader : {Keep waiting for header} ; ecBlockCheckError, ecTimeout : begin {Just give up} ZmodemState := tzCleanup; ProtocolStatus := ecOk; end; end; tzError : begin if FileOpen then begin apFinishReading; LogFile(@Self, lfTransmitFail); end; ZmodemState := tzCleanup; APort.PurgeOutputData; end; tzCleanup: begin apShowLastStatus; APort.PurgeInputData(0); ZmodemState := tzDone; end; end; ExitPoint: case ZmodemState of tzHandshake, tzCheckFile, tzEscapeData, tzSendData, tzWaitAck, tzDrainEof, tzCheckEof, tzCheckFinish : ProtocolTransmitPart := psWaiting; tzInitial, tzGetFile, tzSendFile, tzStartData, tzSendEof, tzSendFinish, tzError, tzCleanup : ProtocolTransmitPart := psReady; tzDone : ProtocolTransmitPart := psFinished; end; {Clear header state if we just processed a header} if (ProtocolStatus = ecGotHeader) or (ProtocolStatus = ecNoHeader) then ProtocolStatus := ecOk; if HeaderState = hsGotHeader then HeaderState := hsNone; {Store ProtocolStatus} SaveStatus := ProtocolStatus; end; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.PutCharEscaped (C: Char); Var C1: Char; C2: Char; Begin ProtocolStatus := ecOK; If EscapeAll and ((Byte(C) and $60) = 0) Then Begin APort.BufWriteChar(ZDLE); LastChar := Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); End Else If ((Byte(C) AND $11) = 0) Then LastChar := C Else Begin C1 := Char(Byte(C) AND $7F); C2 := Char(Byte(LastChar) AND $7F); Case C of cXON, cXOFF, cDLE, cXONHI, cXOFFHI, cDLEHI, ZDLE : Begin APort.BufWriteChar(ZDle); LastChar := Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); End; #255 : Begin APort.BufWriteChar (ZDLE); LastChar := ZRUB1; End; Else If ((C1 = cCR) AND (C2 = #$40)) Then Begin APort.BufWriteChar (ZDLE); LastChar := Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); End Else LastChar := C; End; End; APort.BufWriteChar (LastChar); End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.zpPutBinaryHeader (FrameType: Char); Var I : Integer; Begin UseCrc32 := CanCrc32; With APort Do Begin BufWriteChar (ZPAD); BufWriteChar (ZDLE); If UseCrc32 Then Begin PutCharEscaped(ZBIN32); BlockCheck := LongInt($FFFFFFFF); End Else Begin PutCharEscaped(ZBIN); BlockCheck := 0; End; PutCharEscaped (FrameType); UpdateBlockCheck (Ord(FrameType)); For I := 0 to 3 Do Begin PutCharEscaped (Char(TransHeader[I])); UpdateBlockCheck (Ord(TransHeader[I])) End; SendBlockCheck; End; LastFrame := FrameType; End; Function ZmodemProtocol.EscapeCharacter (C: Char) : Str2; Var C1 : Char; C2 : Char; Begin If EscapeAll and ((Byte(C) and $60) = 0) Then Begin Result := ZDLE + Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); Exit; End Else If ((Byte(C) and $11) = 0) Then LastChar := C Else Begin C1 := Char(Byte(C) AND $7F); C2 := Char(Byte(LastChar) AND $7F); Case C of cXON, cXOFF, cDLE, cXONHI, cXOFFHI, cDLEHI, ZDLE : Begin LastChar := Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); Result := ZDLE + LastChar; Exit; End; #255 : Begin LastChar := ZRUB1; Result := ZDLE + ZRUB1; Exit; End; Else If ((C1 = cCR) and (C2 = #$40)) Then Begin LastChar := Char(Byte(C) XOR $40); Result := ZDLE + LastChar; Exit; End Else LastChar := C; End; End; Result := LastChar; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.EscapeBlock (Var Block: DataBlockType; BLen: Word); Var I : Word; S2 : String[2]; Begin If CanCrc32 Then Begin UseCrc32 := True; BlockCheck := LongInt($FFFFFFFF); End Else Begin UseCrc32 := False; BlockCheck := 0; End; If BLen > 0 Then Begin WorkSize := 1; I := 1; Repeat S2 := EscapeCharacter(Block[I]); UpdateBlockCheck(Byte(Block[I])); Move(S2[1], WorkBlock^[WorkSize], Length(S2)); Inc (I); Inc (WorkSize, Length(S2)); Until I > BLen; Dec (WorkSize); End Else WorkSize := 0; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.TransmitBlock; Var Count : LongInt; Begin For Count := 1 to WorkSize Do APort.BufWriteChar(WorkBlock^[Count]); UpdateBlockCheck (Byte(Terminator)); APort.BufWriteChar (ZDLE); APort.BufWriteChar (Terminator); SendBlockCheck; If Terminator = ZCrcW Then APort.BufWriteChar(cXon); Inc (FileOfs, DataBlockLen); Inc (BytesTransferred, DataBlockLen); Dec (BytesRemaining, DataBlockLen); APort.BufFlush; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.InsertFileInfo; Var PacketStr : String; PacketLen : Byte; Begin FillChar (DataBlock^, ZMaxBlk[Use8KBlocks] , 0); PacketStr := JustFile(PathName); If ConvertToLower Then PacketStr := strLower(PacketStr); PacketStr := PacketStr + #0 + strI2S(SrcFileLen); PacketLen := Length(PacketStr); Move(PacketStr[1], DataBlock^, PacketLen); DataBlockLen := PacketLen; BytesRemaining := SrcFileLen; BytesTransferred := 0; End; Procedure ZmodemProtocol.ExtractReceiverInfo; Begin RcvBuffLen := RcvHeader[ZP0] + ((RcvHeader[ZP1]) SHL 8); CanCrc32 := (RcvHeader[ZF0] and CanFC32) = CanFC32; EscapeAll := (RcvHeader[ZF0] and EscAll) = EscAll; End; End.