@echo off :: This is the default LOGON.BAT file. It is executed right after a :: user reads Email. If you have utilities that run each time someone :: logs on, put them in here. The parameters passed are: :: %1 - Node number :: %2 - User Number :: %3 - Actual baud rate :: %4 - Dropfile path (DOOR.SYS is dropped) :: %5 - Username :: :: :: Note: For %5 to be the username, dropfile path for node must not :: be "", which is what Renegade tries to default to at this time. :: This is not hard to fix. Also, username is passed just as Renegade :: stores it, in all uppercase. This means %5 is likely NOT the full :: username. 4DOS allows you to get the whole thing as %5&, those :: without 4DOS will have to find other batch tricks.