Unit BBS_Menus; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Uses BBS_Common, BBS_MenuData, MPL_Execute; Type TMenuEngine = Class Owner : Pointer; Data : TMenuData; Stack : Array[1..mysMaxMenuStack] of String[mysMaxMenuNameLen]; StackPos : Byte; MenuName : String[20]; MenuOld : String[20]; ExtKeys : String; UseHotKeys : Boolean; ReDraw : Boolean; SetAction : Boolean; UseLongKey : Boolean; UseTimer : Boolean; TimerCount : LongInt; TimerReload : Boolean; ViewOnly : Boolean; Constructor Create (O: Pointer); Destructor Destroy; Override; Function StripSecurity (Str: String) : String; Function ReplaceSecurity (Str: String; SecLevel: Byte) : String; Procedure ToggleAccessFlags (Cmd: String; Var Flags: AccessFlagType); Function LoadMenu (Forced: Boolean) : Boolean; Procedure ExecuteMenu (Load, Forced, View, Action: Boolean); Function ExecuteCommandList (Num, JumpID: LongInt) : Byte; Function ExecuteByHotkey (Key: String; Interval: LongInt) : Byte; Function ExecuteCommand (Cmd, CmdData: String) : Boolean; Function ShowMenu : Boolean; Procedure GenerateMenu; Procedure DoStandardMenu; Procedure DoLightBarMenu; End; Implementation Uses m_Strings, BBS_Core, BBS_NodeInfo, BBS_General, BBS_Doors, BBS_NodeChat, BBS_UserChat, BBS_Ansi_Help, BBS_Cfg_Main, BBS_Cfg_Events, BBS_Cfg_UserEdit, BBS_Cfg_Vote; Constructor TMenuEngine.Create (O: Pointer); Begin Inherited Create; StackPos := 0; MenuName := ''; MenuOld := ''; Owner := O; Data := TMenuData.Create; Redraw := True; End; Destructor TMenuEngine.Destroy; Begin Data.Free; Inherited Destroy; End; Function TMenuEngine.StripSecurity (Str : String) : String; Begin Delete (Str, Pos('@S', Str), 2); Result := Str; End; Function TMenuEngine.ReplaceSecurity (Str: String; SecLevel: Byte) : String; Var A : Byte; Begin A := Pos('@', Str); If A > 0 Then Begin Delete (Str, A, 2); Insert (strI2S(SecLevel), Str, A); End; Result := Str; End; Procedure TMenuEngine.ToggleAccessFlags (Cmd: String; Var Flags: AccessFlagType); Var Count : Byte; Begin Count := 1; While Count <= Length(Cmd) Do Begin If (Cmd[Count] in ['+','-','!']) and (Cmd[Count + 1] in ['A'..'Z']) Then Begin Case Cmd[Count] of '+' : Flags := Flags + [Ord(Cmd[Count + 1]) - 64]; '-' : Flags := Flags - [Ord(Cmd[Count + 1]) - 64]; '!' : If Ord(Cmd[2]) - 64 in Flags Then Flags := Flags - [Ord(Cmd[Count + 1]) - 64] Else Flags := Flags + [Ord(Cmd[Count + 1]) - 64]; End; Inc (Count); End; Inc (Count); End; End; Function TMenuEngine.ExecuteCommand (Cmd, CmdData: String) : Boolean; Var Loop1 : LongInt; Help : TAnsiMenuHelp; Begin Result := False; If Cmd[0] <> #2 Then Exit; Case Cmd[1] of '-' : Case Cmd[2] of 'D' : ToggleAccessFlags(CmdData, Session.User.ThisUser.AF2); 'F' : ToggleAccessFlags(CmdData, Session.User.ThisUser.AF1); 'N' : Session.User.AcsOkFlag := Session.io.GetYN(CmdData, False); 'P' : Session.User.AcsOkFlag := Session.io.GetPW(Copy(CmdData, 1, Pos(';', CmdData) - 1), Session.GetPrompt(417), strUpper(Copy(CmdData, Pos(';', CmdData) + 1, Length(CmdData)))); 'S' : Session.SystemLog(CmdData); 'Y' : Session.User.AcsOkFlag := Session.io.GetYN(CmdData, True); End; 'A' : Case Cmd[2] of 'E' : AutoSig_Edit; 'T' : Session.User.ThisUser.SigUse := Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(335), False); 'V' : AutoSig_View; End; 'D' : Case Cmd[2] of '-' : ExecuteDoor (0, CmdData); 'C' : ExecuteDoor (3, CmdData); 'D' : ExecuteDoor (1, CmdData); 'G' : ExecuteDoor (2, CmdData); '3' : ExecuteDoor (4, CmdData); End; 'F' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Session.FileBase.ChangeFileArea(CmdData); 'D' : Begin Session.io.OutFile ('download', True, 0); If (Session.FileBase.BatchNum > 0) and (Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(85), True)) Then Session.FileBase.DownloadBatch Else Session.FileBase.DownloadFile; End; 'F' : Session.FileBase.DownloadFileList (strUpper(CmdData)); 'G' : Session.FileBase.FileGroupChange (CmdData, True, True); 'L' : Session.FileBase.ListFiles (1, strUpper(CmdData)); 'N' : Session.FileBase.NewFileScan(UpCase(CmdData[1])); 'P' : Session.FileBase.SetFileScanDate; 'S' : Session.FileBase.FileSearch; 'U' : Session.FileBase.UploadFile; 'V' : Session.FileBase.ViewFile; 'Z' : Session.FileBase.ToggleFileNewScan; '1' : Session.FileBase.MassUpload; '2' : Session.FileBase.DirectoryEditor(False, ''); '3' : Session.FileBase.SendFile (CmdData); End; 'B' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Add_BBS_List (CmdData); 'L' : View_BBS_List (True, CmdData); 'S' : View_BBS_List (False, CmdData); End; 'G' : Case Cmd[2] of '1' : ShowBBSHistory(strS2I(CmdData)); 'A' : View_Directory(CmdData, 0); 'D' : Session.io.OutFile (CmdData, True, 0); 'E' : Session.User.Edit_User_Settings(strS2I(CmdData)); 'H', 'I' : Begin If Cmd[2] = 'H' Then Begin If Session.FileBase.BatchNum > 0 Then Begin Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := strI2S(Session.FileBase.BatchNum); If Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(121), False) Then Session.FileBase.DownloadBatch; End; Session.io.OutFile ('logoff', True, 0); End; Session.SystemLog ('User logged off'); Halt(0); End; 'L' : ShowLastCallers; 'O' : Begin MenuOld := MenuName; MenuName := CmdData; Result := True; End; 'N' : ShowOneLiners (CmdData); 'P' : {$IFNDEF UNIX} PageForSysopChat (Pos('/F', strUpper(CmdData)) > 0) {$ENDIF}; 'R' : Begin If StackPos > 0 Then Begin MenuOld := MenuName; MenuName := Stack[StackPos]; Result := True; Dec (StackPos); End; End; 'S' : Begin MenuOld := MenuName; If StackPos = 8 Then Begin For Loop1 := 1 to 7 Do Stack[Loop1 + 1] := Stack[Loop1]; Dec (StackPos); End; Inc (StackPos); Stack[StackPos] := MenuName; MenuName := CmdData; Result := True; End; 'T' : Session.io.OutFull (CmdData); 'U' : ShowUserList (strUpper(CmdData)); 'X' : Result := ExecuteMPL(NIL, CmdData) = 2; '?' : Begin // online ANSI help system (BBSHTML) prototype Help := TAnsiMenuHelp.Create; Help.OpenHelp (Session.Theme.TextPath + CmdData + ';ansihelp;INDEX'); Help.Free; End; End; 'M' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Session.Msgs.ChangeArea(CmdData); 'C' : Session.Msgs.CheckEMail; 'D' : Session.Msgs.SetMessagePointers; 'G' : Session.Msgs.MessageGroupChange (CmdData, True, True); 'M' : Session.Msgs.SendMassEmail; 'N' : Session.Msgs.MessageNewScan (strUpper(CmdData)); 'P' : Session.Msgs.PostMessage (False, CmdData); 'Q' : Session.Msgs.MessageQuickScan(strUpper(CmdData)); 'R' : Begin If CmdData = '' Then CmdData := ' '; Session.Msgs.ReadMessages(UpCase(CmdData[1]), ''); End; 'S' : Session.Msgs.GlobalMessageSearch(UpCase(CmdData[1])); 'V' : Session.Msgs.ViewSentEmail; 'W' : Session.Msgs.PostMessage (True, CmdData); 'X' : Session.Msgs.PostTextFile(CmdData, False); 'Z' : Session.Msgs.ToggleNewScan(False); End; 'N' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Set_Node_Action (CmdData); 'C' : Node_Chat; 'P' : PageUserForChat; 'S' : Send_Node_Message (3, CmdData, 0); 'W' : Show_Whos_Online; End; 'O' : Case Cmd[2] of 'S' : Session.Msgs.ToggleNewScan(True); 'D' : Session.Msgs.DownloadQWK(CmdData); 'U' : Session.Msgs.UploadREP; End; 'Q' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Session.FileBase.BatchAdd; 'C' : Session.FileBase.BatchClear; 'D' : Session.FileBase.BatchDelete; 'L' : Session.FileBase.BatchList; End; 'T' : Case Cmd[2] of 'D' : Add_TimeBank; 'W' : Get_TimeBank; End; 'V' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Add_Booth; 'N' : Voting_Booth_New; 'R' : Voting_Result (strS2I(CmdData)); 'V' : Voting_Booth (False, strS2I(CmdData)); End; 'X' : Case Cmd[2] of 'A' : Begin Session.io.OutFile('newuser', True, 0); If Session.io.GetYN(Session.GetPrompt(269), True) Then Begin Session.User.CreateNewUser(''); Session.User.User_Logon2; MenuName := Config.MatrixMenu; Result := True; End; End; 'C' : If Session.User.GetMatrixUser Then Begin If Session.User.Access(Config.MatrixAcs) Then Begin Session.io.PromptInfo[1] := Config.MatrixPW; Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(270)); End Else Session.io.OutFull (Session.GetPrompt(271)); End; 'L' : If Session.io.GetPW (Session.GetPrompt(272), Session.GetPrompt(423), Config.MatrixPW) Then Begin Session.User.MatrixOK := True; Result := True; End; 'P' : {$IFNDEF UNIX} If Session.User.GetMatrixUser Then PageForSysopChat (Pos('/F', strUpper(CmdData)) > 0) {$ENDIF}; End; '*' : Begin If Not Session.io.GetPW (Session.GetPrompt(493), Session.GetPrompt(417), Config.SysopPW) Then Exit; Case Cmd[2] of '#' : Begin Configuration_ExecuteEditor('M'); Result := True; End; 'A' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('A'); 'E' : Event_Editor; 'F' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('F'); 'G' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('G'); 'L' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('L'); 'M' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('B'); 'P' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('P'); 'R' : Configuration_ExecuteEditor('R'); 'S' : Configuration_MainMenu; 'U' : Configuration_UserEditor; 'V' : Vote_Editor; End; End; End; End; Function TMenuEngine.ExecuteCommandList (Num, JumpID: LongInt) : Byte; // 0 = no commands ran, 1 = commands ran, 2 = load new menu Var Count : LongInt; Begin Result := 0; If ViewOnly Then Exit; If Not TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Num]^.Access) Then Exit; Redraw := Boolean(Data.Item[Num]^.Redraw); For Count := 1 to Data.Item[Num]^.Commands Do Begin If JumpID <> -1 Then If JumpID <> Data.Item[Num]^.CmdData[Count]^.JumpID Then Continue; If TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Num]^.CmdData[Count]^.Access) Then Begin Result := 1; If ExecuteCommand(Data.Item[Num]^.CmdData[Count]^.MenuCmd, Data.Item[Num]^.CmdData[Count]^.Data) Then Begin Result := 2; Exit; End; End; End; End; Function TMenuEngine.ExecuteByHotkey (Key: String; Interval: LongInt) : Byte; // 0 = no commands ran, 1 = commands ran, 2 = load new menu Var Count : LongInt; Begin Result := 0; Key := strUpper(Key); For Count := 1 to Data.NumItems Do Begin If Data.Item[Count] = Nil Then Begin Result := 2; Exit; End; If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = Key Then If (Key <> 'TIMER') or ((Key = 'TIMER') And (Interval MOD Data.Item[Count]^.Timer = 0)) Then Begin Result := ExecuteCommandList(Count, -1); If Result = 2 Then Exit; End; End; End; Function TMenuEngine.ShowMenu : Boolean; Begin With TBBSCore(Owner) Do Begin Result := Not io.OutFile (ReplaceSecurity(Data.Info.DispFile, User.ThisUser.Security), False, 0); If Result And (Pos('@S', Data.Info.DispFile) > 0) Then Result := Not io.OutFile(StripSecurity(Data.Info.DispFile), False, 0); End; End; Procedure TMenuEngine.GenerateMenu; Var Format : Byte; Listed : Word; Count : LongInt; Begin If ShowMenu Then Begin Case Data.Info.DispCols of 1 : Format := 79; 2 : Format := 39; 3 : Format := 26; 4 : Format := 19; End; If Data.Info.Header <> '' Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFullLn (Data.Info.Header); Listed := 0; For Count := 1 to Data.NumItems Do Begin If (Data.Item[Count]^.ShowType = 2) or (Data.Item[Count]^.Text = '') or (Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'EVERY') or (Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'AFTER') or (Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'FIRSTCMD') or ((Data.Item[Count]^.ShowType = 0) And (Not TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Count]^.Access))) Then Continue; If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'LINEFEED' Then Begin If Listed MOD Data.Info.DispCols <> 0 Then Session.io.OutRawLn(''); Session.io.OutFull(Data.Item[Count]^.Text); While Listed Mod Data.Info.DispCols <> 0 Do Inc(Listed); End Else Begin Inc (Listed); If Format = 79 Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(Data.Item[Count]^.Text) Else TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(strPadR(Data.Item[Count]^.Text, Format + Length(Data.Item[Count]^.Text) - strMCILen(Data.Item[Count]^.Text), ' ')); If Listed MOD Data.Info.DispCols = 0 Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFullLn (''); End; End; If Listed MOD Data.Info.DispCols <> 0 Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFullLn (''); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufFlush; End; If ExecuteByHotKey('AFTER', 0) = 2 Then Exit; If Data.Info.Footer <> '' Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(Data.Info.Footer); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufFlush; End; Procedure TMenuEngine.DoStandardMenu; Var Ch : Char; Temp : String[mysMaxMenuInput]; Count : LongInt; Found : Boolean; Procedure Translate; Begin Case Ch of #09 : Temp := 'TAB'; #27 : Temp := 'ESCAPE'; #71 : Temp := 'HOME'; #72 : Temp := 'UP'; #73 : Temp := 'PAGEUP'; #75 : Temp := 'LEFT'; #77 : Temp := 'RIGHT'; #79 : Temp := 'END'; #80 : Temp := 'DOWN'; #81 : Temp := 'PAGEDOWN' End; End; Procedure AddChar; Begin Temp := Temp + UpCase(Ch); Case Data.Info.CharType of 0 : TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutRaw(UpCase(Ch)); 1 : TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutRaw(LoCase(Ch)); 2 : {hidden}; End; End; Begin While Not TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Do Begin If Not ViewOnly Then If ExecuteByHotKey('EVERY', 0) = 2 Then Exit; If ReDraw Then GenerateMenu; TBBSCore(Owner).io.AllowArrow := True; If SetAction Then If Data.Info.NodeStatus <> '' Then Set_Node_Action(Data.Info.NodeStatus) Else Set_Node_Action(TBBSCore(Owner).GetPrompt(346)); Temp := ''; While Not TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Do Begin Ch := Session.io.GetKey; If TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Then Exit; If UseTimer And (Ch = #02) Then Begin If TimerReload Then Exit; If ReDraw Then Break; End; Case Ch of #08 : If Length(Temp) > 0 Then Begin Dec (Temp[0]); TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutBS(1, True); End; #09, #27 : If Pos(Ch, ExtKeys) > 0 Then Begin Translate; Break; End; #13 : Begin If Temp = '' Then Temp := 'ENTER'; Break; End; #32.. #126: If Length(Temp) < mysMaxMenuInput Then Begin If TBBSCore(Owner).io.IsArrow And (Pos(Ch, ExtKeys) > 0) Then Begin Translate; Break; End; If UseHotKeys Then Begin Count := 0; Repeat Inc (Count); Found := Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = Temp + UpCase(Ch); Until Found or (Count >= Data.NumItems); If Found And (TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Count]^.Access)) Then Begin AddChar; Break; End Else If UseLongKey Then If ((Temp[1] = '/') And (Temp[0] > #0)) or ((Temp[0] = #0) And (Ch = '/')) Then AddChar; End Else AddChar; End; End; End; If Data.Info.CharType <> 2 Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutRawLn(''); If ViewOnly Then Exit; If Not TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Then If ExecuteByHotKey(Temp, 0) = 2 Then Exit; End; End; Procedure TMenuEngine.DoLightBarMenu; Var TempStr : String; PromptX : Byte; PromptY : Byte; PromptA : Byte; Function ValidLightBar (BarPos: Word) : Boolean; Begin Result := False; If BarPos = 0 Then Exit; Result := (Data.Item[BarPos]^.HotKey <> 'EVERY') And (Data.Item[BarPos]^.HotKey <> 'AFTER') And (Data.Item[BarPos]^.HotKey <> 'FIRSTCMD') And (Data.Item[BarPos]^.TextLo <> '') And (Data.Item[BarPos]^.TextHi <> '') And (Data.Item[BarPos]^.ShowType <> 2) And ( (((Data.Item[BarPos]^.ShowType = 0) And (TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[BarPos]^.Access)) Or (Data.Item[BarPos]^.ShowType = 1))) ); End; Procedure DrawBar (Num: Word; High: Boolean); Var Str : String; Begin If Num = 0 Then Exit; If High Then Str := Data.Item[Num]^.TextHi Else Str := Data.Item[Num]^.TextLo; If Str = '' Then Exit; TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiGotoXY(Data.Item[Num]^.X, Data.Item[Num]^.Y); TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(Str); End; Procedure AddChar (Ch: Char); Var SavedAttr : Byte; Str : String = ''; Offset : Byte; Begin If Data.Info.CharType = 2 Then Begin // hidden TempStr := TempStr + UpCase(Ch); Exit; End; SavedAttr := Screen.TextAttr; // tbbscore If Ch = #08 Then Offset := Length(TempStr) + 1 Else Offset := Length(TempStr); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufFlush; TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufAddStr(#27 + '[s'); TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiGotoXY(PromptX + Offset, PromptY); TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiColor(PromptA); If Ch = #08 Then Str := Str + #8#32#8 Else Begin Case Data.Info.CharType of 0 : Ch := UpCase(Ch); 1 : Ch := LoCase(Ch); End; Str := Str + Ch; TempStr := TempStr + UpCase(Ch); End; TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufAddStr(Str); TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiColor(SavedAttr); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufAddStr(#27 + '[u'); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufFlush; End; Var Count : Word; CursorPos : Word; TempPos : Word; Ch : Char; Found : Boolean; ValidKey : Boolean; Begin CursorPos := 0; While Not TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Do Begin If Not ViewOnly Then ExecuteByHotKey('EVERY', 0); If SetAction Then If Data.Info.NodeStatus <> '' Then Set_Node_Action(Data.Info.NodeStatus) Else Set_Node_Action(TBBSCore(Owner).GetPrompt(346)); If ReDraw Then Begin ShowMenu; If Data.Info.Header <> '' Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFullLn(Data.Info.Header); If Data.Info.Footer <> '' Then TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(Data.Info.Footer); TBBSCore(Owner).io.BufFlush; PromptX := Screen.CursorX; //tbbscore PromptY := Screen.CursorY; //tbbscore PromptA := Screen.TextAttr; //tbbscore End; For Count := 1 to Data.NumItems Do If ValidLightBar(Count) Then Begin If CursorPos = 0 Then CursorPos := Count; DrawBar (Count, False); End; TBBSCore(Owner).io.AllowArrow := True; If Not ViewOnly Then ExecuteByHotKey('AFTER', 0); DrawBar (CursorPos, True); TempStr := ''; While Not TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Do Begin Ch := Session.io.GetKey; If UseTimer And (Ch = #02) Then Begin If TimerReload Then Exit; If ReDraw Then Break; End; If TBBSCore(Owner).ShutDown Then Exit; If TBBSCore(Owner).io.IsArrow Then Begin Case Ch of #72, #75 : Case Data.Info.MenuType of 1 : Begin TempPos := CursorPos; While TempPos > 1 Do Begin Dec (TempPos); If ValidLightBar(TempPos) Then Begin DrawBar (CursorPos, False); DrawBar (TempPos, True); CursorPos := TempPos; Break; End; End; End; 2 : Case Ch of #72 : If ValidLightBar(Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpUp) Then Begin ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 1); DrawBar (CursorPos, False); CursorPos := Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpUp; DrawBar (CursorPos, True); End; #75 : If ValidLightBar(Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpLeft) Then Begin ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 3); DrawBar (CursorPos, False); CursorPos := Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpLeft; DrawBar (CursorPos, True); End; End; End; #77, #80 : Case Data.Info.MenuType of 1 : Begin TempPos := CursorPos; While TempPos < Data.NumItems Do Begin Inc (TempPos); If ValidLightBar(TempPos) Then Begin DrawBar (CursorPos, False); DrawBar (TempPos, True); CursorPos := TempPos; Break; End; End; End; 2 : Case Ch of #77 : If ValidLightBar(Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpRight) Then Begin ExecuteCommandList (CursorPos, 4); DrawBar (CursorPos, False); CursorPos := Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpRight; DrawBar (CursorPos, True); End; #80 : If ValidLightBar(Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpDown) Then Begin ExecuteCommandList (CursorPos, 2); DrawBar (CursorPos, False); CursorPos := Data.Item[CursorPos]^.JumpDown; DrawBar (CursorPos, True); End; End; End; #71 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 9) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; #73 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 7) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; #79 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 10) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; #81 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 8) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; End; End Else Case Ch of #08 : If Length(TempStr) > 0 Then Begin Dec (TempStr[0]); AddChar(#8); End; #09 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 5) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; #13 : Begin TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiGotoXY(Data.Info.DoneX, Data.Info.DoneY); If ViewOnly Then Exit; If Data.Info.MenuType = 1 Then Found := ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, -1) = 2 Else Found := ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 0) = 2; If Found Then Exit Else Break; End; #27 : If Data.Info.MenuType = 2 Then Case ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 6) of 0 : ; 1 : Break; 2 : Exit; End; Else If Length(TempStr) < mysMaxMenuInput Then Begin Found := False; ValidKey := False; Count := 0; Repeat Inc (Count); Found := Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = TempStr + UpCase(Ch); If Not ValidKey Then ValidKey := TempStr + UpCase(Ch) = Copy(Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey, 1, Length(TempStr + Ch)); Until Found or (Count >= Data.NumItems); If Found And (TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Count]^.Access)) Then Begin If Length(TempStr) > 0 Then AddChar (Ch); If ValidLightBar(Count) Then Begin DrawBar(CursorPos, False); CursorPos := Count; DrawBar(CursorPos, True); End; TBBSCore(Owner).io.AnsiGotoXY(Data.Info.DoneX, Data.Info.DoneY); If Data.Info.MenuType = 1 Then Found := ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, -1) = 2 Else Found := ExecuteCommandList(CursorPos, 0) = 2; If Found Then Exit Else Break; End Else If ValidKey Then AddChar(Ch); End; End; End; End; End; Function TMenuEngine.LoadMenu (Forced: Boolean) : Boolean; Begin Result := True; If Not Data.Load (False, TBBSCore(Owner).Theme.MenuPath + MenuName + '.mnu') Then Begin Result := False; If TBBSCore(Owner).Theme.Flags AND thmFallback <> 0 Then Result := Data.Load (False, Config.MenuPath + MenuName + '.mnu'); If Not Result Then Begin If Forced Then Begin Session.io.OutFullLn ('|CRError Loading ' + MenuName + '.mnu'); Session.SystemLog ('Error Loading Menu: ' + MenuName); Halt(1); End; Exit; End; End; End; Procedure TMenuEngine.ExecuteMenu (Load, Forced, View, Action: Boolean); Function TimerController (Forced: Boolean) : Boolean; Begin Inc (TimerCount); Case ExecuteByHotkey('TIMER', TimerCount) of 0 : Result := False; 1 : Result := True; 2 : Begin TimerReload := True; Result := True; End; End; If TimerCount = 100000 Then TimerCount := 0; End; Var Count : LongInt; Begin SetAction := Action; ViewOnly := View; If ViewOnly Then Begin Case Data.Info.MenuType of 0 : DoStandardMenu; 1, 2 : If TBBSCore(Owner).io.Graphics > 0 Then DoLightBarMenu Else DoStandardMenu; End; Exit; End; If Load Then If Not LoadMenu(Forced) Then Exit; If Not TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Info.Access) Then Begin MenuName := MenuOld; TBBSCore(Owner).io.OutFull(TBBSCore(Owner).GetPrompt(149)); Exit; End; If Data.Info.Global Then If Not Data.Load (True, TBBSCore(Owner).Theme.MenuPath + 'global.mnu') Then If TBBSCore(Owner).Theme.Flags AND thmFallback <> 0 Then Data.Load (True, Config.MenuPath + 'global.mnu'); If Data.Info.InputType = 0 Then UseHotKeys := TBBSCore(Owner).User.ThisUser.HotKeys Else UseHotKeys := Not Boolean(Data.Info.InputType - 1); // Run FIRSTCMD commands and setup valid extended keys ExtKeys := ''; UseTimer := False; ReDraw := True; UseLongKey := False; TimerCount := 0; TimerReload := False; For Count := 1 to Data.NumItems Do Begin If (Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'EVERY') or Not TBBSCore(Owner).User.Access(Data.Item[Count]^.Access) Then Continue; If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'FIRSTCMD' Then Begin If ExecuteCommandList(Count, -1) = 2 Then Exit; End Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'TAB' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #09 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'ESCAPE' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #27 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'UP' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #72 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'PAGEUP' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #73 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'LEFT' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #75 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'RIGHT' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #77 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'DOWN' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #80 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'PAGEDOWN' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #81 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'HOME' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #71 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'END' Then ExtKeys := ExtKeys + #79 Else If Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey = 'TIMER' Then UseTimer := True Else If Byte(Data.Item[Count]^.HotKey[0]) > 1 Then UseLongKey := True; End; If UseTimer Then Session.io.GetKeyCallBack := TimerController; Case Data.Info.MenuType of 0 : DoStandardMenu; 1, 2 : If TBBSCore(Owner).io.Graphics > 0 Then DoLightBarMenu Else DoStandardMenu; End; Session.io.GetKeyCallback := NIL; End; End.