PROGRAM RGVERUDT; USES CRT, Common1; {$I RECORDS.PAS} CONST DYNY: BOOLEAN = FALSE; VAR GeneralFile: FILE OF GeneralRecordType; General: GeneralRecordType; VerStr: STRING; function sqoutsp(s:string):string; begin while (pos(' ',s)>0) do delete(s,pos(' ',s),1); sqoutsp:=s; end; FUNCTION SYN(B: BOOLEAN): STRING; BEGIN IF (B) THEN SYN := 'Yes' ELSE SYN := 'No '; END; FUNCTION YN: BOOLEAN; VAR C: CHAR; BEGIN Write(SQOutSp(SYN(DYNY))); REPEAT C := UpCase(Char(ReadKey)); UNTIL (C IN ['Y','N',^M]); IF (DYNY) AND (C <> 'N') THEN C := 'Y'; IF (DYNY) AND (C = 'N') THEN Write(#8#8#8'No ') ELSE IF (NOT DYNY) AND (C = 'Y') THEN Write(#8#8'Yes'); WriteLn; YN := (C = 'Y'); DYNY := FALSE; end; FUNCTION PYNQ(CONST S: AStr): BOOLEAN; BEGIN Write(S); PYNQ := YN; END; BEGIN ClrScr; WriteLn('Renegade Version Update Utility Version 1.0a'); WriteLn; Writeln('This utility will upgrade the Renegade Data Files.'); WriteLn; IF PYNQ('Do you wish to continue? ') THEN BEGIN { WriteLn; WriteLn('Example: 07-12.8/Alpha'); WriteLn; Write('Please enter the new version: '); Local_Input1(VerStr,20,TRUE);} VerStr := '1.19/Alpha'; {IF (VerStr = '') THEN WriteLn(^G^G^G'Aborted!') ELSE BEGIN WriteLn; WriteLn('You entered '+VerStr); WriteLn; IF PYNQ('Is this what you want? ') THEN} BEGIN WriteLn; Write('Updating "RENEGADE.DAT" file ... '); Assign(GeneralFile,'RENEGADE.DAT'); Reset(GeneralFile); Seek(GeneralFile,0); Read(GeneralFile,General); General.Version := VerStr; Seek(GeneralFile,0); Write(GeneralFile,General); Close(GeneralFile); WriteLn('Done'); WriteLn; WriteLn(^G^G^G'Update complete!'); END; END; END.