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2013-02-05 07:02:07 -08:00
Procedure overview
| Name | Parameters | Explanation |
| Com_OpenQuick | | Open the comport without init. |
| | Handle | Use these two handles for quickinit |
| Com_Open | | Opens the connection and set params |
| | Comport | Comport to open (COM1 = 1) |
| | BaudRate | |
| | DataBits, | |
| | Parity | |
| | StopBits | |
| Com_Openkeep | | Open the comport without setting params|
| | Comport | |
| Com_GetModemStatus | | Get the line/modem parameters |
| | LineStatus | |
| | ModemStatus | |
| Com_SetLine | | Set the comm. parameters |
| | BPSrate | |
| | Parity | |
| | DataBits | |
| | StopBits | |
| Com_GetBPSrate | | Returns the current line-speed |
| | | |
| Com_GetBufferStatus | | Get the current buffer statusses |
| | InFree | Bytes free in input buffer |
| | OutFree | Bytes free in output buffer |
| | InUsed | Bytes currently used in input buffer |
| | OutUsed | Bytes currently used in output buffer |
| Com_SetDTR | | Set DTR setting |
| | State |
| Com_CharAvail | | Returns TRUE if there's a char avail. |
| | | |
| Com_Carrier | | Returns TRUE if the DTR signal is high |
| | | |
| Com_ReadyToSend | | Room enough for this block? |
| | Blocklen | Number of bytes we want to send |
| Com_GetChar | | Get one character from the input buffer|
| | | |
| Com_SendChar | | Send one character to the remote |
| | | |
| Com_GetDriverInfo | | Returns the driver info (FOSSIL only) |
| | | |
| Com_GetHandle | | Get the current used handle |
| | | |
| Com_InitSucceeded | | Returns TRUE if the initialization |
| | | succeeded |
| Com_Close | | Closes the comport and stop the |
| | | threads |
| Com_SendBlock | | Sends a block to the remote. |
| | Block | Warning: Make sure that the block you |
| | BlockLen | send isn't larger than the |
| | Written | available buffer size, else |
| | | this routine will block |
| | | indefinitaly |
| Com_SendWait | | Sends a block to the remote, this |
| | Block | routine will wait till all the size is |
| | BlockLen | sent under FOSSIL, else it's the same |
| | Written | as Com_SendBlock. |
| | Slice | Slice is called when waiting for all to|
| | | get out. |
| Com_ReadBlock | | Gets a block from the remote |
| | Block | Block to read into |
| | BlockLen | Amount of bytes we want (will block!) |
| | Reads | Amount of bytes we actually gotten |
| Com_PurgeOutBuffer | | Kill all the pending output |
| | | |
| Com_PurgeInBuffer | | Kill all the pending input |
| | | |
| Com_PauseCom | | Pause the communications. Stop threads |
| | CloseCom |
| Com_ResumeCom | | Resums communications. Start threads |
| | CloseCom | |
| Com_FlushOutBuffer | | Wait till all pending output is done |
| | SliceProc | Procedure is called while waiting.. |
| Com_SendString | | Send this string to the remote |
| | Temp | String to send |
| Com_SetDataProc | | Set read/write thread handlers |
| | ReadPtr | Pointer to read thread procedure |
| | WritePtr | Pointer to write thread procedure |
+----------------------------------------------------(c)2000 by Maarten Bekers-+