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{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}Our Story{% endblock title %}
{% block body %}
<h2 class="uk-text-center uk-margin-remove-top" style="letter-spacing: .15rem">Our Story</h2>
<hr class="uk-margin-small-bottom" />
<div class="uk-overflow-hidden uk-margin-top-remove uk-margin-small-bottom">
<img class="uk-responsive-width" src="{{ bucket }}/assets/our-story-hero.jpg" />
<div class="uk-column-1-1@m uk-column-divider">
<hr class="uk-margin-small-bottom" />
<p>Eric and Katrina first met online in 2014. After texting back and forth for a week they finally met in
persion at a little coffee shop in Oakland on July 23, 2014. Eric was shy and Katrina was nervous, but somehow they found enough
to talk about to agree to a second date where they continued to bond over coffee, cigarettes, and zombie movies.</p>
<p>Ollie (Katrina's dog) loved Eric instantly, and Buddy and Mayu (Eric's cats) never murdered Katrina in her sleep, so they tolerated her.</p>
<h2 class="uk-heading-line uk-text-center uk-text-capitalize"><span>This was a good sign.</span></h2>
<p class="uk-column-span uk-text-lead uk-text-center"></p>
<p>In August 2016 they packed everything into a couple of crates and moved up north to Portland, Oregon. After six months of the both of them working from home,
they realized that they were still madly in love (despite seeing each other all day, every day.) So on February 6, 2017 Eric proposed to Katrina.</p>
<h2 class="uk-heading-line uk-text-center"><span><span uk-icon="icon: heart"></span></span></h2>
<p class="uk-column-span uk-text-lead uk-text-center uk-text-primary">
On May 12, 2017 they will both say "yes" and live happily ever after til death do they part.
<div class="uk-width-1-1">
<p class="uk-text-center">
<a href="{{ path('sikofitt_doughnutwedding_gallery_index') }}" class="uk-button uk-button-large uk-button-primary">Check out some photos!</a>
{% endblock %}