{$A+,B-,D-,E-,F+,I-,L-,N-,O+,R-,S+,V-} UNIT BBSList; INTERFACE PROCEDURE BBSList_Add; PROCEDURE BBSList_Delete; PROCEDURE BBSList_Edit; PROCEDURE BBSList_View; PROCEDURE BBSList_xView; IMPLEMENTATION USES Common, TimeFunc; FUNCTION BBSListMCI(CONST S: ASTR; Data1,Data2: Pointer): STRING; VAR BBSListPtr: ^BBSListRecordType; User: UserRecordType; TmpStr : String; BEGIN BBSListPtr := Data1; BBSListMCI := S; CASE S[1] OF 'X' : CASE S[2] OF 'A' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDA; 'B' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDB; 'C' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDC; 'D' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDD; 'E' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDE; 'F' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDF; END; 'A' : CASE S[2] OF 'C' : Begin If (Length(BBSListPtr^.PhoneNumber) > 0) Then Begin TmpStr := BBSListPtr^.PhoneNumber; Delete(TmpStr,4,Length(TmpStr)); BBSListMCI := TmpStr; End Else Begin BBSListMCI := 'N/A'; End; End; END; 'B' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.BBSName; 'P' : BBSListMCI := IntToStr(BBSListPtr^.Port); END; 'D' : CASE S[2] OF 'A' : BBSListMCI := Pd2Date(BBSListPtr^.DateAdded); 'E' : BBSListMCI := Pd2Date(BBSListPtr^.DateEdited); 'S' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Description; '2' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Description2 END; 'L' : CASE S[2] OF 'O' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Location; END; 'H' : CASE S[2] OF 'R' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Hours; END; 'M' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : BBSListMCI := IntToStr(BBSListPtr^.MaxNodes); END; 'O' : CASE S[2] OF 'S' : Begin If (Length(BBSListPtr^.OS) > 0) Then BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.OS Else BBSListMCI := 'Unknown'; End; END; 'P' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : Begin If (Length(BBSListPtr^.PhoneNumber) > 0) Then BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.PhoneNumber Else BBSListMCI := 'None'; End; END; 'R' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : BBSListMCI := IntToStr(BBSListPtr^.RecordNum); END; 'S' : CASE S[2] OF 'A' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDA; 'B' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDB; 'C' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDC; 'D' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDD; 'E' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDE; 'F' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SDF; 'G' : BBSListMCI := IntToStr(BBSListPtr^.SDG); 'H' : BBSListMCI := ShowYesNo(BBSListPtr^.SDH); 'I' : BBSListMCI := ShowYesNo(BBSListPtr^.SDI); 'N' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SysOpName; 'P' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Speed; 'T' : Begin IF (Length(BBSListPtr^.Birth) > 0) THEN BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Birth ELSE BBSListMCI := 'Unknown'; End; 'V' : Begin If (Length(BBSListPtr^.SoftwareVersion) > 0) Then Begin BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.SoftwareVersion; End Else Begin BBSListMCI := 'Unknown'; End; End; 'W' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.Software; END; 'T' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.TelnetUrl; END; 'U' : CASE S[2] OF 'N' : BEGIN LoadURec(User,BBSListPtr^.UserID); BBSListMCI := User.Name; END; END; 'W' : CASE S[2] OF 'S' : BBSListMCI := BBSListPtr^.WebSiteUrl; END; END; END; PROCEDURE BBSListScriptFile(VAR BBSList: BBSListRecordType); VAR BBSScriptText: TEXT; Question: STRING; WhichOne: String; TmpBirth: String[10]; BEGIN Assign(BBSScriptText,General.MiscPath+'BBSLIST.SCR'); Reset(BBSScriptText); WHILE NOT EOF(BBSScriptText) AND (NOT Abort) AND (NOT HangUp) DO BEGIN ReadLn(BBSScriptText,Question); IF (Question[1] = '[') THEN BEGIN WhichOne := AllCaps(Copy(Question, Pos('[',Question)+1, Pos(']',Question)-2)); Question := Copy(Question,(Pos(':',Question) + 1),Length(Question)); IF (WhichOne = 'BBSNAME') THEN BEGIN NL; PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.BBSName) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.BBSName,(SizeOf(BBSList.BBSName) - 1),[InterActiveEdit,ColorsAllowed]); Abort := (BBSList.BBSName = ''); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SYSOPNAME' THEN BEGIN PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SysOpName) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SysOpName,(SizeOf(BBSList.SysOpName) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); Abort := (BBSList.SysOpName = ''); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'TELNETURL' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.TelnetUrl) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.TelnetUrl,(SizeOf(BBSList.TelnetUrl) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); Abort := (BBSList.TelnetUrl = ''); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'WEBSITEURL' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.WebSiteUrl) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.WebSiteUrl,(SizeOf(BBSList.WebSiteUrl) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.WebSiteUrl = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'PHONENUMBER' THEN BEGIN PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.PhoneNumber) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.PhoneNumber,(SizeOf(BBSList.PhoneNumber) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.PhoneNumber = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SOFTWARE' THEN BEGIN PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Software) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Software,(SizeOf(BBSList.Software) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.Software = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SOFTWAREVERSION' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SoftwareVersion) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SoftwareVersion,(SizeOf(BBSList.SoftwareVersion) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'OS' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.OS) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.OS,(SizeOf(BBSList.OS) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SPEED' THEN BEGIN PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Speed) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Speed,(SizeOf(BBSList.Speed) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.Speed = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'HOURS' THEN BEGIN PRT(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Hours) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Hours,(SizeOf(BBSList.Hours) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.Speed = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'DESCRIPTION' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Description) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Description,(SizeOf(BBSList.Description) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.Description = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'DESCRIPTION2' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Description2) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Description2,(SizeOf(BBSList.Description2) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.Description2 = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'MAXNODES' THEN BEGIN MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.MaxNodes) - 1); IF (BBSList.MaxNodes = 0) THEN BBSList.MaxNodes := 5; InputLongIntWoc(Question,BBSList.MaxNodes,[NumbersOnly,InteractiveEdit],1,1000); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'PORT' THEN BEGIN IF (BBSList.Port = 0) THEN BBSList.Port := 23; MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Port) - 1); InputWordWoc(Question,BBSList.Port,[NumbersOnly,InterActiveEdit],1,65535); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'LOCATION' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.Location) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.Location,(SizeOf(BBSList.Location) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'BIRTH' THEN BEGIN TmpBirth := BBSList.Birth; IF (Length(TmpBirth) < 10) THEN TmpBirth := '12/31/1969'; MPL(10); InputFormatted(Question+' |08(|07'+TmpBirth+'|08) |15: ',BBSList.Birth,'##/##/####',TRUE); IF (Length(BBSList.Birth) <= 0) THEN BBSList.Birth := TmpBirth; END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDA' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDA) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDA,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDA) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.xA = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDB' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDB) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDB,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDB) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.xB = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDC' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDC) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDC,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDC) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); { Abort := (BBSList.xC = ''); } END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDD' THEN BEGIN Prt(Question+' '); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDD) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDD,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDD) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); { Abort := (BBSList.xD = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDE' THEN BEGIN Print(Question); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDE) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDE,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDE) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.xE = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDF' THEN BEGIN Print(Question); MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDF) - 1); InputMain(BBSList.SDF,(SizeOf(BBSList.SDF) - 1),[ColorsAllowed,InterActiveEdit]); {Abort := (BBSList.xF = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDG' THEN BEGIN MPL(SizeOf(BBSList.SDG) - 1); InputWordWoc(Question,BBSList.SDG,[NumbersOnly,InterActiveEdit],1,65535); {Abort := (BBSList.xE = '');} END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDH' THEN BEGIN BBSList.SDH := PYNQ(Question+' ',0,TRUE); END ELSE IF WhichOne = 'SDI' THEN BEGIN BBSList.SDI := PYNQ(Question+' ',6,FALSE); END; END; END; Close(BBSScriptText); LastError := IOResult; END; FUNCTION BBSList_Exists: Boolean; VAR BBSListFile: FILE OF BBSListRecordType; FSize: Longint; FExist: Boolean; BEGIN FSize := 0; FExist := Exist(General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); IF (FExist) THEN BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); FSize := FileSize(BBSListFile); Close(BBSListFile); END; IF (NOT FExist) OR (FSize = 0) THEN BEGIN NL; Print('There are currently no entries in the BBS List.'); SysOpLog('The BBSLIST.DAT file is missing.'); END; BBSList_Exists := (FExist) AND (FSize <> 0); END; PROCEDURE DisplayError(FName: ASTR; VAR FExists: Boolean); BEGIN NL; PrintACR('|12ú |09The '+FName+'.* File is missing.'); PrintACR('|12ú |09Please, inform the Sysop!'); SysOpLog('The '+FName+'.* file is missing.'); FExists := FALSE; END; FUNCTION BBSListScript_Exists: Boolean; VAR FExists: Boolean; BEGIN FExists := Exist(General.MiscPath+'BBSLIST.SCR'); IF (NOT FExists) THEN DisplayError('BBSLIST.SCR',FExists); BBSListScript_Exists := FExists; END; FUNCTION BBSListAddScreens_Exists: Boolean; VAR FExistsH, FExistsN, FExistsT: Boolean; BEGIN FExistsH := TRUE; FExistsN := TRUE; FExistsT := TRUE; IF (NOT ReadBuffer('BBSNH')) THEN DisplayError('BBSNH',FExistsH); IF (NOT ReadBuffer('BBSMN')) THEN DisplayError('BBSMN',FExistsN); IF (NOT ReadBuffer('BBSNT')) THEN DisplayError('BBSNT',FExistsT); BBSListAddScreens_Exists := (FExistsH) AND (FExistsN) AND (FExistsT); END; FUNCTION BBSListEditScreens_Exists: Boolean; VAR FExistsT, FExistsM: Boolean; BEGIN FExistsT := TRUE; FExistsM := TRUE; IF (NOT ReadBuffer('BBSLET')) THEN DisplayError('BBSLET',FExistsT); IF (NOT ReadBuffer('BBSLEM')) THEN DisplayError('BBSLEM',FExistsM); BBSListEditScreens_Exists := (FExistsT) AND (FExistsM); END; PROCEDURE BBSList_Renumber; VAR BBSListFile: FILE OF BBSListRecordType; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; OnRec: Longint; BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); Abort := FALSE; OnRec := 1; WHILE (OnRec <= FileSize(BBSListFile)) DO BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(OnRec - 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); BBSList.RecordNum := OnRec; Seek(BBSListFile,(OnRec - 1)); Write(BBSListFile,BBSList); Inc(OnRec); END; Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_Sort; VAR BBSListFile: FILE OF BBSListRecordType; BBSList1, BBSList2: BBSListRecordType; S, I, J, pl, Gap: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (BBSList_Exists) THEN BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); pl := FileSize(BBSListFile); Gap := pl; REPEAT; Gap := (Gap DIV 2); IF (Gap = 0) THEN Gap := 1; s := 0; FOR I := 1 TO (pl - Gap) DO BEGIN J := (I + Gap); Seek(BBSListFile,(i - 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList1); Seek(BBSListFile,(j - 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList2); IF (BBSList1.BBSName > BBSList2.BBSName) THEN BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(i - 1)); Write(BBSListFile,BBSList2); Seek(BBSListFile,(j - 1)); Write(BBSListFile,BBSList1); Inc(s); END; END; UNTIL (s = 0) AND (Gap = 1); Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; IF (PL > 0) THEN BEGIN NL; Print('Sorted '+IntToStr(pl)+' BBS List entries.'); SysOpLog('Sorted the BBS Listing'); END; END; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_Add; VAR Data2: Pointer; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; BEGIN IF (BBSListScript_Exists) AND (BBSListAddScreens_Exists) THEN BEGIN NL; IF PYNQ(' Add an entry to the BBS list? ',0,FALSE) THEN BEGIN FillChar(BBSList,SizeOf(BBSList),0); BBSListScriptFile(BBSList); IF (NOT Abort) THEN BEGIN PrintF('BBSNH'); ReadBuffer('BBSMN'); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); PrintF('BBSNT'); NL; IF (PYNQ(' Save '+BBSList.BBSName+'? ',0,TRUE)) THEN BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); IF (Exist(General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT')) THEN Reset(BBSListFile) ELSE Rewrite(BBSListFile); Seek(BBSListFile,FileSize(BBSListFile)); BBSList.UserID := UserNum; BBSList.DateAdded := GetPackDateTime; BBSList.DateEdited := BBSList.DateAdded; BBSList.RecordNum := (FileSize(BBSListFile) + 1); Write(BBSListFile,BBSList); Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; BBSList_Sort; BBSList_Renumber; SysOpLog('Added BBS Listing: '+BBSList.BBSName+'.'); END; END; END; END; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_Delete; VAR Data2: Pointer; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; OnRec, RecNum: Longint; Found: Boolean; BEGIN IF (BBSList_Exists) AND (BBSListEditScreens_Exists) THEN BEGIN AllowContinue := FALSE; Found := FALSE; Abort := FALSE; Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); OnRec := 1; WHILE (OnRec <= FileSize(BBSListFile)) AND (NOT Abort) AND (NOT HangUp) DO BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(OnRec - 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); IF (BBSList.UserID = UserNum) OR (CoSysOp) THEN BEGIN PrintF('BBSLDT'); ReadBuffer('BBSLEM'); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); NL; IF (PYNQ(' Delete '+BBSLIST.BBSName+'? ',0,FALSE)) THEN BEGIN SysOpLog('Deleted BBS Listing: '+BBSList.BBSName+'.'); IF ((OnRec - 1) <= (FileSize(BBSListFile) - 2)) THEN FOR RecNum := (OnRec - 1) TO (FileSize(BBSListFile) - 2) DO BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(RecNum + 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); Seek(BBSListFile,RecNum); Write(BBSListFile,BBSList); END; Seek(BBSListFile,(FileSize(BBSListFile) - 1)); Truncate(BBSListFile); Dec(OnRec); END; Found := TRUE; END; Inc(OnRec); END; Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; BBSList_ReNumber; IF (NOT Found) THEN BEGIN NL; Print(' You may only delete BBS Listing''s that you have entered.'); SysOpLog('Tried to delete a BBS Listing.'); END; END; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_Edit; VAR Data2: Pointer; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; OnRec: Longint; Found: Boolean; Edit : LongInt; BEGIN IF (BBSList_Exists) AND (BBSListEditScreens_Exists) AND (BBSListAddScreens_Exists) THEN BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); AllowContinue := FALSE; Found := FALSE; Abort := FALSE; OnRec := 1; WHILE (NOT Abort) AND (NOT HangUp) DO BEGIN PrintF('BBSLEDT'); ReadBuffer('BBSLEM'); While OnRec <= FileSize(BBSListFile) Do Begin Seek(BBSListFile, OnRec -1); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); Inc(OnRec); End; NL; MPL(FileSize(BBSListFile)); InputLongIntWOC(' Edit which BBS? :',Edit,[],1,FileSize(BBSListFile)); Abort := (Edit <> 0 ); IF (Edit <= FileSize(BBSListFile)) AND (Edit > 0) THEN BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(Edit -1)) END ELSE BEGIN Close(BBSListFile); Exit; END; Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); IF (BBSList.UserID = UserNum) OR (CoSysOp) OR (BBSList.SysopName = ThisUser.Name) THEN BEGIN PrintF('BBSLEH'); ReadBuffer('BBSLEM'); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); NL; IF (PYNQ(' Would you like to edit this BBS Listing? ',0,TRUE)) THEN BEGIN BBSListScriptFile(BBSList); IF (NOT Abort) THEN BEGIN PrintF('BBSNH'); ReadBuffer('BBSMN'); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); PrintF('BBSNT'); NL; IF (PYNQ(' Would you like to save this BBS Listing? ',0,TRUE)) THEN BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(Edit -1)); BBSList.DateEdited := GetPackDateTime; Write(BBSListFile,BBSList); SysOpLog('Edited BBS Listing: '+BBSList.BBSName+'.'); END; END; END; Found := TRUE; END; {Inc(OnRec);} Exit; END; Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; IF (NOT Found) THEN BEGIN NL; Print(' You may only edit BBS Listing''s that you have entered.'); SysOpLog('Tried to edit a BBS Listing.'); END; END ELSE BEGIN NL; Print('There was an error displaying an ASCII file. Let the sysop know so they can investigate.'); SysOpLog('Some ASCII Files are missing for editing the bbslist. Investigate ...') END; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_View; VAR Data2: Pointer; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; OnRec: Longint; Cnt : Byte; BEGIN IF (BBSList_Exists) AND (BBSListAddScreens_Exists) THEN BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); ReadBuffer('BBSMN'); AllowContinue := TRUE; Abort := FALSE; PrintF('BBSNH'); OnRec := 1; Cnt := 1; WHILE (OnRec <= FileSize(BBSListFile)) AND (NOT Abort) AND (NOT HangUp) DO BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(OnRec - 1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); Inc(OnRec); Inc(Cnt); If Cnt = (23 - 4) Then Begin PauseScr(True); Cnt := 1; End Else Begin Cnt := Cnt; End; END; Close(BBSListFile); LastError := IOResult; IF (NOT Abort) THEN PrintF('BBSNT'); AllowContinue := FALSE; SysOpLog('Viewed the BBS Listing.'); END; END; PROCEDURE BBSList_xView; (* Do we need xview *) {Yes -sk} VAR Data2: Pointer; BBSList: BBSListRecordType; OnRec: Longint; Edit : Longint; BEGIN IF (BBSList_Exists) THEN (* Add BBSME & BBSEH exist checking here *) BEGIN Assign(BBSListFile,General.DataPath+'BBSLIST.DAT'); Reset(BBSListFile); PrintF('BBSLEH'); ReadBuffer('BBSLEM'); OnRec := 1; While OnRec <= FileSize(BBSListFile) Do Begin Seek(BBSListFile, OnRec -1); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); Inc(OnRec); End; PrintF('BBSLET'); NL; MPL(FileSize(BBSListFile)); InputLongIntWOC(' View which BBS? ',Edit,[],1,FileSize(BBSListFile)); Abort := (Edit <> 0 ); IF (Edit <= FileSize(BBSListFile)) AND (Edit > 0) THEN BEGIN Seek(BBSListFile,(Edit -1)); Read(BBSListFile,BBSList); Close(BBSListFile); END ELSE BEGIN Close(BBSListFile); Exit; END; IF (ReadBuffer('BBSME')) THEN BEGIN AllowContinue := TRUE; Abort := FALSE; PrintF('BBSEH'); WHILE (NOT Abort) AND (NOT HangUp) DO BEGIN DisplayBuffer(BBSListMCI,@BBSList,Data2); PrintF('BBSET'); AllowContinue := FALSE; {PauseScr(FALSE);} SysOpLog('Viewed Extended BBS Listing of '+BBSList.BBSName+'.'); Exit; END; END; {Close(BBSListFile);} LastError := IOResult; END; END; END.