Unit MUTIL_EchoImport; {$I M_OPS.PAS} Interface Procedure uEchoImport; Implementation Uses DOS, Classes, m_FileIO, m_Strings, m_DateTime, AView, BBS_Records, BBS_DataBase, BBS_MsgBase_ABS, BBS_MsgBase_JAM, BBS_MsgBase_Squish, mUtil_Common, mUtil_Status, mUtil_EchoCore, mUtil_EchoFix; // Also create SavePKTMsgToFile and change export to use it... and for // downlinks too Procedure SavePKTMsgToBase (Var MB: PMsgBaseABS; Var PKT: TPKTReader; Netmail: Boolean); Var Count : LongInt; Begin MB^.StartNewMsg; If NetMail Then MB^.SetMailType (mmtNetMail) Else MB^.SetMailType (mmtEchoMail); MB^.SetLocal (False); MB^.SetOrig (PKT.Orig); MB^.SetDest (PKT.Dest); MB^.SetPriv ((PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktPrivate <> 0) OR NetMail); MB^.SetCrash (PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktCrash <> 0); MB^.SetRcvd (PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktReceived <> 0); //MB^.SetSent (PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktSent <> 0); // MB^.SetSent (NetMail); MB^.SetSent (False); // force to send to downlinks? MB^.SetHold (PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktHold <> 0); MB^.SetKillSent (PKT.MsgHDR.Attribute AND pktKillSent <> 0); MB^.SetFrom (PKT.MsgFrom); MB^.SetTo (PKT.MsgTo); MB^.SetSubj (PKT.MsgSubj); MB^.SetDate (PKT.MsgDate); MB^.SetTime (PKT.MsgTime); For Count := 1 to PKT.MsgLines Do Begin If {strip seenbys and } Copy(PKT.MsgText[Count]^, 1, 9) = 'SEEN-BY: ' Then Continue; MB^.DoStringLn(PKT.MsgText[Count]^); End; MB^.WriteMsg; End; Procedure uEchoImport; Var TotalEcho : LongInt; TotalNet : LongInt; TotalDupes : LongInt; DupeIndex : LongInt; DupeMBase : RecMessageBase; CreateBases : Boolean; PKT : TPKTReader; Dupes : TPKTDupe; Status : LongInt; ForwardList : Array[1..50] of String[35]; ForwardSize : Byte = 0; Procedure ImportPacketFile (PktFN: String); Var MsgBase : PMsgBaseABS; CurTag : String; MBase : RecMessageBase; Count : LongInt; Begin If Not PKT.Open(PktFN) Then Begin Log (3, '!', ' ' + JustFile(PktFN) + ' is not valid PKT'); Exit; End; If Not IsValidAKA(PKT.Dest.Zone, PKT.Dest.Net, PKT.Dest.Node) Then Begin Log (3, '!', ' ' + JustFile(PktFN) + ' does not match an AKA'); PKT.Close; Exit; End; ProcessStatus ('Importing ' + JustFile(PktFN), False); BarOne.Reset; CurTag := ''; MsgBase := NIL; Status := 20; While PKT.GetMessage Do Begin If Status MOD 20 = 0 Then BarOne.Update (PKT.MsgFile.FilePosRaw, PKT.MsgFile.FileSizeRaw); Inc (Status); If PKT.MsgArea = 'NETMAIL' Then Begin If Not ProcessedByAreaFix(PKT) Then If GetMBaseByNetZone (PKT.PKTHeader.DestZone, MBase) Then Begin For Count := 1 to ForwardSize Do If strUpper(strStripB(strWordGet(1, ForwardList[Count], ';'), ' ')) = strUpper(PKT.MsgTo) Then PKT.MsgTo := strStripB(strWordGet(2, ForwardList[Count], ';'), ' '); CurTag := ''; If MsgBase <> NIL Then Begin MsgBase^.CloseMsgBase; Dispose (MsgBase, Done); MsgBase := NIL; End; MessageBaseOpen(MsgBase, MBase); SavePKTMsgToBase(MsgBase, PKT, True); Log (2, '+', ' Netmail from ' + PKT.MsgFrom + ' to ' + PKT.MsgTo); Inc (TotalNet); End Else Log (3, '!', ' No NETMAIL base for zone ' + strI2S(PKT.PKTHeader.DestZone)); End Else Begin If Dupes.IsDuplicate(PKT.MsgCRC) Then Begin Log (3, '!', ' Duplicate message found in ' + PKT.MsgArea); If DupeIndex <> -1 Then Begin If (MsgBase <> NIL) and (CurTag <> '-DUPEMSG-') Then Begin MsgBase^.CloseMsgBase; Dispose (MsgBase, Done); MsgBase := NIL; CurTag := '-DUPEMSG-'; End; If MsgBase = NIL Then MessageBaseOpen (MsgBase, DupeMBase); SavePKTMsgToBase (MsgBase, PKT, False); End; Inc (TotalDupes); End Else Begin If CurTag <> PKT.MsgArea Then Begin If Not GetMBaseByTag(PKT.MsgArea, MBase) Then Begin Log (2, '!', ' Area ' + PKT.MsgArea + ' does not exist'); If Not CreateBases Then Continue; If FileExist(bbsCfg.MsgsPath + PKT.MsgArea + '.sqd') or FileExist(bbsCfg.MsgsPath + PKT.MsgArea + '.jhr') Then Continue; FillChar (MBase, SizeOf(MBase), #0); MBase.Index := GenerateMBaseIndex; MBase.Name := PKT.MsgArea; MBase.QWKName := PKT.MsgArea; MBase.NewsName := PKT.MsgArea; MBase.FileName := PKT.MsgArea; MBase.EchoTag := PKT.MsgArea; MBase.Path := bbsCfg.MsgsPath; MBase.NetType := 1; MBase.ColQuote := bbsCfg.ColorQuote; MBase.ColText := bbsCfg.ColorText; MBase.ColTear := bbsCfg.ColorTear; MBase.ColOrigin := bbsCfg.ColorOrigin; MBase.ColKludge := bbsCfg.ColorKludge; MBase.Origin := bbsCfg.Origin; MBase.BaseType := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'base_type', 0); MBase.ListACS := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'acs_list', ''); MBase.ReadACS := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'acs_read', ''); MBase.PostACS := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'acs_post', ''); MBase.NewsACS := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'acs_news', ''); MBase.SysopACS := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'acs_sysop', 's255'); MBase.Header := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'header', 'msghead'); MBase.RTemplate := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'read_template', 'ansimrd'); MBase.ITemplate := INI.ReadString (Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'index_template', 'ansimlst'); MBase.MaxMsgs := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'max_msgs', 500); MBase.MaxAge := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'max_msgs_age', 365); MBase.DefNScan := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'new_scan', 1); MBase.DefQScan := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'qwk_scan', 1); MBase.NetAddr := 1; MBase.FileName := strReplace(MBase.FileName, '/', '_'); MBase.FileName := strReplace(MBase.FileName, '\', '_'); For Count := 1 to 30 Do If bbsCfg.NetAddress[Count].Zone = PKT.PKTHeader.DestZone Then Begin MBase.NetAddr := Count; Break; End; If INI.ReadString(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'use_autosig', '1') = '1' Then MBase.Flags := MBase.Flags OR MBAutoSigs; If INI.ReadString(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'use_realname', '0') = '1' Then MBase.Flags := MBase.Flags OR MBRealNames; If INI.ReadString(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'kill_kludge', '1') = '1' Then MBase.Flags := MBase.Flags OR MBKillKludge; // ADD DOWNLINK INFORMATION HERE INTO ECHONODES?? AddMessageBase(MBase); End; If MsgBase <> NIL Then Begin MsgBase^.CloseMsgBase; Dispose (MsgBase, Done); MsgBase := NIL; End; MessageBaseOpen(MsgBase, MBase); CurTag := PKT.MsgArea; End; SavePKTMsgToBase (MsgBase, PKT, False); Dupes.AddDuplicate(PKT.MsgCRC); Inc (TotalEcho); Log (2, '+', ' Added Msg #' + strI2S(MsgBase^.GetHighMsgNum) + ' to ' + strStripPipe(MBase.Name)); End; End; End; If MsgBase <> NIL Then Begin MsgBase^.CloseMsgBase; Dispose (MsgBase, Done); MsgBase := NIL; End; PKT.Close; FileErase (PktFN); BarOne.Update (1, 1); End; Procedure ImportPacketBundle (PktBundle: String); Var PKTMatched : Boolean; DirInfo : SearchRec; NodeFile : File of RecEchoMailNode; EchoNode : RecEchoMailNode; ArcType : String[4]; Count : LongInt; BundleList : TStringList; Begin PKTMatched := False; Assign (NodeFile, bbsCfg.DataPath + 'echonode.dat'); If ioReset(NodeFile, Sizeof(RecEchoMailNode), fmRWDN) Then Begin While Not Eof(NodeFile) Do Begin Read (NodeFile, EchoNode); For Count := 1 to 30 Do Begin If strUpper(JustFileName(PktBundle)) = strUpper(GetFTNArchiveName(EchoNode.Address, bbsCfg.NetAddress[Count])) Then Begin PKTMatched := True; ArcType := EchoNode.ArcType; Break; End; End; End; Close (NodeFile); End; If Not PKTMatched Then Begin Case GetArchiveType(bbsCfg.InboundPath + PktBundle) of 'A' : ArcType := 'ARJ'; 'R' : ArcType := 'RAR'; 'Z' : ArcType := 'ZIP'; 'L' : ArcType := 'LZH'; Else Log (2, '!', ' Cannot find arctype for ' + PktBundle + '; skipping'); Exit; End; End; ProcessStatus ('Extracting ' + PktBundle, False); ExecuteArchive (TempPath, bbsCfg.InboundPath + PktBundle, ArcType, '*', 2); BundleList := TStringList.Create; FindFirst (TempPath + '*', AnyFile, DirInfo); While DosError = 0 Do Begin If DirInfo.Attr And Directory = 0 Then Begin If strUpper(JustFileExt(DirInfo.Name)) = 'PKT' Then BundleList.Add(FormatDate(DateDos2DT(DirInfo.Time), 'YYYYMMDDHHIISS') + ' ' + DirInfo.Name); End; FindNext (DirInfo); End; FindClose (DirInfo); BundleList.Sort; If BundleList.Count = 0 Then Log (2, '!', ' Unable to extract bundle; skipping') Else Begin For Count := 1 to BundleList.Count Do ImportPacketFile (TempPath + strWordGet(2, BundleList.Strings[Count - 1], ' ')); FileErase (bbsCfg.InboundPath + PktBundle); End; BundleList.Free; End; Var DirInfo : SearchRec; Count : LongInt; FileExt : String; PktList : TStringList; FileName : String; Begin TotalEcho := 0; TotalNet := 0; TotalDupes := 0; ProcessName ('Importing EchoMail', True); ProcessResult (rWORKING, False); DirClean (TempPath, ''); If Not DirExists(bbsCfg.InboundPath) Then Begin ProcessStatus ('Inbound directory does not exist', True); ProcessResult (rFATAL, True); Exit; End; // read INI values CreateBases := INI.ReadBoolean(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'auto_create', False); DupeIndex := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'dupe_msg_index', -1); Count := INI.ReadInteger(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'dupe_db_size', 32000); // Read in forward list from INI FillChar (ForwardList, SizeOf(ForwardList), #0); Ini.SetSequential(True); Repeat FileExt := INI.ReadString(Header_ECHOIMPORT, 'forward', ''); If FileExt = '' Then Break; Inc (ForwardSize); ForwardList[ForwardSize] := strStripB(FileExt, ' '); Until ForwardSize = 50; INI.SetSequential(False); Dupes := TPKTDupe.Create(Count); PKT := TPKTReader.Create; If DupeIndex <> -1 Then If Not GetMBaseByIndex (DupeIndex, DupeMBase) Then DupeIndex := -1; PktList := TStringList.Create; FindFirst (bbsCfg.InboundPath + '*', AnyFile, DirInfo); While DosError = 0 Do Begin If DirInfo.Attr And Directory = 0 Then PktList.Add(FormatDate(DateDos2DT(DirInfo.Time), 'YYYYMMDDHHIISS') + ' ' + DirInfo.Name); FindNext (DirInfo); End; FindClose (DirInfo); PktList.Sort; For Count := 1 to PktList.Count Do Begin FileName := strWordGet(2, PktList.Strings[Count - 1], ' '); FileExt := Copy(strUpper(JustFileExt(FileName)), 1, 2); If FileExt = 'PK' Then ImportPacketFile(bbsCfg.InboundPath + FileName) Else If (FileExt = 'SU') or (FileExt = 'MO') or (FileExt = 'TU') or (FileExt = 'WE') or (FileExt = 'TH') or (FileExt = 'FR') or (FileExt = 'SA') Then ImportPacketBundle(FileName) Else Log (2, '!', ' Unknown inbound file ' + FileName); End; PKT.Free; Dupes.Free; PktList.Free; ProcessStatus ('Total |15' + strI2S(TotalEcho) + ' |07echo |15' + strI2S(TotalNet) + ' |07net |15' + strI2S(TotalDupes) + ' |07dupe', True); ProcessResult (rDONE, True); FileErase (bbsCfg.SemaPath + fn_SemFileEchoIn); End; End.