{ Mystic Software Development Library =========================================================================== File | M_OPS.PAS Desc | Compiler options include file. This file is included in all units within MDL. This file should create some basic definitions relating to the target operating system as well as include compiler specific compiler options (if ported to work with multiple compilers). This is also where some program specific options will be found (such as the ability to compile in DEBUG or RELEASE mode, etc). Created | August 22, 2002 Notes | Sets up the following compiler directives: COMPILERS: $FPC : Set if compiler is Free Pascal OPERATING SYSTEMS: $UNIX : Set if target OS is unix style $LINUX : Set if target OS is linux $WINDOWS : Set if target OS is windows $DARWIN : Set if target OS is Mac OSX FILE SYSTEMS: $FS_SENSITIVE : Set if target file system is case sensitive $FS_IGNORE : Set if target file system is not case sensitive ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } {$DEFINE DEBUG} {.$DEFINE RELEASE} {$DEFINE LOGGING} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } {$WARNINGS ON} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$DEFINE UNIX} {$DEFINE FS_SENSITIVE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} {$DEFINE UNIX} {$DEFINE FS_SENSITIVE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN32} {$DEFINE WINDOWS} {$DEFINE FS_IGNORE} {$ENDIF} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------- } {$MODE DELPHI} {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX ON} {$PACKRECORDS 1} {$VARSTRINGCHECKS OFF} {$TYPEINFO OFF} {$LONGSTRINGS OFF} {$IOCHECKS OFF} {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {$FPUTYPE SSE2} {$IMPLICITEXCEPTIONS OFF} {$OBJECTCHECKS OFF} {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$DEBUGINFO ON} {$SMARTLINK OFF} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS ON} {$CHECKPOINTER ON} {$S+} {$ELSE} {$DEBUGINFO OFF} {$SMARTLINK ON} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} {$OVERFLOWCHECKS OFF} {$CHECKPOINTER OFF} {$OPTIMIZATION LEVEL3} {$S-} {$ENDIF} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } {$IFNDEF DEBUG} {$IFNDEF RELEASE} You must define either DEBUG or RELEASE mode above in order to compile this program. {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF FS_SENSITIVE} {$IFNDEF FS_IGNORE} You must define the file system type above in order to compile this program. {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}